This Week, We Celebrate the Birthdays of the Following Parishioners: May 29 Laura Rode, Avery Slack May 30 Everette Haire, Mary Hulse, Benjamin Johnson, Palmer Maggart, Keri Stricker, Summer Wolf May 31 Enid Barness, Lelia Clewis June 1 Suzanne Alvarez, Stephanie Applebaum, Jessica Arizu, Caroline Brown, Georgette Brown, Alexis Hutchinson, Richard Mockler, Ursula Smith June 2Bette Crowder, Nancy Robbins-Lackey, Stephanie Simon June 3 James Murray, Jr., Barbara Romano, Emersyn Silcox, Jean Smith, Janice Williams June 4 Emily DePury, Bonnie Edgar, Avery Pento, Kristopher Pento, Daniel Stillie, Bryce Whittlesey
Parish Game Night!
Join us on Wednesday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. in Rudisill Parish Hall for dinner and games at our first Parish Game Night! All ages are welcome, from adults to children. We may even have a bridge corner or gin rummy going!
Please bring a game to share and a side dish to share. A G-rated movie will be available as well for our little ones.
RSVP to, we must have your response so we can get a head-count for dinner. We hope you will come for summer fun!
Alpha House In-Gathering Success!
A very special thanks to all St. John's parishioners for making our Mother's Day In-Gathering such a huge success. Over 4,000 diapers, 4,929 wet wipes, and several hundred pounds of baby goods, clothing, housewares, food and toiletries were delivered to Alpha House of Tampa. That is 1,000 more diapers than last year! The increase in diapers was in no small part due to a young girl in our parish who requested diaper donations rather than gifts for her birthday this year! What a sweet gesture, and a great example for all of us, even the adults!
Donations of all items increased this year, and gifts included more than $500 in checks, gift cards, and coupons. Alpha House was truly overwhelmed by the generosity of St. John's. There is no doubt that many urgent needs of the children and mothers at Alpha House have been satisfied for several months to come! Many thanks to all!!
Ruth Giordano
A Gift for Mother Stefanie Taylor
As you know, Mother Stefanie Taylor is leaving St. John's to take the  position of chaplain at St.Martin's School in Atlanta. The parish is taking up a collection for her, to provide her with a purse to express our good wishes and appreciation for her time here. We hope you will consider a contribution to this fund. Please click here for Fr. Remer's letter regarding this gift.
J2A Meeting this Sunday
All parents and youth in rising 4th through 12th grades who are interested in participating in the J2A program at St. John's in the coming year, please meet Leland Baldwin at Discovery House following the 9:00 a.m. service this Sunday, June 2. J2A (The Journey to Adulthood) is a complete youth ministry program of spiritual formation for 6th through 12th grades. It encourages relational ministry and uses Bible study, prayer, rites of passage, outreach ministries and both serious and playful activities to underscore the two guiding principles of the program: 1) Manhood and womanhood are free gifts from God; and 2) Adulthood must be earned.
Questions? Contact Leland at
The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (CWBS)
CWBS is doing a three-week mini-series on Psalms, which started on May 21 and will continue through June 4. Summer Session begins on June 11 and will use Elaine Pagels' Revelations: Vision, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation as a study guide to the Book of Revelation.
All women of St. John's are invited to attend, with a special invitation to teachers who are unable to attend during the regular school year. Contact Kathleen Moore at 221-6253 or for more information.
Outreach Committee & Friends of Uganda
May Meeting Rescheduled to Tonight
May 29, 5:30 p.m., Lowry Room
The next Outreach Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29th at 5:30 p.m. in the Lowry Room because of the Memorial Day holiday. On the agenda will be a discussion of activities for the upcoming year, including the Friends of Uganda Committee (which is meeting with Outreach) and budgetary plans for 2013. Meetings are generally scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month during the school year from August to May so this will be the last meeting until August.
If you have any items to be discussed and cannot attend, or for more information, contact Sally Thompson, 254-3009 or
Hearing Devices Sought
St. John's has a few hearing aids that we provide to parishioners who need them. However, where we previously had six, we now only have 2. If you know where any of the missing devices may be, please contact, or call the parish offices at 259.1570.
Sandwich Sunday Hosts Needed
Now that Faith Café has opened in their new space, we are able to deliver bagged meals to them again for the deserving people who come there for lunch.
We are in need of a family or families to sponsor this important outreach on December 15. If you can help, contact Amanda Sansone at or 220.5573, she will be the temporary coordinator.
Flowers Available
The flowers at the chapel altar are available on June 23. If you are interested in honoring a loved one and supporting St. John's on this date, please contact the parish offices at, or by calling 259.1570.
2013 Every Member Canvass
If you would like your information to be included in next week's Scroll, please email all content by Monday at 9:00 a.m. to Lee Lowry at
 | Wednesday, May 29
5:30 p.m. |
Outreach Committee and Friends of Uganda Meeting
(Lowry Room)
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Nights at St. John's
Bring your study Bible, a covered dish, and an open heart and mind for fellowship and stimulating conversation. Contact Paul and Winkie Game at for more details.
 | Thursday, May 30
10:00 a.m. | The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Healing (Chapel)
12:15 p.m. | Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Friday, May 31
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Sunday, June 2
7:45 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
9:00 a.m.
Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Church)Children's Chapel (Various)
10:15 a.m.
Coffee Hour Fellowship (Rudisill Parish Hall) J2A Meeting (Discovery House)
11:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
 | Monday, June 3
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Tuesday, June 4
6:45 a.m.
The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (Peterson Room)
The group continues this week with their mini-series on the Psalms. All women, St. John's parishioners and their friends, are welcome. Contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or for more information.
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
 | Wednesday, June 5
Parish Game Night!
Join us on Wednesday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. in Rudisill Parish Hall for dinner and games at our first Parish Game Night! All ages are welcome, from adults to children. We may even have a bridge corner or gin rummy going!
Please bring a game to share and a side dish to share. A G-rated movie will be available as well for our little ones. RSVP to, we must have your response so we can get a head-count for dinner. We hope you will come for summer fun!
 | Sunday, June 16
Mother Taylor's Last Sunday in St. John's, Reception follows the 9:00 a.m. service
Sandwich Sunday, hosted by the Nelson family
 | Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5
Parish Offices Closed for Independence Day Holiday
 | Monday, July 22 through Thursday, July 25