This Week, We Celebrate the Birthdays of the Following Parishioners:
February 20
Jerry Clark, Markus Dangl, Mallory Giordano, Harrison Hodges, Jeannie Kenyon, Bettye Spoto
February 21
Sue Cox, Charlotte Graham, Andrew Hunt, Paulette Lane, Kent Malizia, Downs Spitler, Robert Yelverton
February 22
Christina Arcuri, Dennis Bush, George Cave, Paul Lutz, William Sharp, Luka Vaughn
February 23
Conal Foley, Ruth Giordano, Karen Lassey, Margaret Smith, Ulm Constance
February 24
Isabella Blewitt, Jeffrey Blume, Mark Mellon, Pamela Price,
February 25
Gina Shelton
February 26
Sarah Benson, Joan Caraway, Charles Davidson, Mary Margaret Dolcimascolo, Thomas Giddens, Jack Guyton, John Overton, Aleta Prebianca, Dillon Spiker
SJE Facilities Update
As we have reported over the past few weeks, as part of St. John's School's commitment to providing an excellent education, we have been engaged in plans to renovate and expand the Orleans campus. We hope to create new modernized classrooms, an enclosed gymnasium/auditorium, and additional space dedicated to the church's mission.
In the last few months, our Facilities team has met with the city a number of times, as they have with ARC (Architectural Review Committee). Most importantly, the School Board's Facilities Committee Chair, Ken Morin, has been in constant communication with HPPI's (Hyde Park Preservation, Inc.) attorney, corresponding with him through email, phone calls, and in-person meetings. HPPI is in possession of our entire set of proposed plans and elevations. Our plans for the school and church are a matter of public record.
This project is a joint effort of the church and school, from planning to execution. The members of the Board of Trustees of the school get regular reports from the Facilities Committee Chair, and the Chair is also in frequent communication with the church vestry's Senior Warden, the Rector, and the Headmaster.
We enjoy being a true South Tampa institution, and being a long-time, integral part of our neighborhood. Our intentions as we proceed with this possible renovation of our Orleans facility are to continue that positive relationship far into the future. Though this process is complex, we are committed to conducting it with the integrity our neighbors and our church and school families can expect from a school like ours.
If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Ken Morin at
Transitions St John's 2013 Lenten Series Begins Tonight
We all go through transitions each and every day. Our parish is in the midst of a time of transition, particularly with the loss of Father Hehr and the gain of Father Zimmerman. Let us come together this Lenten season to reflect together on Biblical transitions and our OWN transitions as we break bread together and strengthen our community. Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Program - 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Rudisill Parish Hall
Each session will begin with a session with professional yoga instructor Megan Weathers, and will conclude with our own Sharon Stoll playing the harp for the purpose of healing meditation. A hearty soup, bread, and dessert will be provided by the church and prepared by Chef Dave Kenyon. Please bring a side dish to share. Week 1, February 20 - PreparationHow prepared are you? What is keeping you from moving forward? What are your obstacles? Week 2, February 27 - Crucifixion: LossWhere is God during our time of loss? How do we get through it? What do we learn from it? Week 3, March 6 - Resurrection: OpportunityAre we available? Do we listen? Week 4, March 13 - Ascension: HopeDo you have hope? Do you have love? Do you see the glory? Week 5, March 20 - What Easter Really MeansGuest speaker, the Right Reverend Barry Howe, retired bishop
Contemporary Women's Bible Study Retreat
Friday, April 19, through Sunday, April 21, 2013

St. John's 2013 CWBS Retreat will be held at DaySpring Conference Center from Friday evening, April 19, through lunch Sunday, April 21. The topic is "Mothers of the Church." This year the price includes the book of the same title, lodging, meals, incidentals, and extra for clergy scholarship.
For both nights in a double room, cost is $212 which includes the above items. A $25 deposit by the end of March will reserve your place. Checks should be made payable to St. John's Episcopal Church and marked "for retreat". Of course, if you want to pay the entire amount in one check, that is certainly permissible. If you can join us, send your deposit (or the entire amount) by the end of March to Sharon Stoll, 1027 S. Frankland Rd., Tampa FL 33629. If you need pricing for a private room or can come but can't stay the entire time, contact Sharon Stoll at or 813.258.8725.
2013 Every Member Canvass
The end of the calendar year marks the Every Member Canvass campaign for St. John's Church. Please prayerfully consider what you can contribute this year for the glory of God and the support of St. John's. Please click here to read Fr. Doug Remer's letter regarding the canvass, and access our online pledge form here. You can also download a pledge worksheet by clicking here, or by visiting our website at
If you would like your information to be included in next week's Scroll, please email all content by Monday at 9:00 a.m. to Lee Lowry at
 | Wednesday, February 20
12:15 p.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
6:00 p.m.
Transitions: St John's 2013 Lenten Series (Rudisill Parish Hall)
We all go through transitions each and every day. Our parish is in the midst of a time of transition, particularly with the loss of Father Hehr and the gain of Father Zimmerman. Let us come together this Lenten season to reflect together on Biblical transitions and our OWN transitions as we break bread together and strengthen our community.
Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Program - 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Each session will begin with a session with yoga instructor Megan Weathers, and will conclude with our own Sharon Stoll playing the harp for the purpose of healing meditation.
A hearty soup, bread, and dessert will be provided by the church and prepared by Chef Dave Kenyon. Please bring a side dish to share.
Week 1 - Preparation
How prepared are you?
What is keeping you from moving forward?
What are your obstacles?
 | Thursday, February 21
10:00 a.m. | The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Healing (Church)
11:45 a.m. |
St. John's Men's Bible Study and Lunch
(Peterson Room) The February 21st session about forgiveness will be based on James 5:16: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Sandwiches will be provided for $5 per person. Please e-mail or phone Marie at 831.4696 if you plan to attend, and let us know if would like to participate in lunch. Parking is in the lot across Plant St. under the Selmon Expressway.
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Friday, February 22
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Sunday, February 24
7:45 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
9:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Church) Sunday School for Children (Various)
10:15 a.m. |
Adult Christian Formation, Coffee Hour Fellowship, Activities for Children (Various)
Confirmation Classes for Youth and Adults
11:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
 | Monday, February 25
9:30 a.m.
Pastoral Care Meeting (Lowry Room)
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
5:30 p.m.
| Outreach Committee and Friends of Uganda (Lowry Room)
The next Outreach Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 25, at 5:30 p.m. in the Lowry Room. The group will have a special presentation by the Executive Director of the Haiti Nursing Foundation about their nursing school, which is part of the Episcopal University of Haiti.
Also on the agenda will be a discussion of activities for the upcoming year, including the Friends of Uganda Committee (which is meeting with Outreach) and budgetary plans for 2013. Meetings are generally scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month during the school year from August to May. Future meetings are scheduled for March 25, April 22, and May 27.
If you have any items to be discussed and cannot attend, or for more information, contact Sally Thompson, 254-3009 or
 | Tuesday, February 26
6:45 a.m.
| The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (Peterson Room)
Women of St. John's and their friends of all denominations are invited to join this dynamic group for prayer, lively discussion, faith and fellowship. After a light breakfast, scripture and selected topics of interest are explored in new and creative ways. Contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or for more information. |
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
6:00 p.m.
The Entrepreneurs' Group, which meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, is looking for one or two new members. If you are currently an entrepreneur and are interested in joining, please contact Walt Hardenstine at
 | Sunday, March 3
Fr. Doug Zimmerman's First Sunday at St. John's
Fr. Doug Zimmerman, St. John's new Associate Rector for Pastoral Ministries, joins St. John's today. He will preach at all three services (7:45 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:15 a.m.)
Mission Possible!
What? Our very own annual church/school talent show.
When? March 3, 2013 from 3:00 p.m. until ?
Where? St John's Middle Division Gym
Why? Helping our missions, specifically our sister school in Uganda, and our Dominican Republic project.
Who? All children in 3rd through 12th grades are invited and encouraged to participate.
If you would like to volunteer, please email
 | Tuesday, March 5
Women's Mid Morning Bible Study
The group invites all interested women to join them on Tuesday, March 5, at 10:15 a.m. in the Lowry Room. The Rev. Tom Thoeni, Rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Plant City, will facilitate a study of the parables of "The Lost Sheep, and the Lost Coin" and "The Prodigal Son" (Luke 15).
The group will continue their focus on Jesus' parables as they gather through the end of April. Each session stands alone, but also lends meaning to the others, so they encourage you to come however frequently your schedule allows. For more information, contact Sally Wiley at or 813.253.3906 or Joan McKay at
 | Saturday, April 13
Celebratio 2013
St. John's School Parents' Club cordially invites you to save the date for the biggest annual fundraiser of the school year, Celebratio! This year's theme is Havana Nights, and the festive event will be held at Tampa Yacht and Country Club. Food, drinks, a live band, and amazing live and silent auctions will highlight the evening, as we raise money for St. John's School so that our School can continue to provide a superior education within a nurturing Christian environment to nearly 600 students in grades K(4) through 8.
Individual tickets are $100, and sponsorship levels are available for those who would like to support the School even more generously and promote their business or cause. Click here for more information about sponsorships. Please contact Celebratio Manager Kylie Italiano with any questions. Thank you for your support!