Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA
(319) 234-3309
Monday - Saturday:
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044 Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187 Hours: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
The Real Deal
Click here for the December coupon:
Buy one package Iowa's First fish, get one 50% off!
Iowa's First is a family-run aquaculture operation located in Webster City, Iowa. The Nelson family raises an Australian sea bass called Barramundi. Click here to learn more about their product.
Cowbell Special
Show your Waterloo Black Hawks hockey cowbell with the Hansen's logo at Moo Roo or Hansen's Dairy Outlet and ring up special savings each month!
December special 20% off curds (supersedes membership discount)
 Congrats to this month's $5 winners in our CA$H COW contest: Bill Hunt of Waterloo and Linsay Hall of Cedar Falls. Every month we mark several of our milk jugs with either $5 or $100 under the label for our CA$H COW contest. It's hard to get the label off cleanly, so the easiest way to check your jug is just finish the milk and look inside at the label. There will either be a "5" or a "100" if you're a winner!
It's possible to find winning jugs of all kinds of milk we sell (skim, 1%, whole and chocolate). In December, we will mark 9 jugs with $100. Your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days! The contest starts over in January with one $100 jug, so be on the lookout this month. Wouldn't $100 be nice for your holiday shopping? There are also 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Customer of the Month
| Our December Customer of the Month is Amy Jardon of Cedar Falls.
Favorite Hansen's product:
"Milk - I drink it and put it in smoothies."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "The milk reminds me of getting fresh milk on the farm. The taste is pure and delicious. I shop at Hansen's to buy directly from the farmers and to get products with the least additives."
Thanks, Amy!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate for our products, a certificate for one free hands-on tour of the farm, and a vehicle decal. Submit your entry at either of our retail stores!
Ag in the Classroom Teacher Supplement grants
The Iowa Agricultural Literacy Foundation in partnership with the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation is offering grants up to $200 to support the integration of agriculture into regular classroom instruction and after school programs. These grants are designed to initiate new projects or expand existing projects that promote agricultural literacy, and can be used to fund innovative lessons, activities, classroom resources, guest speakers, outreach programs, fieldtrips, and other projects.
Grant Deadline: January 9, 2015
For More Info: Click Here
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Hansen's
Enjoy a wonderful holiday season from our family to yours! Thanks to all of our customers and employees for all the support you have shown us throughout the year. HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Moo Roo and Hansen's Outlet will close at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 24, for Christmas Eve. The stores will be open normal hours on New Year's Eve.
Both stores will be closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day. The stores will also close at 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 2, for the Hansens' employee holiday party.
PHOTO OF THE MONTH COZY FOR WINTER - The three kangaroos and one wallaby have a nice warm barn for the winter with cornstalk bedding and heat lamps. But they will come out and play in the snow once in a while!
Moo Roo's 'Festival of Cheese'
Join us for a holiday cheese sampling event at Moo Roo from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13. All of our Wisconsin cheeses will be available for tasting, and any cheese purchase will be 20% off during that time. Sign up to win a holiday cheese basket ($50 value). Try out a free soft-serve ice cream cone and enjoy free hot chocolate and coffee. We will also have a craft for the kids. Come in and check out Moo Roo's new decor and enjoy a fun family event!
Hansen's HamsOnce again we have Hansen's Hams for the upcoming holidays. If you purchased a ham from us last year, expect a call from us to see if you'd like another one this year. DEADLINE TO ORDER IS DEC. 14.Hansen's Hams are processed at Webster City Custom Meats in Webster City, Iowa. They are bone-in, shankless, cured only with their own natural juices, certified hickory-smoked hams made especially for Hansen's customers. There are two sizes: half hams (7-9 pounds, serve 10) and whole hams (15-18 pounds, serve 20). The half hams are $4.75 per pound and the whole hams are $4.25 per pound.
If you're not already on our call list for hams, please call one of the stores (the one at which you shop the most) and ask about ordering a ham. NOTE: If you order a ham from the Cedar Falls Outlet, you will pick it up from the Outlet. Customers who order from the Waterloo Moo Roo will pick up at Moo Roo. We are able to ship hams for you if needed. Shipping and packaging charges will apply, but we are happy to help you. Hansen's Hams have traveled all the way to Alaska!
Christmas turkeys  We have a few Bell and Evans frozen heirloom turkeys left for Christmas. These turkeys will be sold first come, first served. No orders will be placed. The turkeys are raised on a farm in Pennsylvania. The turkeys are fed an all-vegetarian diet, never given antibiotics, and their meat is considered "light" by USDA standards. These turkeys are sold FROZEN at $3.99 per pound.
Cow of the Month  The December Cow of the Month is Dot. She is 3 years old and has had two calves. Dot is so named because of her forehead marking. She is very friendly toward humans but can be competitive toward her cow friends. She is one of the cows head-butting another cow in this video we posted on Facebook earlier this month. Dot has the look and style that gives her the potential to live for a long time. She makes milking 130 pounds a day look so easy!
Cooking with Hansen's
Savory Cheese Ball
Recipe by Jeanne Hansen
Ingredients: 2 lbs. Velveeta (cubed) 1 - 8 oz. American Heritage Cream Cheese*
1 lb. Cedar Grove Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded* 1 lb. Hansen's butter* 2 - 8 oz. jars Shullsburg processed cheddar cheese with bacon 1 - 5 oz jar Kraft Pimento Cheese 1 - 5 oz jar Kraft Pineapple Cheese
*available at Moo Roo and Hansen's Outlet
With everything at room temperature, mix with your electric mixer. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour or overnight. Form into balls, about 8 ounces each. May be rolled in dried parsley, bacon bits, nuts, etc. Makes about 10 balls. You can add additional flavors to suit your tastes. Try garlic or onion if your family enjoys those flavors. Tie up with ribbon to make a great gift from your kitchen!