Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA
(319) 234-3309
Monday - Saturday:
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044 Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187 Hours: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
The Real Deal
 This month's $5 winners were Kris Kayser of Independence and Dean Hansen of LaPorte City. Every month we mark several of our milk jugs with either $5 or $100 under the label for our CA$H COW contest. It's hard to get the label off cleanly, so the easiest way to check your jug is just finish the milk and look inside at the label. There will either be a "5" or a "100" if you're a winner!
It's possible to find winning jugs of all kinds of milk we sell (skim, 1%, whole and chocolate). On Nov. 1, we will mark 8 jugs with $100. Your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days! There are also 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Northeast Iowa Food Bank donation
September was Hunger Action Month. The purpose was to raise awareness about hunger in our communities and encourage people to take action to end hunger locally. Since orange is the official color of Hunger Action Month, we decided to donate a portion of the September sales of our Orange Blast ice cream treats to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. Proceeds from both soft-serve cones at the Outlet and hard-dip treats made at Moo Roo contributed to the donation. Thanks to our patrons, we donated $102 to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank!
Customer of the Month
| Our November Customer of the Month is Kayla Birmingham of Janesville.
Favorite Hansen's product:
"Milk and heavy cream for homemade ice cream."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "Local food that is high-quality, and happy cows!"
Thanks, Kayla!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate for our products, a certificate for one free hands-on tour of the farm, and a vehicle decal. Submit your entry at either of our retail stores!
Cow of the Month
| Our November Cow of the Month is Effie.
Effie celebrates her 8th birthday on Nov. 24. She has had six calves: four heifers and two bulls.
Effie is a fantastic cow! She looks young and youthful, even though for a cow she's "middle-aged." :) She has outlived her eartags -- a good sign of a long-lived, healthy cow.
Effie has produced 140,000 pounds of milk in six lactations. She hopefully is pregnant with her seventh calf right now. Here's to many more years of Effie producing milk on the Hansen farm!
Bus grants
Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area are now accepting online applications for their Bus Grant program. Grants help fund agriculturally related field trips for accredited PreK-12 public, private or charter schools. Schools may visit designated Partner Site or working farm sites within the 37 county Heritage Area, including Hansen's Dairy Farm. The grant will cover 75% of the transportation cost for an agriculturally related field trip to any designated Partner Site or working farm. Grant Deadline is Dec. 1 or when all funding is depleted.
Cooking with Hansen's
Creamy potato casserole is a great side dish at the holidays. This one is easy and delicious. The starred ingredients are available at our stores!
Super Easy
Potato Casserole
- 2 lbs red potatoes
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp ground pepper
- 2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
- 2 Tbsp melted Hansen's butter*
- 2 cups Hansen's heavy cream*
- Grated Parmesan cheese*
Wash and slice red potatoes about 1/4" thick. Layer the sliced potatoes in a greased 9 x 13 inch casserole dish, sprinkling each layer with salt and pepper. Bring cream, butter and mustard to a boil and pour over the sliced potatoes. Cook for about 1 hour at 350 degrees. Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese over the top (as much as you desire) and cook for another 30 minutes. Serves 6.
PHOTO OF THE MONTH THREE AMIGOS - We don't have just cows and kangaroos on the farm. Our three fainting goats love to see tour visitors too!
Thanksgiving turkeys Ready to order a turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas? We have two options. All turkeys are minimally processed, no antibiotics are given, and no basting ingredients or artificial ingredients are added. To order, stop by or call Moo Roo in Waterloo (319-234-3309) or Hansen's Outlet in Cedar Falls (319-266-3044). 1. Groothuis Farms Turkeys
Craig and Darlene Groothuis raise free-range turkeys near Nashua, Iowa. As of Nov. 1, we have 40 turkeys available ranging in weight from 16 to 20 pounds. They are sold FROZEN at $4.49 per pound. **Groothuis turkeys are available for pickup within 3 days of your order. 2. Bell and Evans Turkeys Bell and Evans heirloom turkeys are raised on a farm in Pennsylvania. The turkeys are fed an all-vegetarian diet, never given antibiotics, and their meat is considered "light" by USDA standards. Turkeys are raised specifically for our order. This year we have many more available for customers who were unable to purchase one last year. As of November 1, we have 16 turkeys available in the 6-8 pound weight range, 20 in the 8-10 pound range, 44 in the 10-12 range, and 6 in the 12-14 pound range. These turkeys are sold FRESH for Thanksgiving at $3.99 per pound. **Bell and Evans turkeys are available at our stores by Friday, Nov. 14. Even if you pick up your turkey on the 14th, you will be able to keep that turkey fresh in your refrigerator until Thanksgiving Day.**If you would like a turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas, please order as soon as you can while supplies last!! We sold out very quickly last year. We also have a new product that will be available in our retail stores by mid-November: smoked turkey breasts (2 to 3 pounds) from Webster City Custom Meats. No ordering necessary.
Hansen hamsOnce again we have Hansen's Hams for the upcoming holidays. If you purchased a ham from us last year, expect a call from us to see if you'd like another one this year. Hansen's Hams are available again this year from Webster City Custom Meats in Webster City, Iowa. They are bone-in, shankless, cured only with their own natural juices, certified hickory-smoked hams made especially for Hansen's customers. There are two sizes: half hams (7-9 pounds, serve 10) and whole hams (15-18 pounds, serve 20). The half hams are $4.75 per pound and the whole hams are $4.25 per pound.
If you're not already on our call list for hams, please call one of the stores (the one at which you shop the most) and ask about ordering a ham. Thanksgiving ham orders: If you are celebrating Thanksgiving early, the hams should be ordered by Sunday, November 9 (these hams can be picked up on Nov. 17). The last day to order a ham for Thanksgiving Day is Sunday, Nov. 16. We will make Christmas ham phone calls after Thanksgiving. Feel free to call if you'd like to place an order ahead of time! NOTE: If you order a ham from the Cedar Falls Outlet, you will pick it up from the Outlet. Customers who order from the Waterloo Moo Roo will pick up at Moo Roo. We are able to ship hams for you if needed. Shipping and packaging charges will apply, but we are happy to help you. Hansen's Hams have traveled all the way to Alaska!
More cowbell!
Len the dairy cow has her Waterloo Black Hawks cowbell -- do you? Hansen's Dairy sponsored the Black Hawks hockey cowbell this year. Besides cheering loud and proud for the Hawks, the cowbell can also save you money at Moo Roo in Waterloo and Hansen's Outlet in Cedar Falls!  We have a different special each month just for showing your Black Hawks cowbell at either of our retail stores. Check out the home page of our website for updates.
For November, you can save $1.00 off any gallon of milk!
Cowbells can be purchased through the Black Hawks or at each of our retail stores.
Hansen's Dairy also sponsors the "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" contest at the Black Hawks games where two sections of fans battle to see who can scream the loudest. The fans in the winning section each receive a coupon for a free ice cream cone! Lastly, Hansen's Dairy is donating chocolate milk for the hockey players to drink after their games. Lowfat chocolate milk is a great post-workout drink. Go Hawks!
Moo Roo getting a face-lift Have you noticed the changes at Moo Roo? We decided to go back to our roots and decorate the store with lots of antique farm and dairy items to represent our LEGEN-DAIRY milk! Stop in for a visit, and stay awhile with a tasty ice cream treat. More additions will be coming soon, but here are some before-and-after photos to show you the transformation. Thanks for your patience as we complete the work! BEFORE:
AFTER:We added a fresh coat of warm-neutral paint, then displayed throwback items like milk bottles, cow tags, and old barn windows. The wagon was purchased at Shabby Shack in Wellsburg. We're also displaying cow and kangaroo metallic prints on the ice cream freezers.
To display our menu, we removed the LCD monitor in favor of a older-style chalkboard -- which shows the addition of our NEW soft-serve ice cream. We also put weathered barn wood under the countertops and placed acrylic photos of calves on the dip tank. BEFORE:
We installed warmer lighting in the eating area and put more kid-friendly items in the "Kid's Corner," including an I Spy jar with farm items hidden in kernels of corn, a concrete cow for kids to play with and more.