Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA
(319) 234-3309
Monday - Saturday:
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044 Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187 Hours: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
The Real Deal
Customers of the Month
| Our October Customer of the Month is Jodie Mayne of Cedar Falls.
Favorite Hansen's product:
"Skim milk."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "Because it's locally owned and the kids at the preschool love it. Especially when they go on the tour of Hansen's Dairy and know where the milk comes from."
Thanks, Jodie!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter. |
'Map of My Kingdom' performance
"You're going to have to figure out how to take care of your farmland, pass it on. Or it will be decided for you."
The Hearst Center will host a play tackling the critical issue of family land transition.
In "Map of My Kingdom," character Angela Martin, a lawyer and mediator in land transition disputes, shares stories of how farmers and landowners she has worked with approached their land transitions. Some families struggled to resolve the sale or transfer of their land, dissolving relationships. Others found peaceful, rational solutions that focused on viability of the family as well as the land. "Map of My Kingdom" will resonate with those who have been or are working through challenging land transfer issues. It will inspire the hesitant and the fearful to start the conversation that cannot wait. A discussion will follow the performance.
The play is commissioned by Practical Farmers of Iowa and written by Iowa's Poet Laureate Mary Swander.
WHEN: 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16
WHERE: Hearst Center, Cedar Falls
Bus grants
Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area are now accepting online applications for their Bus Grant program. Grants help fund agriculturally related field trips for accredited PreK-12 public, private or charter schools. Schools may visit designated Partner Site or working farm sites within the 37 county Heritage Area, including Hansen's Dairy Farm. The grant will cover 75% of the transportation cost for an agriculturally related field trip to any designated Partner Site or working farm. Grant Deadline is Dec. 1 or when all funding is depleted.
Photo Contest
The Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area is now accepting entries for the 2014 Capture the Heart of America Photo Contest. From life on the farm and agricultural industry to sweeping farmscapes and celebrations of agriculture, the photo contest lets photographers share their own piece of America's agricultural story. Awards will be given in each of five categories, with a $500 cash prize for the "Best of Show."
Entry Deadline: Oct. 29
PHOTO OF THE MONTH MILK MUSTACHE - One-month-old heifer Drafty demonstrates how she can touch her nose with her tongue after slurping down her bottle of milk.
Upcycling milk jugs  Since you receive our newsletter, you probably have a lot of Hansen's milk jugs hanging around. Halloween happens to be a great time to use them for crafts with your kids! Check out the milk jug skeleton and 15 other great ways to use the jugs for Halloween here ...
 Hansen's Dairy is partnering with the Black Hawks hockey team again this year. During each home game, there will be an "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" contest where two sections of fans battle to see who can scream the loudest. The fans in the winning section each receive a coupon for a free ice cream cone, redeemable at either Moo Roo in Waterloo or Hansen's Outlet in Cedar Falls.  We are also donating chocolate milk for the hockey players to drink after their games. Lowfat chocolate milk happens to be a great post-workout drink! Chocolate milk: * is a natural source of high-quality protein to build lean muscle * contains the right mix of protein and carbs scientifically shown to refuel exhausted muscles and help return to peak potential * provides fluids and electrolytes - like calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium - to rehydrate and help replenish critical nutrients lost in sweat We are also looking forward to having the players visit the farm for a tour and team meal this month. The players come from all over the country and we are happy to share with them how the milk they are drinking gets from the cow to their table!
Soft serve at Moo Roo!! Mmmm...  We are proud to announce the arrival of soft-serve ice cream at Moo Roo! We will be offering two flavors, vanilla and one that will rotate. You may also get a twist of the two flavors. Soft-serve will be available on cake or waffle cones, in a cup, or in our new Polar Vortex treat. A Polar Vortex is our soft-serve ice cream blended with a scoop of any of the following: chocolate flakes, brownie fudge bits, chocolate chips and cookie dough, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, or cookies. Stop in and try one today!
 Have you heard of our CA$H COW contest? Every month we mark several of our milk jugs with either $5 or $100 under the label. It's hard to get the label off cleanly, so the easiest way to check your jug is just finish the milk and look inside at the label. There will either be a "5" or a "100" if you're a winner! It's possible to find winning jugs of all kinds of milk we sell (skim, 1%, whole and chocolate). We have had NO CA$H COW winners for two months in a row (and we are still marking them)! So keep those eyes open and those jugs empty!
On Oct. 1, we will mark 7 jugs with $100. Your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days! There are also 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Twins of the Month
The October Cows of the Month are Addie and Aiko. These twin sisters just had their first calves and started milking in August. They are eager to come into the milking parlor and are usually first to be milked. They are above average in their milk production.
Although they are newbies to the milking herd, they don't act like it. They both like to head-butt other cows to show domination! But we suspect the older cows will put them in their place soon. :) ____________________________________________________
Cooking with Hansen's
It's fall! It's fall! Local pie pumpkins are in both the Cedar Falls Outlet and the Waterloo Moo Roo. Ever made a pumpkin pie from scratch? Like, really from scratch? Here's a recipe for you. Give it a shot!
From-scratch Pumpkin Pie
Ingredients - 1 sugar (pie) pumpkin, about 3 pounds or 6" in diameter
- Canola oil for rubbing on the pumpkin
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 ounce can)
- 1/2 cup Hansen's heavy cream
- 2 T cornstarch
- 2 T molasses
- 2 T canola oil
- 1 T cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3 large eggs
- 1 pre-made pie crust (unless you have a favorite pie crust recipe you know and love)
Directions: First, roast the pumpkin. Cut off the stem and scoop out the seeds. Rub with some canola oil and roast in the oven at 375 degrees for about an hour or until tender when pierced with a fork. Let it cool completely. Scoop out the insides of the pumpkin and puree in a food processor until smooth. You should end up with about 4 cups of pumpkin puree. You can always supplement with a little canned pure pumpkin puree if you don't have quite enough. Add the cream, condensed milk, cornstarch, molasses, canola oil, cinnamon, ginger, salt, and eggs. Mix well to combine thoroughly. Pour filling into the pie crust and bake about an hour at 350 degrees, or until just set in the middle. Let it cool for at least 30 minutes. Serve chilled or at room temperature. |