Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA
(319) 234-3309
Monday - Saturday:
11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044 Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187 Hours: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
The Real Deal
June coupon: Purchase $25 worth of merchandise (after membership discount) and get a FREE pound of Wayne Watts' ground pork!
Customer of the Month
| Our June Customer of the Month is Deb Benedict of Waterloo.
Favorite Hansen's product: "Skim milk. Also having a dish of chocolate ice cream with my grandson, Kainen."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "I like to support local business and believe the quality of products is superior."
Thanks, Deb!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter. |
Congrats to our big CA$H COW winner last month! Barbara Barth of Cedar Falls found a $100 jug in May. We also had several $5 winners: Kathy Hoskinson of Waterloo; James Markussen of Cedar Falls; and Katie Dulin of Cedar Falls.
In June, we will mark 4 jugs with $100 (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days!
There are also 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Buy Fresh, Buy Local Are you looking for the best tasting food and want to support local producers? Check out the new Buy Fresh, Buy Local food guide! We have copies at our stores, or view it online.
DINNER WITH A VIEW - The cows take in a colorful scene following a storm last June.
June is Dairy Month!  It's June Dairy Month! To celebrate, all month long our membership cardholders will save 20% on all dairy products at Moo Roo and Hansen's Outlet stores instead of the standard 10%. Stock up on our products, which are high in protein, calcium, Vitamins A & D and a host of other nutrients - at a reasonable price and great flavor!

Artisan breads
Rustik Rooster will no longer have doughnuts at Moo Roo ... BUT, they will still be delivering awesome varieties of artisan bread, including this Hansen's Dairy loaf made with Hansen's milk and butter. Enjoy!
Cow of the Month
The June Cow of the Month is Dancer. She was born on Christmas Day, 2008. She has had three heifers: Dawson, Dewey and Dolphin.
Dancer is a very heavy milker. At the completion of her second lactation, she had produced 83,744 pounds of milk. Today she is pumping out 140 pounds/day.
She is a wonderful cow to work with and is very friendly toward people. Even though she is a Black & White Holstein, she is a red carrier, so she has distinct coloring with red ears and a red stripe down the middle of her back. ____________________________________________________
Cooking with Hansen's
This is a variation on the classic Caprese salad using a fresh Hansen's product - cheese curds. This is an awesome salad for summer and smells like Italy! Bonus: The starred ingredients can be purchased from our stores.
Curd Caprese Salad- 1 - 12 oz package Hansen's cheese curds,*
cut into grape-size chunks - 2 pints grape tomatoes* (in season)
- 2 - 1 oz packages Rolling Hills basil,* stems trimmed off and cut into bite-size pieces
- 3 Tbsp Italian dressing
- 3 Tbsp California Olive Ranch extra-virgin olive oil*
- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese*
- Black pepper to taste
Toss first three ingredients in medium-size salad bowl. Drizzle with dressing and olive oil, then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and pepper and mix gently. Serve at room temperature but refrigerate leftovers.