Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA (319) 234-3309 Hours Now through May 22: Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 23 and after:
Monday - Saturday:
8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044 Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187 Hours: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
The Real Deals
Our website was unable to be updated in April, so we are offering the same coupon for the month of May: Ring up $25 worth of merchandise (after membership discount) and get a FREE gallon of white milk using our
coupon!Veterans or current service people who visit our stores on Memorial Day, May 26, get a FREE sundae at Moo Roo or a FREE any size cone at the Outlet. No coupon required!
Also this month, cake sundaes will be $2.00 at Moo Roo while supplies last.
Summer hours at Moo Roo
| Summer hours at Moo Roo begin Friday, May 23. We will then be open daily until 10 p.m. |
Customer of the Month
| Our May Customer of the Month is Angela Dean of Cedar Falls.
Favorite Hansen's product: "Red pepper cheese curds - awesome in tomato soup. I also love Country View yogurt with added chia seeds."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "I want healthy alternatives to commercial dairy and it's local."
Thanks, Angela!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter. |
Congrats to our CA$H COW winners last month! Sharon McRae, Travis Manske, Stacy Wolf and Tom Murphy, all of Cedar Falls, and a Waterloo customer each found a $5 jug.
No one found the $100 jugs, so in May, we will mark 4 jugs with $100 (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days!
There are also 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
STARTING YOUNG - Beckett Hansen, son of Blake and Jordan Hansen, enjoys helping Daddy feed calves and kangaroos.
Great food for great grads  Remember our stores for your graduation reception needs. We have a huge variety of award-winning Wisconsin cheeses for your cheese tray. Add Hansen's white cheddar and/or red pepper cheese curds for some fresh, local flavor. We also carry summer sausage and smoked pork links from Marks Locker in Rowley and Beelers' Lil' Bites (little smokies). And, why not get your special grad a special ice cream cake? Order your custom cake through Moo Roo today!
Rustik Rooster baked goods are back at Moo Roo!
 Rustik Rooster Bakery is once again delivering fresh donuts, pastries, and artisan bread to Moo Roo in Waterloo! Every Tuesday through Saturday, baked goods will be available for sale. All of these delicious products are baked in Waverly, Iowa. We will gladly accept special orders.
All in the family
This month we are featuring an entire cow family. This "D" family begins with our famous homebred matriarch, Dazzle. This 11-year-old cow has produced a whopping 286,639 pounds of milk in her lifetime. In a few months she will likely reach 300,000 pounds, a feat never accomplished by any other Hansen cow. That's almost 35,000 gallons of milk. Dazzle has calved 9 times in her illustrious career and has had 7 heifers. As of today she has 4 daughters (Dabble, Danae, Dayz, and Dynasty) and 5 granddaughters (Dorable, Double, Dribble, Duffy and Dudette) producing milk alongside her. Dazzle also has 7 great-grandaughters on the farm who are too young to milk yet (Dominica, Dynamite, Durant, Dice, Doozie, Darkie, Drum). The most amazing thing about this family is altogether they have produced 1,014,997 pounds of milk to date - and it all started with one fantastic cow.
It's gonna be EPIC
Hansen's Dairy Farm will be hosting a portion of the Epic Iowa Road Trip on Tuesday, May 6. The motor coach will take travel writers, media representatives, and tourism officials across the state on May 2-10. Those involved in the project hope to educate Iowans about travel opportunities and the economic impact of tourism in our state.
The motor coach will arrive in the Cedar Valley on Tuesday, May 6. Schedule is as follows:
- Waterloo (2:30 - 3:30 p.m.): Lost Island Water Park - Hudson (3:45 - 4:15 p.m.): Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy Farm - Cedar Falls (4:30 - 5:30 p.m.): Downtown Main Street
The public is welcome to visit the farm while the motor coach is here. During the 9-day trip, the motor coach will travel 2,080 miles across the state, through 33 of the 99 counties, showcasing 46 destinations.
Cooking with Hansen's
Eventually the weather will turn summery and we can be reunited with our grills! This month we're going back to basics and offering tips on how to grill perfect chicken breasts. Hansen's sells Bell & Evans
chicken, which is considered some of the highest quality chicken sold in the country!
Chicken breasts - Here's a link to a full article, but in a nutshell, there are a few essential things to do. 1. Make sure you've pounded the chicken to even thickness. This ensures that all parts of the breast cook in about the same amount of time. 2. Brine the chicken ahead of time to retain moisture. 3. Be sure the grill is clean and oiled so the chicken doesn't stick! 4. On a medium-high heat, grill the chicken to 160 degrees. 5. Have fun with sauces and side dishes.