Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA (319) 234-3309
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187
In December, ring up $20 worth of merchandise (after membership discount) and get a FREE bag of cheese curds using our coupon!
Holiday hours will be the same at both the Waterloo Moo Roo and Cedar Falls Outlet.
Christmas Eve (Dec. 24): Closing at 4 p.m.
Christmas Day (Dec. 25): Closed
New Year's Eve (Dec. 31): Regular hours
New Year's Day (Jan. 1): Closed
Hansen's egg nog is now available, sold in half-gallons for $4.99 with membership. Sorry, we don't sell any moose mugs to drink it out of!
Customer of the Month
| Our December Customer of the Month is Diane Noelting, pictured with husband Lyle, of Cedar Falls.
Favorite Hansen's product: Whipping cream. Makes a delicious scalloped potatoes recipe (see Cooking with Hansen's below right)!
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "Quality products about as natural, pure and healthy as you can get. I appreciate the informative employees telling us about the new products you get from local producers. Yummy products from them, too! Thank you!"
Thanks, Diane!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter. |
Congrats to Denise Lough of Cedar Falls, who won $100 in our CA$H COW contest!
Other $5.00 winners include: * Sue Andriano, Waterloo * Bret Buck, Cedar Falls * Linsay Hall, Cedar Falls * Jean Hall, Cedar Falls
In December, we will mark 6 jugs with $100
(look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days! Wouldn't that make a Merry Christmas?
Remember, there are still 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Hey teachers!
| The Iowa Farm Bureau is offering a teacher supplement grant up to $200 for use in classroom programs that promote agricultural literacy in the subject areas of Language Arts or Science. The application deadline is Feb. 12, 2014.
For more information on how to apply, click here.
Cow of the Month
|  The December Cow of the Month is Abbey. This cow is 9 years old and just had her 11th calf on Dec. 1. She's had 3 sets of twins!
When Abbey calved on Dec. 1, she went down with milk fever, which is a calcium deficiency that occurs in cows. We had to give her a calcium IV to help her get back on her feet. Abbey is a tough old cow who really doesn't like people, so she didn't really like this process. But that stubbornness is the reason she's still alive and kicking.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We at Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy hope you have a wonderful holiday season and blessed New Year. Please take time to appreciate the simple joys of life as this time of the year is undoubtedly hectic. ___________________________________________________
Cheese baskets Cheese baskets make tasty holiday gifts, and we are currently taking orders. You pick the goodies, we do the work! Print out a form here or pick up a form at Moo Roo or the Outlet. There also will be pre-made baskets available for purchase at either store.
Baskets will be assembled at the Hansen's Tour Center. You can pick them up there, at either store or have them shipped. Deadline for shipped boxes to arrive by Christmas is Dec. 16; deadline for store pickup by Christmas is Dec. 20.

Practical, unique, local gifts
Here are three great gift ideas you can get at Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy: 1) Drinking glasses. These 13 oz. clear glasses are adorned with Hansen's Dairy phrases. Buy separately for $5 each or a set of four colors (red, black, brown and dark green) for $16.
2) Any assortment of local items wrapped up in a basket. You already know about our customizable cheese baskets. You can also make your own goodie assortment. Take a Hansen's insulated bag and fill with our dairy products like milk, cream, butter, cheese curds and ice cream. Or make an all-Iowa breakfast basket with bacon, eggs, butter and syrup. You can even do a pampering gift basket with local soaps, candles and lip balms. The possibilities are endless!
3) Gift cards. You can never go wrong with our gift cards, especially when they allow your dollar to stretch further! Your gift card automatically enrolls the recipient as a member of either Moo Roo or the Outlet. Memberships allow users to get 20% off Hansen's milk and 10% off other dairy products. That means a gift card purchased for $30 can entitle the user to up to $36 of milk. Just remember, cards are not transferable between stores so buy the card where the recipient likely will shop. ___________________________________________________ |
Fresh doughnuts at Moo Roo
Did you know Rustik Rooster Bakery makes their donuts, pastries, breads, buns, and rolls with Hansen's milk and butter? Fresh baked goods are available at Hansen's Moo Roo starting at 6 a.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. Plus, we have fresh brewed coffee from Sidecar Coffee in Cedar Falls!
We encourage special orders of pastries and donuts if you'd like some for your office, meeting or home gathering. For special orders of baked goods, contact Tom Gilbert, Moo Roo manager, at (319) 234-3309.
Order your holiday ham
We are carrying two different varieties of holiday hams this year - Hansen's Hams (formerly Zippy's hams) and a Fresh Air Pork variety. If you purchased a ham from us last year, expect a call from us to see if you'd like another one this year. Due to the proximity of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, there is a short ordering window. Act quickly - deadline to order is Thursday, Dec. 12. Call the Outlet at (319) 266-3044 or Moo Roo at (319) 234-3309.
Hansen's Dairy at McLeod Center
In September, we launched the Hansen's Dairy advertising campaign at the McLeod Center. In addition to our ad running on the digital banners, we have had a great time doing on-court promotions to give away free milk, including a Chug the Jug milk-drinking contest and a Hansen Brothers Basketball Shootout - in which Brent Hansen (above) won and resulted in HALF THE ARENA WINNING FREE MILK!
This month, we'll have another on-court promotion during the UNI men's basketball game against VCU, 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. Come watch a great game AND have the chance to win free milk! Here's a hint for the contest this time: It will take a lot of strength!
Cooking with Hansen's
These two recipes come from December's Customer of the Month, Diane Noelting (see entry above left). These recipes were handed down through her family and are about 105 years old! "They used milk and cream from their farm cows," Diane says. "Now I use it only from Hansen's Dairy Farm because the flavor and quality of your milk products is so much better than any brand we'd used before you started your retail Outlet!"
Popcorn BallsUsing Cedar Falls' own Fit-Pop popcorn from Hansen's stores, prepare 2 batches of popcorn (1/2 cup popcorn in popper each time). Stir 1 cup sugar, 1 cup white karo syrup, 1/2 cup Hansen's heavy whipping cream and 1 tsp salt into a pot on stove, uncovered. Bring to a medium boil (230 degrees) while stirring constantly. Lastly, add 1/2 tsp baking soda and stir mixture. Pour over popcorn while mixing. Note: Attach a candy thermometer to side of kettle to watch the temperature rise.Scalloped Potatoes
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Peel desired number of potatoes and slice. Place into a round or square casserole dish. Pour 1/8 cup of dried parsley flakes, pepper and salt to your taste. Cover potatoes 1/3 to 1/2 full with Hansen's heavy cream. Stir everything through. Bake uncovered 1 hour until slightly browned on top and set. It thickens so it doesn't look "milky" anymore. It never curdles! ___________________________________________________
Hansen's at Cedar Rapids HyVee
Hansen's products are available in Cedar Rapids! We have our milk, butter, cheese curds, and cream available at the HyVee on Edgewood Road. We kicked off the sales on Sept. 26 and have been hearing great comments from customers. Spread the word!