Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA (319) 234-3309
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187
Excited for holiday baking? How about the return of Hansen's egg nog and our holiday ice cream flavors (Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Candy Cane and Egg Nog)? This month, it shouldn't be hard to ring up $25 worth of merchandise and get a FREE gallon of milk using the November coupon!
Did you know our breaded cheese curds are served at several restaurants in the Cedar Valley? Support those who buy local and check them out!
Customer of the Month
| Our November Customer of the Month is Cindy Stentiford of Waterloo.
Favorite Hansen's product: "Milk. Best flavor of anything I have ever tasted."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "Best ice cream in town, and you know you're getting the freshest product you can."
Thanks, Cindy!
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter. |
Congrats to more CA$H COW winners! Carey Fry and Paul Cunningham of Waterloo each won $5, as well as another customer from the Outlet store.
No one found any $100 jugs in October, so in November, we will mark 6 jugs with $100 (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days!
Remember, there are still 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Giving thanks
 It's that time of the year when we say thank you for all of the blessings in our lives. We at Hansen's Dairy are thankful for a family who works and plays hard, cows that take care of us, friends who bring us joy, employees who help us succeed, and customers who support our business. May your family have a safe and happy holiday season.
Mornings just got better!
 Hansen's Moo Roo is now selling Rustik Rooster Bakery donuts, pastries, breads, buns, and rolls at 6 a.m. TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY! Plus, we have fresh brewed coffee from Sidecar Coffee in Cedar Falls!
We encourage special orders of pastries and donuts if you'd like some for your office, meeting or home gathering. For special orders of baked goods, contact Tom Gilbert, our Moo Roo manager at (319) 234-3309.
Hansen hams and local turkeysIt's that time of year again - beginning this month our customers will be able to sign up for turkeys and hams for the upcoming holidays. If you purchased a ham from us last year, expect a call from us to see if you'd like another one this year. Turkeys: We have two options. All turkeys are minimally processed, no antibiotics are given, and no basting ingredients or artificial ingredients are added.
1. Groothuis Farms TurkeysThese turkeys are free range. We have about 20 turkeys available ranging in weight from 12 to 22 pounds. They are sold FROZEN at $3.99 per pound. 2. Bell and Evans TurkeysThese are the same turkeys, from the same farm, that the White House (yes, that White House) has been getting for Thanksgiving for the last 30 years. We have about 30 turkeys available in the 10-12 pound weight range. These turkeys are sold FRESH at $3.99 per pound. Hams: Hansen's Hams are available again this year from Webster City Custom Meats of Webster City, Iowa. They are bone-in, shankless, cured, certified hickory-smoked hams made especially for Hansen's customers. There are two sizes: half hams (8 pounds, serve 10) and whole hams (16 pounds, serve 20). The half hams are $4.75 per pound and the whole hams are $4.25 per pound.
If you're not already on our call list for hams, please call one of the stores (the one at which you shop the most) and ask about ordering a ham or turkey. The last day to order a ham for Thanksgiving is Thursday, Nov. 14. We will make Christmas ham phone calls after Thanksgiving. Feel free to call if you'd like to place an order ahead of time!
UNI promotions
In September, we launched the Hansen's Dairy advertising campaign at the McLeod Center. Congrats to Becky Decker (pictured), a loyal customer who chugged 5 glasses of milk to win our Chug the Jug contest at the volleyball home opener!
This month, we'll have another on-court promotion during the UNI women's basketball game against Iowa at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 24. The four brothers who operate Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy will go head-to-head in a basketball shoot-out to win FREE GALLONS OF MILK for hundreds of fans in the crowd. Don't miss it!
Cow of the Month
November's Cow of the Month is a repeat honoree. Meta is 8 1/2 years old and has had two heifers and five bulls in her career. She milks 130 pounds a day and has accumulated 145,266 pounds in her lifetime.
Meta is a gentle giant! She is a big cow with a nice personality.
Meta recently had her seventh calf, and herd manager Blake Hansen was there to videotape it. She is an old pro at labor, so the calf was delivered in about six minutes total. This short video shows most of the action (viewer discretion is advised)! ___________________________________________________
Hansen's at HyVee in Cedar Rapids
Hansen's products are available in Cedar Rapids! We have our milk, butter, cheese curds, and cream available at the HyVee on Edgewood Road. We kicked off the sales on Sept. 26 and have been hearing great comments from customers. Spread the word! ___________________________________________________ |
Cooking with Hansen's
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's inevitable that we will all have some leftover turkey in the fridge in just a few weeks. Delicious turkeys from Hansen's make delicious leftovers too! Of course, not much can beat a turkey and dressing sandwich on Black Friday, but here are some other ideas for how to use your leftovers.
Turkey Nachos - Put about half of a bag of blue corn chips (available at Hansen's) on a plate. Top with chopped turkey, jalapenos, black beans, diced tomatoes, black olives, corn, and lots of shredded Cedar Grove cheddar cheese. Bake or microwave until the cheese is melted and bubbling.
Taste of Home - Has a great collection of recipes for leftovers. I'm definitely going to make the turkey and stuffing pot pie! Click here for the recipes. About.com Southern Food - Turkey empanadas ... enough said. Click here for the recipe collection. |