August 2013
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Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA (319) 234-3309
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044
Hansen's Tour Center 8461 Lincoln Rd. Hudson, IA 50643 (319) 939-2187
Have you treated yourself to one of our tasty ice cream cones lately? Next time you come in to our stores, buy two gallons of milk and get a free ice cream cone!
Click here to view coupon
Customer of the Month
Our August Customer of the Month is Rhys Talbot of Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Favorite Hansen's products: "Milk. It fulfills my high standards for protein shakes and it beats drinking down raw eggs like Rocky. Gonna Fly Now!"
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "Local, small business products just taste better. Friendly service!"
Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter. |
| Have you read our blog? We publish stories about the cows, our products, family life on the farm and health issues. Here's one of our favorites from July:
A Cow's Salad Bar
Ever wonder what the Hansen dairy cows eat to produce such great tasting milk and dairy products? To keep our cows healthy and help them produce high quality, great-tasting milk, they are fed a meticulously calculated mixture of dried cracked corn, distiller's grain, linseed meal, corn silage, alfalfa haylage and vitamins and minerals. Our cows have more balanced diets than most people! Read more...
Cash Cow
Congrats to two $5 winners recently: Joshua Vandersee of Waterloo and Kelsey Anderson of Cedar Falls! There were no $100 winners last month, so in August, we will mark 5 jugs with $100 (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days!
Remember, there are still 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
Photo Contest
Be on the lookout for unique photo ops, then enter your images in the Silos & Smokestacks annual Capture the Heart of America Photo Contest! You could win up to $500. Categories are listed below, and deadline to enter is Oct. 9, 2013. Maybe you have a great photo from a tour of the Hansen farm?
Contest categories: American Farmscapes, Life on the Farm, Celebrations of Agriculture, Silos & Smokestacks Partner Sites, and America's Agricultural Industry. Photos may be taken anywhere in the country. For more details, click here.
We all scream for ice cream cakes
We have a new employee dedicated to decorating Moo Roo ice cream cakes! Diane Meggers has joined Rebekah Pakala in sharing her artistic talents. The cakes come in three flavors: chocolate, white and yellow. Any type of ice cream can be layered on top, with chocolate or white frosting. We have many beautifully decorated cakes to buy off the shelf, or call Moo Roo at (319) 234-3309 to place a custom order (7 days notice preferred). How about a chocolate cake, Peanut Butter Cup ice cream and peanuts on top? White cake, strawberry ice cream and sprinkles? Whatever your tastes, remember us for your next occasion!
Taste Iowa - August 24
Taste Iowa is an annual celebration of Iowa agriculture and locally grown food. The event is presented by GNB Bank and is held in Conrad. Highlights of the day include an Iowa Food Expo, a free all-Iowa omelet breakfast, an all-Iowa BBQ showdown, food and fitness booths for kids, a bike ride, award-winning chefs, seminars on healthy living and more.
Hansen's Dairy will be at the Expo, and we're excited to spend the day with other local producers and Iowa consumers! Here are the details:
TASTE IOWA GNB Bank, 103 East Center St., Conrad, Iowa Saturday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Independence Farmer's Market
On August 10, Hansen's will be selling milk, butter, and ice cream at the Independence Farmer's Market. Eric Cornish from the Outlet will be selling products and his wife Disa will be doing a market cooking demonstration along with Rachel Wobeter from the UNI-CEEE. The market is held from 8 a.m. to noon at the Wapsipinicon Mill. Hope to see you there!
Cows of the Month
The August Cow of the Month is Len, who just surpassed the production mark of 200,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime. She has made more than 23,400 gallons of milk for your table. WOW! It's quite an accomplishment.
If any of you have taken a tour of Hansen's farm within the past couple years, you've probably seen Len roaming around the farm. Because of her large size, she is not comfortable or safe lying down in the barn's free stalls. She is one of our best cows, so she gets special treatment and moves around the farm at will. She is truly "free-range"!
She just celebrated her 9th birthday on July 24 and is due Nov. 27 to give birth to her 8th calf.
 We also wanted to make mention of Dazzle. If she produces 35,000 pounds of milk in her ninth lactation, she will surpass the 300,000-pound mark. That has never happened in the history of the Hansen Dairy farm. She is now overdue with her ninth calf (due July 30). Cheer her on!
Hansen's dairy products still available in Cedar Rapids
This summer, we've been heading down to Cedar Rapids to sell milk, cheese curds, ice cream, and heavy cream. It's been great! We have really enjoyed meeting our CR-area customers. Check us out at the NewBo City Market or Cedar Rapids Outdoor Farmers' Market this summer! We will be at Newbo and the Downtown market on opposite Saturdays throughout the summer. If you want more information about when/where we'll be, e-mail to get on the CR mailing list.
Cooking with Hansen's
Basic Vanilla Milkshake 
Ingredients:1/2 cup Hansen's whole milk 2 cups Hansen's vanilla ice cream
Directions:Put milk and ice cream in a blender, blend until smooth, serve. Makes one large milkshake or two smaller shakes. And now the fun part...Variations! 1. Mix up the ice cream flavor. Use any of our ice cream flavors to add variety to the shake.
2. Add fruit. Use a fruity ice cream like strawberry and add fresh or frozen fruit to the mix. Increase the milk to 2/3 cup, add 1/2 to 1 cup fresh fruit and blend those two ingredients alone. Then add the ice cream. 3. Add cookies. How about chocolate ice cream with crumbled oreos or chocolate chip cookies? Or strawberry ice cream with crumbled graham crackers? Just add about 1/2 cup of lightly crushed cookies to the blender at the very end and blend until just mixed in. 4. Add peanut butter. If you believe that chocolate + peanut butter = heaven, add 1/3 cup of peanut butter to a shake with any ice cream that includes chocolate. Add the PB at the end and blend it in as much as you want - a little less blended for thick bands of peanut butter, or a little more blended to combine the flavors. 5. Mix it up with yogurt. Try reducing the milk to 1/4 cup, reducing the ice cream to 1 and 1/2 cups, and adding a small container of Country View Dairy Greek or regular yogurt. And, of course, always top your milkshakes with freshly whipped Hansen's heavy cream!