
February 2013

Stay Connected

Moo Roo 
3015 Kimball Ave. 
Waterloo, IA  
(319) 234-3309


Hansen's Dairy Outlet 
127 E. 18th St. 
Cedar Falls, IA 
(319) 266-3044

Hansen's Tour Center
8461 Lincoln Rd.
Hudson, IA 50643
(319) 939-2187 

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Store notes  
Moo Roo and Hansen's Outlet are now carrying coffee (whole bean and ground) from Sidecar Coffee Roasters in Cedar Falls! For more information about Sidecar, visit their facebook page and check out this article in the Courier.

The Real Deal  
Click here for the February coupon:

Buy 2 lbs. of Porter Family Farms ground beef, get 1 lb. free!

Customer of
the Month

Our February Customers of the Month are Jerry and Terrie Dixon. The Dixons live in Cedar Falls. 


Favorite Hansen's product:
The Dixons enjoy 1% milk, soft serve ice cream, grated mozzarella, and cheddar cheese.

Why do you shop at Hansen's?
"The milk is rich and lasts two times as long as its homogenized cousin. The ice cream tastes more like homemade. The cheese we use often in cooking to add rich flavor to many dishes."

Thanks for your support, Jerry and Terrie!

Customers of the Month get a $5 gift certificate and a vehicle decal for being featured in our newsletter.

Cash Cow
There were no big CA$H COW winners in January, so in February, we will mark 2 jugs with $100 (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days!


Remember, there are still 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.   


There were several $5 winners this month: Becky Alberts of Fairbank; Timothy Sprengeler of Waterloo; Cedar Valley Preschool in Cedar Falls; and Judd Maxwell of Iowa Falls.   

Cow of the Month
Geneva February's Cow of the Month is Geneva. She was born Nov. 13, 2009, and has given birth to one bull and one heifer (named Guppy).

Geneva is an outstanding cow and has attracted a lot of attention from cow buyers for her good looks. But no one could afford her price tag because herd manager Blake knew her potential.

"I was correct in my expectations for her. On Jan. 14 she set a farm record for most milk produced in one milking. She pumped out a whopping 80 POUNDS! That's amazing," he said. That means in one day she produces 160 pounds or 18 gallons.

Congrats to Geneva. In 2 years her daughter Guppy will be old enough to compete with her for the record!

Hey teachers!
Apply for a grant to bring your class out to the Hansen farm! The Farm Bureau Teacher Supplement Grant program offers funds of up to $200 to use toward ag-related classroom programs/activities (including field trips). Hurry, the 2013 applications are due by 4:30 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Black Hawk Co. Farm Bureau office.  Follow this link for more information or e-mail Barb Lykins at

You've met the Hansens,
now meet the rest of the crew


This month, say hello to all of the employees at the Cedar Falls Outlet! In no particular order... 


Hi, I'm Thomas Redenbaugh. I'm from Lansing, Iowa. I've been enlisted in the Iowa National Guard for 7 years in February. I'm currently pursuing a degree in Natural Resource Management. I love working for Hansen's and the small-town feel, plus all the great customers we have at the store!  


Will Boelts - I'm currently a senior at Cedar Falls High School, making me the youngest worker at the Outlet. I plan on going to UNI in the fall. I enjoy listening to and playing music. I'm a longtime vegetarian and a milk and cheese enthusiast.    


Linda Reichle Heinzel - She loves rocks and the processes that form them. She is a friend of the Pleistocene, which dates back to her youth on the Anoka Sand Plain of central Minnesota. Her geophilia has produced many ongoing adventures, such as hiking up a volcano with her geologist husband in Italy.


Teesha Ellis-Vazquez - B.A. in Environmental Science UNI. Hobbies: practicing yoga, tutoring Spanish, volunteering at the animal shelter and cooking. Enjoys the good company and conversation of friends and family. 





Blaine Koenig - I am a senior at UNI with a double major in psychology and exercise science. My favorite pastimes are throwing pineapples at unsuspecting people and hunting gnomes in the vast lush valleys of the mushroom kingdom. 




Melinda Stump - I'm a graduate student in U.S. History at the University of Northern Iowa, I'm uproariously funny, and my celebrity crush is Charlie Chaplin. 








courtney2 Courtney Wiese - I'm a graduate student studying history at UNI, and will be finishing classes this spring! I'm originally from Davenport, Iowa, but moved to Cedar Falls six years ago to go to school. I've worked at the Outlet for two years.





 Jory Marvin - I'm a senior studying Movement and Exercise Science at UNI. In my free time I spend it rock climbing. Someday after graduation I would like to move out west to Colorado and pursue a career in the field of rock climbing.




Zach Gardner - I'm a UNI student studying exercise science and have a interest in nutrition. I enjoy cooking and trying new foods. I enjoy working at the Outlet and meeting the people who stop in the store. 









Jacob Demsky - I've worked at Hansen's for two years now. I am a senior at UNI, currently on my last semester. I enjoy disc golf, video games, and being outside. 









 Originally from Indianola, Iowa, Andy Sheets is in his final semester at UNI majoring in earth science and minoring in geology. Each year he spends his summers at Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in northeast New Mexico where he oversees the Environmental Education operations of the world's largest youth outdoor camp. When not slinging milk from behind the counter at the Outlet, he likes to rock climb, ice climb, backpack, and travel.   


Romance in the air...?      


This February, customers who spend $25 or more in the Cedar Falls or Waterloo stores will be entered into a drawing for a free night's stay at the Carriage House Inn.

This Cedar Falls bed & breakfast is owned by Dane and Jennifer Rasmussen and located on Grand Boulevard, just minutes from Hartman Reserve. Dane is a trained chef and prepares delicious breakfasts - Jennifer says his fluffy Belgian waffles are always a favorite.

Cooking with Hansen's

This month we feature a recipe for an appetizer. Most of the recipes we've sent you have been for desserts or main dishes, so this is a fun change. This dish is easy, delicious, and elegant. It would work just as well for the Super Bowl as for a nice start to a Valentine's Day dinner. The Brie is available at our stores for $3.75 for 8 oz.

Cherry Baked Brie
6-8 servings


1 round (8 ounces) President Brie cheese

1/2 cup dried cherries

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 cup packed brown sugar

1/4 cup brandy or unsweetened apple juice (if using sweetened apple juice, cut the brown sugar to 3 Tbs)


Crackers or slices of French bread



Place cheese in a 9-in. pie plate or on a 9-in. oven-safe plate. Combine the cherries, walnuts, brown sugar and brandy (or juice); spoon over cheese. Bake at 350� for 15-20 minutes or until cheese is softened. Serve with baguette or crackers.


This would also be delicious with pear or apple wedges to dip into the cheese.

Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy / 8617 Lincoln Rd / Hudson, Iowa 50643
Tours: (319) 939-2187 / Creamery: (319) 988-9828