In this issue
Feature Story 
The Captivating Flora and Fauna of Tanjung Puting National Park
News from the Field 
Tanjung Puting National Park Day
Orangutan of the Month
Charming Valentino
Friends & Partners
OFI Australia & Nuttelex
Friends & Partners
Philly Run Wild 5K charity run
Orangutan of the month
Charming Valentino
2016 Construction Teams
Team 1: 
July 10th to July 31st
Team 2: 
August 7th to August 28th
Upcoming Events
April 24th, 2016
Philly Run Wild 
Philadelphia Zoo, PA
November 6th - 12th, 2016
Orangutan Awareness Week (OAW)
field Volunteer positions
OFI is looking for hard-working dedicated individuals for the following field volunteer positions:
Help create engaging content to raise awareness about OFI's work.
Duties include helping Dr. Galdikas in day-to-day activities and commitments; interns may be asked to assist with any and all aspects of OFI's work.
Feature story
The Captivating Flora and Fauna of 
Tanjung Puting National Park
by Sarah Godin-Blouin
Tanjung Puting National Park, where Orangutan Foundation International has worked for over 30 years, and its surrounding area is home to a beautiful array of diverse flora and fauna including the Bornean orangutan. In this photo essay we would like to introduce you to some of the other species, from palm trees and beetles to saltwater crocodiles, which share the orangutans' rain forest home.

Screwpine (Pandanus sp.)
Photo credit: OFI Staff
These palm trees line the edges of many rivers in Tanjung Puting National Park. Trees from that genus are dioecious, meaning female and male flowers grow on different plants. Screwpines are found on tropical and subtropical coastlines of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. In the background, we can see orangutan Enon looking back at us as she is foraging for food. Enon was brought to the OFI Care Center as an infant and after learning the skills she needed with the help of her caregivers, was released back into the forest. 

Agile Gibbon (Hylobates agilis)
Photo credit: Biruté Mary Galdikas

Due to habitat loss, Agile Gibbons are classified as 'Endangered' on the IUCN Red List. They are found in the southwestern part of Borneo and mostly eat fruits but also leaves and insects. These gibbons form lasting pair bonds, and can produce 5 to 6 offsprings in their lifetimes. They are rare visitors at our feeding platforms but always welcome. This one is seen taking his share of bananas before disappearing into the forest. It should be emphasized that the endemic Bornean Gibbon (Hylobates mulleri) is not found in this part of Borneo but rather to the north and east. Hylobates agilis is the gibbon found in the southwestern part of the island where Tanjung Puting Park is located. 

Durian Isu (Durio isu)
Photo credit: Evgenia Dubman
This delicious fruit is a favorite amongst orangutans and the local people. Whenever 'karantungan', as it is known locally, is in season, the OFI rangers even go as far as climbing the trees and filling their backpacks to bring to camp and share with the orangutans and other people. Much like avocadoes, durians are rich in fats which might be why they are so prized by the red apes of Tanjung Puting. Or maybe it's the struggle of cracking open its dangerously sharp exterior that makes the flesh of the durian such a delicacy!
News from the Field
Tanjung Puting National Park Day
by Morgan Pettersson
On Sunday the 7th of February, 2016 a promotion day was hosted by the Tanjung Puting National Park at Kumai, in the province of Kalimantan Tengah (Central Indonesian Borneo).The aim of the day was to promote the National Park as a tourist destination for local people and to highlight the Park's unique biodiversity. Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) and other non-profit organizations working to protect forests and endangered species in the National Park were invited to set up information booths.

Outreach with local communities is an important part of OFI's work on the ground in Indonesia. OFI's capable, friendly Pak Ario ran a table at the event to supply local teachers and school children with information about OFI's field programs. In addition, copies of the OFI-produced Indonesian language newsletter 'Pesan Dari Alam' (Message from Nature) were handed out. This educational newsletter is produced in Indonesia, and features articles about orangutans, the forest, and the work of OFI. The youth attending the event were excited to receive copies of the newsletter and had numerous questions to ask about orangutans. Outreach events are key to inspiring the next generation of conservationists and stewards of nature in Kalimantan. They need to know about what is happening in their own "backyard" of Tanjung Puting National Park.
Friends & partners
OFI Australia & Nuttelex

Exciting News from our Sister Organization OFI Australia...

Beautiful orangutan Krista from OFI's Care Center is the star of the new Nuttelex Made with Coconut Oil TV commercial introducing their palm oil free, vegan spread in Australia.

5 cents from every tub of Nuttelex Made With Coconut Oil sold is donated to OFI Australia.

Congratulations to OFI Australia on their new partnership!

Proud to Announce - Philly Run Wild 5K is back!

We are grateful to S.A.V.E.S. Club Inc for organizing the 3rd Annual Philly Run Wild.

Support OFI by taking part in the 5k Run through the beautiful Philadelphia Zoo and nearby city sidewalks with plenty of room for spectators. Awards and prizes for top-finishers and age group winners, food, drink, and fun for everyone!