E y e s   o n  t h e   F o r e s t 
A  M o n t h l y   B u l l e t i n   f r o m   B o r n e o - M a r c h  2 0 1 4 

eyes in the forest

Fun Foods Enrich Orangutans' Days 


Drop in on a hot Borneo afternoon, when the orangutan residents of OFI's Care Center are enjoying a cooling fruity treat, or puzzling over a leaf-wrapped bundle of natural treats! 


Food-based enrichment at the OCCQ
Food-based enrichment at the OCCQ


Orangutan fruit and food facts:


  • Like many people, orangutans appreciate diversity and variety in their diet -- The orangutans of Tanjung Puting National Park eat over 400 types of wild food items which include fruit, leaves, bark, flowers, and insects. 
  • In the OCCQ, food enrichment introduces the necessary variation into the diets of the orangutans in our care.
  • Orangutans have a deep spatial memory -- orangutan individuals, especially females, seem to have a mental map of the spatial layout, as well as the timing of the food resources across their entire home range. To provide enough food for themselves they move around daily and through the seasons, continually foraging and eating.
  • Some of the food orangutans consume in the wild is very tricky or time-consuming. For example, peeling a heavy, spiky durian, or picking tiny tart berries

  • To maintain those natural feeding instincts, we make food-based enrichment time-consuming and challenging -- keeping the orangutans' active minds and hands busy!





  • In this Issue
  • Orangutan of the Month: Brave Baby Ben
  • News from the Field: Secrets of the orangutan genome
  • Conservation Partners: Summer 2014 Construction Teams 



Come meet him in his nursery home, learn about him, and watch a video of him playing in the forest!
Upcoming Events



Sunday, April 27th at 
The Philadelphia Zoo
The Second Annual
"Philly Run Wild
Save the Orangutans 
5K Run/Walk"

Join Us!
(Click on image for details)


The Orangutan Genome: Unlocking Secrets of our Ancient Past

Dr Louis Leakey made our fossil ancestors come alive by initiating ground-breaking behavioral studies of great apes...
...now cutting-edge genetic research is giving us even deeper glimpses into our ancient evolutionary past






Conservation Partners 


Want to help orangutans and rainforests this summer?


There are still some openings in our 2014 Summer Construction Program.  Come join passionate, like-minded people from around the world in an urgent conservation mission. The dates are:
Team 1: May 1 - May 25 ($1275.00 USD) 
Team 2: July 6 - July 25 ($975.00 USD) 
Team 3: August 1 - August 25 ($1275.00 USD) 


Orangutans Need You! 


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Thank you very much for  following "Eyes on the Forest - Bulletin from Borneo". From now on you can expect this eNewsletter to reach your mailbox monthly.  We'd love to have your thoughts
 and comments (ofioffice@gmail.com). In the meantime, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our official website: www.orangutan.org
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