Animal Bridges
Animal Bridges Newsletter
April 2013 

Elaine and Hobbes
 Elaine and Hobbes
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It looks like Mother Nature finally changed her mind about giving the Midwest a long, long winter. This week I shoveled my last sidewalk and driveway for the season! I also changed my mind and believe spring is coming!


You may wonder what I mean by "Change your mind, change your pet." Many times I tell clients to remember this phrase. I learned it at Tellington TTouch� Training. Here are some ways I recommend using it:

  • If you dog is barking too often and annoying you, change your mind about your dog. Stop thinking "I wish she would stop barking. Stop barking." Instead picture your dog being quiet. Tell her "Good quiet. Thank you for telling me about the person going by."
  • If you cat is tearing up the rug or furniture, direct the cat to another object. A cat's pet parent told me her cat was acting out to get even with her. When the cat's guardian changed her thoughts of the cat doing this to punish her, the cat stopped ripping the rug and returned to the loving cat.
  • If your dog isn't taking their medicine, you can change your mind about how you are giving him the medicine. Are you forcing open his mouth and shoving the pill down his throat? I bet you are tense and holding your breath. Now exhale and change your mind about giving the medicine. Tell your pet why they need the medicine - to feel better, to stop the pain, etc. Then offer the medicine in a yummy treat (meat, cheese, etc.) If you are still having problems, call me for some more ideas.

It amazes me how changing my mind, really affects Hobbes. I've learned to ask him for what I want. When I use "quiet" or "walk with me" (instead of stop pulling), the changes are huge. And I remind myself to exhale first.


Please check below for the exciting events in May. I'm excited that Haute Dog asked me to join them on Friday May 3 at 8:30 am on WCCO Morning News to announce the event on Sunday
May 5.  

Have a wonderful spring! And remember I am here to help you bring out the best in your pet by calming fear, soothing pain, building confidence, and hearing what he has to say.


Take care,



Haute Dog on Sunday May 5th Haute Dog Logo
Come join me at Calhoun Square's Haute Dog on Sunday May 5th from 1-6 pm. I'll be giving free 5-minute animal communications and answering questions on TTouch�, Healing Touch for Animals�, and animal communications.


Linda Tellington-Jones, Founder of TTouch Coming to Twin Cities in May! 
Linda Tellington-Jones

Don't miss this wonderful chance to see Linda Tellington-Jones in action with dogs and people. Be sure to register for the events. Yes, your dog can attend the dog event with you! Please check the links for details.

  • May 16 - TTouch for You� demonstration in the evening to benefit Pathways Health Crisis Center and Spirit United Church in Minneapolis. $20 donation.
  • May 17 - TTouch� Training with Dogs at the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus from 9:30 am - 5 pm. Tuition $175. 
  • May 18-19 - TTouch for You� at the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus. I took this class and learned how I can help myself and other people with TTouch. A great class for health field practitioners. Tuition $395. Course approved for 14 CE's by NCBTMB. 

For more information and registration, please call the TTouch� Office at 800-854-8326 or email Kirsten Henry at the TTouch� Office.


Please let me know your experience at these workshops.


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