THE STRAIGHT PIPE * November 2013 
Did you know there are two Lake Champlain newsletters? 
Looking for fishing & boating news? Then check out LCI's other monthly email newsletter, 'On the Hook!'
To subscribe to 'On the Hook,' click here and enter your email address. Simply follow the directions to update your subscription!

Vermont Biosolids Forum - November 5, 2013
The State of Vermont, Department of Environmental Conservation, will be hosting a forum
focused on the future of biosolids (aka sludge) regulation and management in Vermont. The general
format will include presentations by concerned parties followed by group discussion. Find out more about attending this forum in Waterbury... 

Breaking research has dramatic implications 
for health of Champlain Valley residents

For the first time, researchers have discovered that blue-green algae blooms are directly linked to several motor neuron diseases, including Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Learn more about this alarming discovery... 

Panelists: Adirondack Park Agency weak on water quality
A morning panel discussion on water quality opened with a presentation from Peter Bauer, executive director of Protect the Adirondacks. He said stormwater is the biggest threat to the Park's water quality. Keep reading...
Deen: An idea for watershed governance

Here is an idea for you to consider. What if we changed our units of local government away from the land grant towns chartered in New Hampshire and Vermont, replacing town boundary lines on a map with the boundaries of watersheds? Learn more about this idea...  

Vermonters are first in wildlife watching

A 2011 federal survey revealed that Vermont topped all the other states nationwide in "wildlife watching" with 53% of Vermonters viewing, feeding or photographing wildlife.  Spending associated with wildlife watching is more than $200 million annually in Vermont.



November 2013 | Lake Champlain: The thermocline
Ever what a thermocline is all about? LCI's Staff Scientist explains what a thermocline is and how they work in Lake Champlain. Read about it here...
WhatsNewLCIWHAT'S NEW WITH LCI                     BACK TO TOP

Conservation Director invited to speak at Maine Stormwater Conference
LCI's Conservation Director has been invited to share LCI's successes of preventing water pollution through the BLUE� certification program with the attendees of the Maine Stormwater Conference this November. The Maine conference will be nearly the tenth conference at which LCI's Conservation Director has presented a topic on water pollution solutions in the past few years.
VIDEOS: Why do you depend on clean waters?
You, me, and our neighbors need clean water for good health, prosperity, and vibrant communities. Watch these videos to learn why our friends and neighbors depend on clean water and healthy fish! 
NEW! Sign-up with GoodSwipe to Help Lake Champlain
Now through everyday purchases with your debit or credit card at more than 50,000 stores around the nation, a percentage of your purchase can be donated to LCI! Learn how to sign-up here...
 membersLCI's NEWEST MEMBERS                BACK TO TOP
LCI Business Members support the work that you and LCI are so passionately involved with. These businesses recognize the vital importance of clean waters and healthy fisheries to our local and regional economy, communities, and health.

Goddard College
(Signature Member)
Goddard College is a small, progressive liberal arts college that offers low-residency programs leading to accredited bachelor's and master's degrees in education, creative writing, sustainability, health arts and sciences, psychology, and individualized studies. Find out more about Goddard College here...

Essex Outlets and Cinema (Signature Member)
The Essex Outlet and Cinema is home to national factory outlet stores, more than twenty-five local Vermont specialty stores, and several dining establishments. And to entertain the rest of the family while you shop, they also feature a state-of-the-art stadium seating movie theater! Check them out...

Pomerleau Real Estate (Partner Member)
Pomerleau Real Estate, the leading full-service Commercial Real Estate firm in Vermont, is committed to providing unparalleled service to our clients. Pomerleau uses their experience, market intelligence, connections, and professionalism to help you achieve and surpass your business goals. Learn more about Pomerleau...

KidsOutsideGETTING KIDS OUTSIDE                BACK TO TOP

Waterfowl watching with the family on Lake Champlain
With open meadows, small and large ponds, and lake views (from close and afar), you can't ask for a much better place to watch migrating waterfowl than along Lake Champlain.  This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your family, grab some binoculars, and head outdoors to view dozens of waterfowl species head south to find food and habitat.  Read more...
NationWorldNATION & WORLD                          BACK TO TOP
Fish may be unfairly blamed as primary source of mercury exposure
A new study from researchers at the University of Bristol questions whether seafood is the primary contributor of mercury accumulation in the body. In fact, according to their latest data, fish may account for only 7% of dietary mercury in the human body. Read the research results here...  
Student scholarships available for water environment protection majors and non-related majors

NEWEA's objective is to encourage and to provide incentive for capable and motivated individuals to continue their studies in the advancement of their water environment protection skills, and to enhance and promote the quality of their performance as environmental professionals. Learn more...  

Calculating the cost of toxic algae

"Harmful algae have a $37 million/year impact on public health, according to the NOAA.
It also costs commercial fisheries $38 million/per year, the recreation and tourism industries $4 million/year, and requires $3 million/year for additional coastal monitoring and management." Learn more...  

California introduces over a dozen new water laws

This month, Governor Jerry Brown "signed more than a dozen bills aimed at improving access to water in the state, where drought is common and tension is high over the competing needs of residents, agriculture and the environment." Learn more...  

TechnologyTECHNOLOGY                             BACK TO TOP

China creates 55 billion tons of artificial rain a year-and it plans to quintuple that

Back in 2150 BC, Emperor Yu sealed his place in China's history of eminent rulers by controlling the Yellow River's annual flood, saving waterlogged crops. Today China's rulers face the opposite problem: It's water scarcity that threatens farms. So instead of the Yellow River, the Chinese government is controlling the rain. It does that by "cloud-seeding." Learn more...  

ThomasTalksTHOMAS TALKS                            BACK TO TOP
November Edition | Lake Champlain: Not just for hunting
Many hunters gather every fall at Lake Champlain for the superb duck and goose hunting. Continue reading this month's article from LCI's young and talented supporter Thomas Drummey...
EventsAllEVENTS                                      BACK TO TOP

Champlain Basin Derby
Now - March 2014 
Fish around the entire Lake Champlain Basin from now until March 2014 for your chance to win cash while exploring our region's spectacular network of streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. You never know what you'll catch! Sign up today... 
Become an Expert on Your Backyard Wilderness  
Join Mike Anther and explore your "backyard wilderness" around Chittenden County, Vermont and beyond!
Click here for the summer and fall schedule and more details... 

Community Information Series Summarizing Progress on Lake Champlain Initiatives
November 5 & 7
Following-up on the 2013 Leahy Environmental Summit in May, the Leahy Center for Lake Champlain is hosting three information sessions outlining the results of May's Summit.
Click here for more info!
Vermont Biosolids Forum
November 5
The State of Vermont, Department of Environmental Conservation, will be hosting a forum focused on the future of biosolids (aka sludge) regulation and management in Vermont on Tuesday, November 5th, from 9am to 1pm, at St Leo's Hall (109 S. Main St, Waterbury VT).  
Volunteer Tree Stewards Needed 
Fall 2013 
Friends of the Mad River is looking for volunteers to help maintain trees that have been planted along the Mad River over the past several years and identify sites that may need replanting next year. The time commitment is only 2-4 hours per site. 
Please contact Caitrin at for more info! 



kid fishing edited


Lake Champlain 

International, Inc.                          

531 Main Street

Colchester, VT 05446

802.879.3466  Fax: 802.879.1746 


a 501(c)(3) organization

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BLUE sign with flowers


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Better Business Bureau

Great Nonprofits

1% for the Planet Partner

Good Links to Know

 LCI Staff

James Ehlers
Executive Director 

Eric LaMontagne
Outreach Director 

Ross Saxton
Director of Conservation & Education 

Liz Ehlers
Business Manager 

Wayne Laroche
Chief Scientist

Cathy Pirie Merrill 
Let's Go Fishing Administrator

Meet the LCI Staff! 

 LCI Board of Directors

Dave Adams
Shawn Bartlett
Michael Brigham
James Ehlers

Jason Galipeau

Scott Goddard

Vice President


Bob Qua

Bob Shannon

Frank Stanley

 LCI Advisory Council 

Aleksandra Drizo, Ph.D.

Jim Douglas, Governor (2003-2011)

Brian Grenon, Ph.D.

Gary Henry, M.S.

Janette Henry, M.S.

Scott Mapes, P.E., Esq.

Timothy B. Mihuc, Ph.D.

April Moulaert, M.S. | | Donate | Become A Member

Lake Champlain International (LCI) is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization actively involved in shaping the future of Lake Champlain's water and fisheries health for the well-being of the people who depend on it today and tomorrow.  To protect, restore, and revitalize Lake Champlain and its communities, LCI educates, advocates, and motivates to ensure that Lake Champlain is swimmable, drinkable, and fishable, understanding that healthy water resources are essential for a healthy economy and a healthy community.
LCI Business Members support your lake and your community.

Click here to learn how you can become an LCI Business Member!

Lake Champlain International, a Top-Rated Nonprofit Award winner, has earned the Guidestar Exchange Seal and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau, illustrating the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and effectiveness as set forth by these internationally trusted organizations.