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SoulCollage� Community Update
January 2016   
Collage Is a Metaphor for Life
by Karen Mann
When you create a SoulCollage� card, in one sense you are simply cutting and pasting, combining a number of images together to make a new image that didn't previously exist. However, I have learned that as simple as collaging is, often the actual process of making SoulCollage� cards can be quite revealing, showing me something about what's happening in my life at the moment.
Care for my Inner Child by Karen Mann

I Am One Who is delicate and blossoming, wide-eyed with wonder. I Am caring for myself in the way I always wanted to be cared for.

Here are some patterns I have noticed as I make SoulCollage� cards: 
  • Sometimes the process of collage feels easy; everything flows and the card seems to make itself... just like those times in my life when things fall into place and life feels effortless.
  • Sometimes my SoulCollage� card is mysterious and at other times it makes perfect sense immediately... just like many situations in my life.
  • Sometimes my SoulCollage� card is complex, made up of many intricate parts... just like when I'm juggling many things and focusing on many details.
  • Sometimes when I make what I initially viewed as a "mistake" (e.g., I ripped an image or stuck it on upside down), it can result in something wonderful. Just like those times in life when things don't work out the way I planned, but in the end they end up better than I could have imagined. The blurry white scratches on my Butterfly: Heart Chakra Companion card really annoyed me at first. Yet when I spoke from them using I Am One Who...I I saw that they conveyed the central, profound message of this card:
Butterfly: Heart Chakra Companion by Karen Mann

I Am One Who is perfect just the way I am. I am lovable even with my imperfections. I give and receive love the best way I know how. 
  • Sometimes a SoulCollage� card takes hours, days, or weeks to make... some things just can't be rushed!
  • Sometime I have too many images to fit on one SoulCollage� card... just like when I have too many tasks on my to-do list.
  • Sometimes I delight in cutting closely around the edge of complicated images - it almost feels meditative - and other times I can't be bothered. This can definitely be quite revealing about how I'm currently feeling about many things-my job, relationships, housework. I made my Care for My Inner Child card after a hypnotherapy session, enjoying the quiet contemplation of intricate cutting and composing.
  • Sometimes I feel "stuck" and nothing seems to come out right... in my collage and in my life.
  • Most of the time, making SoulCollage� cards feels like the most fun and wondrous activity on the planet... reminding me what a joyful life I have!

Even if you're just starting to make SoulCollage� cards, it can be eye-opening to notice your process and your thought patterns.

Have you noticed any correlation between your process of making SoulCollage� cards and what is going on in your life?

Karen Mann
is an Australian SoulCollage� Facilitator & Trainer with a B.Ed in Visual Arts. She has been an artist, art teacher, Lifestyle Coach, and FasterEFT practitioner. Since 2004, she has given SoulCollage� workshops, Trainings, retreats, online courses, and conference presentations in Australia and internationally. 

This kit will help get you started making your cards. The kit includes:
  • SoulCollage� Evolving by Seena B. Frost
  • Card Pack - 12 quality mat board blank cards - 5" x 8"
  • SoulCollage� Card Sleeves - 24 pack
  • Pioneer Glue Stickz
  • A SoulCollage� Card Frame

This is a powerful program designed to facilitate your personal practice of SoulCollage�

A well-designed, perfectly-sized tote to safely carry what you really need. It beautifully identifies you as a proud SoulCollager as well.  Perfect for use as a bag for work, babies, pets, or you.  
To start your SoulCollage� deck or to prepare for the Facilitator's Training, see this class on the Fundamentals of SoulCollage� with Kat Kirby.
You will receive an overview of SoulCollage�: the Suits, Transpersonal Cards, history of the process, and examples and discussions.  A 16-page handout to be used for your own SoulCollage� practice is included as well as two videos and two audio files of the interactive course.

seena.cropped From the SCU Archives    
Read Seena Frost's article from the September, 2012 issue:
A SoulCollage� Deck is the Story of You.


March 10-13, 2016 - Diane Karen Born
Washington (Seattle) - EMAIL TO REGISTER

March 31-April 3, 2016 - Mariabruna Sirabella, M.S., LMFT  & Sue Gelber 
(and, on Sunday, Founder: Seena Frost, M.Div., M.A.)
California (Los Gatos/Santa Cruz area). CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

March 31-April 3, 2016 - Catherine Anderson  
North Carolina (Charlotte) - Catherine Anderson Studio. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

April 14-17, 2016 - Kat Kirby, M.Ed., ATR-BC 
Massachusetts (Westfield)  

May 20-22, 2016 - Audrey Chowdhury, M.S., ATR-BC 
Illinois (Springfield)

June 9-12, 2016 - Kat Kirby, M.Ed., ATR-BC  
California (Lake Elsinore) Pine Manor 2KatStudios

June 23-26, 2016 - Roberta Rook, LCPC 
Maryland (Marriottsville) Retreat and Conference Center at Bon Secours 


January 31- February 3, 2016 - Lucy Schaaphok

SWITZERLAND Bern (Atelier Indigo) - In German - EMAIL TO REGISTER

April 21-24, 2016
- Linda Woolfson , M.A., Ph.D.
UNITED KINGDOM Stroud (Hawkwood College)

April 23-26, 2016 - Lucy Schaaphok 
GERMANY (Horn-Bad Meinberg) Hanover - In German - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER 

April 28-May 1, 2016 - Mariabruna Sirabella, M.S., LMFT
BRAZIL Recife - In Portuguese and English - EMAIL to register

ITALY Orvieto (Terni) - In Italian - Contatta


*No degrees or certificates are required to attend the SoulCollage� Training. The purpose of the Training is to prepare people to share SoulCollage� with others.  The pre-requisites for  the SoulCollage� Facilitator Training are your own active practice of SoulCollage� and your enthusiasm for sharing it with others, as well as reading SoulCollage� Evolving by Seena B. Frost and listening to her CDs: Introduction to SoulCollage� and Facilitating SoulCollage� in Groups.

Before attending a Training, we want you also to have a SoulCollage� workshop experience with a trained SoulCollage� Facilitator or listen to a recorded class Fundamentals of SoulCollage�, make some cards, do the exercise, "I Am One Who...", with your cards and do some SoulCollage� Readings, letting your cards answer at least one of your questions.
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