The Thinking Woman's Almanac
From Annie Shaver-Crandell's Studio
Annie with Horses and Ponies
A girl and her pony, together at last. Well, not exactly. I was one of those many girls who dreamed of having a horse and never did. By the time in life that I had sufficient money to have made the dream come true, my dreams and domestic arrangements -- a loft in NoHo, a job at The City College of New York in Harlem and a husband who liked to find his New York Times through the mail-slot in the morning and did not care at all for country living -- I had made a number of decisions in different directions. | Icelandic Pony and Annie |
But I always liked horses -- to admire, to ride, to smell, to draw and paint, and over the years have made many opportunities to be in their presence. It is my great good fortune now to live with Dan Dillon, who also likes to be around horses. Readers of some of my previous newsletters ( November 2013 and June 2013) may remember last year's expedition to Chincoteague and Assateague, as well as our adventures following the Smithtown Hunt on Long Island.  | Annie and Dan Dillon at the Vermont Icelandic Horse Farm |
This year's pony adventure took us to Waitsfield, Vermont, for a weekend at the Mad River Inn and the Vermont Icelandic Horse Farm, run by Luc and Karen, respectively. We had been hearing about Icelandic horses for awhile; like the ponies of Chincoteague and Assateague, they are technically ponies, rather than horses, because of their compact size. They stand just about fourteen hands (the horse person's "hand" is four inches, so the animals measure about 64 inches from the ground to the withers, the base of the animal's neck. Daniel and I are both tall, but we need not have worried about riding the Icelandic horses, as we weigh less than the stable's 225 pound limit.
The appeal of the Icelandic horses for us was the opportunity to ride at a gait that is unique to the breed, the t�lt, which I can best describe as a rapid singlefoot, somewhere between a walk and a trot, and which Daniel better describes as like a human dancer's strutting. The rider sits to the gait and does not post as one would with at the trot. Also, as you see from the photo, we visited Vermont during October, at the time of peak autumn foliage. We rode in solid rain for five hours during our first day's two outings. I finally got to use for its intended purpose, rather than the street, a 25-year-old Barbour long rider's raincoat acquired for a previous trip in France where there was no rain. The next day we enjoyed another lengthy but sun-filled ride. Full disclosure: my legs were so shot I could barely dismount safely by Sunday afternoon, but we had a great time. Highly recommended, and this excellent stable and inn are open all year.
Our other horse-centered outing recently was to Opening Day of the Smithtown Hunt, the last hunt left on Long Island. No fox participates (the "fox" rides ahead of the field with a spray can of stinky fox urine), but the hounds, horses and hunters have a great outing for a number of hours while people like us, called "hilltoppers," follow on foot and by car. This year, I was able to get photos of the beginning of the hunt, which was blessed this year by a deacon, and the end, when the Huntsman fed the hounds while conditioning them to the sound of his horn. Since the hounds work off-leash, training them to respond to the sounded horn is crucial for keeping the pack together. As always, I appreciate the beauty of the horses, both in motion and at rest, and I look forward to painting this winter from some of my best photographs.
Smithtown Hunt, Opening Day 2014
Sunday, October 26th, SUNY Campus at Old Westbury, NY
 | Hounds of the Smithtown Hunt waiting to do their Job. |
 | Deacon preparing to bless the Smithtown Hunt |
 | Hunters coming uphill |
 | Hunters at a check |
 | The Huntsman feeds the pack at the end of the hunt
 | Rider at drop jump |
 | Smithtown Hunt, Opening Day 2013. An Artist's View |
When Good Things Happen to Bad Watercolors
Before (left) and after (right), Lavender Field, 10" x 14" Watercolor, Annie Shaver-Crandell
The Art Guild of Port Washington, 200 Port Washington Blvd., Manhasset, NY 11030
Saturday November 8: 10 am - 2 pm
$50 Members/$65 Non-members
A workshop focusing on strategies for salvaging watercolors that turn out not quite as you intended. We'll look at traditional correction and repair techniques, as well as gouache, watercolor pencils, and oil pastels as possible adjuncts to transparent watercolors.
Participants should bring in some pieces that they consider failures, as well as their watercolor paints, brushes and fresh paper. Prepare to release anxiety about this wonderful medium and its friends.
Method of payment: Please send check payable to: The Art Guild of Port Washington, Inc., 200 Port Washington Blvd., Manhasset, NY 11030, or register with a credit card at
Salmagundi Club NY Thumb-Box Exhibition & Sale
"The Biggest Little Painting Show Ever"
November 24, 2014 - January 1, 2015.
Reception: December 4th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Isola dei Pescatori, watercolor, 4x6 in, 2013
47 Fifth Avenue, (bet. 11th. and 12th. Sts.)
New York, N.Y. 10003 212-255-7740 SOLO EXHIBITION  |
Lavender Fields, W/C and W/C pencil, 2014
Views of Town and Country March 1, 2015 to April 25, 2015 Huntington Public Library 338 Main St Huntington, NY 11743 ______________________________________________________________ Upcoming Social Events
****Save the dates****
Holiday Party at Bond St. Studo Sunday, December 7th - 3 to 6pm Please invite and bring new people to the party for Annie to meet and share her art, some holiday cheer, and music around Daniel's piano. RSVP by December 5th to Annie at 212.464.7519 or annieshavercrandell@gmail.com_______________________________________________________________
Tango at Salmagundi Hosted by Dan Dillon and Annie
Friday, December 12, 6-10pm
Tango Floor, acrylic, 16x20 in, 2012
$10 admission. Free for veterans, active military and members of NYPD and FDNY Bar and restaurant open at 5:00pm. Annie's February Newsletter
Space is currently available in small group painting classes offered at the Bond Street studio. Monday 2:30-5:30, Wednesday 3:00-6:00, Thursday 10 am-1:00 pm. Call or email me for details about these and private lessons.
Annie Shaver-Crandell: A Collection of Views Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors
Please visit the online store to purchase my recently released book.
Please visit my studio for a private viewing. Call me at 212-464-7519 to schedule. I am also available to discuss commissions.
 | Bonkers on Alert, Acrylic, 9"x12" |
Arlesian Cowboys, monotype, 1/2, 2014
Arlesian Cowboys, monotype, 2/2, 2014
The subject of these two monotype impressions is derived from the annual D�fil� des Gardians, or cowboy parade, held in Arles in southern France each May 1. The heart of this over-500-year-old celebration is a gathering of the horsemen of the Camargue, the delta of the Rh�ne, who work their cattle on white horses, which they bring into town, along with their lady friends, who ride pillion, in procession through the city. Everyone is dressed in traditional Arlesian garb -- black for the men, colors for the women. The d�fil� is followed by the Proven�al version of a rodeo.
Creative License
To view Annie's past newsletters click below:
October 2014
I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.