Everyone says to writers, "Write about what you know," and I find that this advice can be applied to the painter's life as well. Not every day's a picnic opportunity. Just think of all those brilliant bouquets of irises and sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh painted when the Provencal spring rains and summer winds kept him indoors. Although spring is bursting all about us here in the Northeast, it's a rainy 54 this morning in Manhattan, a lot wetter and one degree below what I can tolerate for outdoor work. What I do know well is the inside of my house. Although I can move furniture around, some elements in the space are relatively immovable, creating potentially compositional challenges.
Julianna's video When Life Gives You Lemons takes a light-hearted but not exactly frivolous look at a common artist's strategy for coping with less-than-ideal conditions. But there are other reasons to take on interior views. In good weather, there is wonderful light in my loft. Still-Light was done a few years ago after a renovation that enlarged my bedroom into quite an inviting space. During the same period, I knew that we were going to lose five of the eight lot-line windows on the east side of the building because of the impending construction of a new building next door. Sacred Space: The Path Leads to My Work commemorates the light that was once in that part of the house.
 | When Life Hands You Lemons |
 | Still-Light |
Sacred Space: The Path Leads to My Work
I'm the third generation to enjoy the Chinese rug, which turns up in paintings at intervals, and is a tremendous challenge to render, depending on the medium and the lighting. MySpace.Calm shows elements of the living-room furnishings in a spot where I often sit to organize the day. Here it is again, in Florence in a Black Camisole.
 | MySpace.Calm |
 | Florence in a Black Camisole |
The two versions of Van Gogh's Bathtub -- oil and the monotype derived from it -- represent my art historian's riff on Van Gogh's paintings of his bedroom in Arles, with its acute perspective. The pioneers of this loft, my late husband Keith and his previous wife Vivien, brought with them from the Chelsea apartment from which their landlord had burned them out a ball-and-claw tub. They built a room for it here that just fits it, much as Vincent's bed apparently just accommodated his bedroom. I couldn't resist, especially as I have painted the bathtub room a Van Gogh-worthy yellow.
 | Van Gogh's Bathtub, oil |
 | Van Gogh's Bathtub, monotype |
Book Released - May 3, 2014
A Collection of Views: Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors, is a
cross-section of my recent work in oil, acrylic, watercolor and pastel.
In this collection of views, I hope to share my vision.
Annie Shaver-Crandell
Book description:
36 pages, 8.75" x 11.25", 33 photos, linen cover 1 book - $30 plus shipping
Call Annie at 212 464-7519 or
Email annieshavercrandell@gmail.com
NEWS FROM HARBORFIELDS SOLO EXHIBITION | Solo exhibition, A Collection of Views: Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors |
May 1-29 Solo exhibition,
A Collection of Views: Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors. Harborfields Library, 31 Broadway, Greenlawn, NY, 11740 .
 | May 17th 10-3 Planting Fields Arboretum |
Saturday May 17th Plein Air Day at Planting Fields, Oyster Bay, New York, 10-3. Rain-date May 18. Into the Garden: Plein Air Painting with Annie Shaver-Crandell at 10-3 / free. $8 parking fee / meet at the end of the West Parking lot by the Main Greenhouse.
Elsie de Wolfe, subject of Planting Fields' 2014 exhibition, loved the garden as an influence on her interior designs. Come be inspired by the gardens and landscapes at Planting Fields and paint with me. Materials are artist's choice (drop-cloths recommended) and space is limited to 20 participants. Bring a bag lunch or purchase snacks at the cafe. For more in formation or reservations contact Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or jlavella@plantingfields.org
ONGOING WEEKLY CLASSES Space is currently available in small group painting classes offered at the Bond Street studio. Monday 2:30-5:30, Wednesday 3:00-6:00, Thursday 10 am-1:00 pm. Call or email me for details about these and private lessons.
Win a Free Watercolor Lesson
Like me on facebook and twitter the word "watercolor" to me and your name will be entered for a chance to win a free watercolor lesson at my Bond Street studio!
Annie's work may be seen at
 | Peetie |
I am available to discuss commissions.
 | Waterlillies |
Research Trip, Central Park
To view Annie's past newsletters click below
I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at annieshavercrandell@gmail.com and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.
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