The small classes in the studio run something like a well-equipped gym with a vigilant trainer who is also working out at the same time. I maintain a wide array of art materials and tools for students to try out until they decide which ones will suit them best. Though most people come to me for watercolor training, they sometimes move over into other media such as oil or acrylic, with which I am equally comfortable.
My first profession as an art historian gives the studio some of its unusual character. Occasionally I create a situation with a still life or a model for
Florence in a Black Camisole, oil, 30" x 20," 2012
deliberate commentary on historical examples, or bring out reproductions from the history of art to help clarify something a student is working on.
Florence in a Black Camisole (oil, 30" x 20," 2012, at left) was created during a workshop organized last winter called "Matisse on Bond," at which a group of artists worked from a Matisse-like set-up with a wonderful model in my living room.
My first intention as a teacher is to establish for each student enough practical support to move toward mastery of basic techniques, including a detailed knowledge of materials. Then I love to give tremendous permission in the studio, in the hope that each student will develop confidence to
move in his or her unique direction as an artist.
Group class schedule: Monday, 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 3-6:00 p.m.
Thursday, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
New Students: group classes $35
Private lessons $95
Private lessons by appointment, including some weekends.
To enroll, call or e-mail, giving your name and contact information.
Studio: 212-677-4045
Cell: 212-464-7519
39 Bond Street (between Lafayette and the Bowery), New York, NY 10012 (a short walk from the Broadway-Lafayette stop on the IND subway, Bleecker Street on the #6 IRT, or the #103 bus on the Bowery.