Both the Senate and House are moving forward on their bills to reauthorize the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)/Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
The Senate opened debate on its bill, S. 1177, The Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA), yesterday with votes on amendments starting later this week and into next week. The House is expected today to reopen the Rules Committee debate on The Student Success Act (HR 5) in order to give members votes on additional amendments - this is needed because House leadership still needs the support of some Republican members in order to pass their bill.
Following that, the House is expected to put The Student Success Act to a floor vote later this afternoon. We need your support! An Action Alert will follow within the next 2 hours asking you to contact your Representative urging support of the provisions in The Student Success Act (HR 5) that improve consultation and equitable services for students and teachers in religious, private and independent schools!
You will remember that House leadership rescheduled action on HR 5 in early March after some members withdrew their support. House leadership has been working since then to bring the bill back up. As hoped, movement on the Senate bill has renewed activity in the House. These developments are very hopeful for moving ESEA Reauthorization forward in a way that benefits all students. Stay tuned for further breaking developments and Action Alerts requesting your support with the upcoming votes.