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Group photo for 2013 Annual Meeting held at the North Carolina Maritime Museum

CAMM Membership Newsletter - January 31, 2014
2013 Highlights

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National Museum of the Great Lakes
2013 Meeting Highlights
Jean Wort and Ron Oswald


I invite you to join us in Toledo, Ohio, for the Annual Meeting of the Council of American Maritime Museums, April 28 - 29, 2014. The annual meeting is a gathering of maritime museum professionals from across the country to discuss and explore the issues of the day.


This year's conference will be hosted by the National Museum of the Great Lakes, formerly the Inland Seas Maritime Museum, in their brand new facility. We will be among the very first to visit this new museum and have an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour.


As we are all aware, maritime museums are a very special type of institution, with rewards and challenges all their own. This is your opportunity to network with colleagues and celebrate our role in preserving maritime heritage.


Take a look at the photos from last year, call up anyone on the Board for more information, visit our website, and make your plans to attend today. 


See you in Toledo!


Dave Pearson

CAMM President

2014 Annual Meeting Details


We are planning two full days of programming including sessions on a variety of topics of interest to maritime museums, a reception on the museum ship
Col. James M. Schoonmaker, a canal experience field trip, and a closing dinner at the Toledo Yacht Club. Session topics range from the preservation of lighthouse lenses, the creation of a fisheries heritage trail, the latest in ship documentation to a discussion of pirates and piracy. See the preliminary schedule on our annual meeting web page.


The $150 registration fee covers all meals and programming. There is also a 0ne-day registration option. A PDF registration form is on our website. If you are unable to fill out the form online and email it to us, please print out a paper version to fill out and mail to us.  You may pay either by check or credit card when mailing your registration. You'll notice a link to our PayPal account for those who wish to pay online. If you have trouble using this payment method, let us know and we'll email you a PayPal invoice.  


The museum is located on the Maumee River off Lake Erie. It's physical address is 1701 Front Street, Toledo, Ohio. The closest major airport in Detroit, Michigan, is about an hour's drive. We booked rooms at two hotels. One is downtown about two miles from the museum. The second option is a lodge on the Maumee Bay about nine miles from the museum. Please mention the conference to get a reduced room rate. There is more on lodging on our website.


Questions? Email


Travel Grants

The Leonard Rennie Fund was established in 1990 by the Council of American Maritime Museums (CAMM) to support the professional development of CAMM institutional members' staff, both paid and volunteer. Each year CAMM offers grants for participation in their annual meeting that enhance the professional qualifications of CAMM members' staff in the fields of maritime preservation and practice. Grants will support 50% of expenses (not to exceed $750 per applicant). The applicant's institution agrees to fund the balance. The funds are limited so apply early!


The travel grant application is available on the website.

This newsletter is intended for the CAMM membership. 
Please share this newsletter with your staff.  If you have a colleague who is not a member of CAMM, please encourage them to join. See the Join Us page on our website.

For the latest news follow the CAMM news blog. If you have a news item of interest to other CAMM members, please submit them to
Candace Clifford
Council of American Maritime Museums

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