Aronfeld Trial Lawyers
"The Talisman"
October 2009                                                                     Volume III, Issue 10
In This Issue
Meet Spencer
Aronfeld Updates
Candy's Corner
6 Ways to Get Your Kids Home Safe
Aronfeld Team Accomplishments
Plastic Surgery Nightmares
New Additions to the Firm
Chinese Drywall
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
University of Miami
School of Law
Small Firm Week
October 20, 2009 at 12:30 PM
"The art of being a trial lawyer" 
Mass Torts 
Mass Torts Made Perfect
Bellagio Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
October 16, 2009
at 9:30 AM
I know its only October, but Hanukah is right around the corner.  Join us this year as
TV's Judge David Young lights our Menorah on December 13, 2009
Want to get involved?  Contact Carol. 
David Young 
"When surgeons blame the hospital for their patient's injury"
December 13, 2009
2:00 PM
Maui, Hawaii
February 1, 2010
8:00 AM
Spencer behind the scenes at the Tyra Banks Show. We will keep you posted when the show will air.
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Follow me on Twitter and Facebook for the most up-to-date information throughout the month.
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Candy's Corner
News from our
 Client Care Specialist,
 Candace Grossman
Happy October!!!
 Holloween FP
News you cannot use....
Ever drop your cell phone in water? 
Put it in a bowl and cover it with rice. Which Rice? I don't know...brown or white rice. Use white, it's cheaper. Keep it there a few days and it will dry out!!!!
AARP Foundation News
 What happened to the: Golden Years??? Five million people over the age of 65 live on less than $10,000 per year. 25% of all retired persons live on Social Security alone. Now what is going to happen to the 9% of Americans who are out of work and not paying into social security? 23% of Americans have problems paying medical bills. Choosing between paying bills or buying food. Millions of people are going bankrupt. Here is to better news next month.
Join Our Mailing List
I am a reckless idiot. I know many of you would agree, but probably for other reasons.  I am referring to texting or mailing while I am driving, especially with my babies in the car. President Obama signed an Executive Order banning federal employees from text messaging while driving on the job or in a government-owned vehicle. I urge local and state officials to follow this as well as my friends, family and clients.  This month's issue touches on kid car safety as well as what to do if you are in a car crash.  Stay safe and put your PDA in the trunk when you drive.
October also marks the 25th anniversary of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM).  The tireless efforts of many have yielded invaluable research and have empowered women from all walks of life toT-Shirt 3 take charge of their breast health. We are doing our part by giving back in style with a special edition of our "Talk to My Lawyer" shirt in Pink and Brown.  100% of the proceeds will go to the The Braman Family Breast Cancer Institute at the University of Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.  If you are interested in purchasing one, please contact Carol.   Pink Ribbon 
Lastly, we need to recognize and thank my dear friend Glenn H. Finch for his brave service to our country. We wish him a safe and speedy return to his family and friends.
Six Ways to Get Your Kids Home Safe Texting while driving
1. Leave your PDA in the trunk - Being distracted delays reaction time, as much as a blood-alcohol above the legal limit. Deaths blamed on distracted drivers are up and are most common among  inexperienced drivers. 
2. Back-Over Accidents - Every car has blind spots.  Hurried parents driving SUVs and Minivans need to slow down and make sure all children are visible before backing up.
3. Power Windows - Every year hundreds of children get their fingers, arms and necks caught in power windows.  Never leave a child unattended in a car, as many power windows work even with the ignition off. New models have a pull up switch which is safer.
4.  Hyperthermia - Few parents would admit to leaving a child alone in a car in the Florida heat, intentionally.  But accidents happen when children either hide or get locked into cars without their parents knowing.  Always lock your car and make sure that all children are accounted for.
5. Rollaway - Automatic transmissions may be shifted "out of park" even if the engine is off and the driver's foot is not on the brake. If you leave the key in the ignition and turned to the accessory mode (to listen to the radio, open/close the windows, etc.), the automatic transmission may be shifted out of "Park" if your child moves the gear selector. To prevent this: verify whether or not your car has a Brake Transmission Safety Interlock (BTSI). As of 2010 all new cars must have this.
6. Register Your Car Seat - In the event of a safety recall all manufacturers are required to notify all registered owners by first class mail of a recall. Therefore, confirm the manufacturer of your child restraint has your current mailing address.
Aronfeld Team Accomplishments  
Legal TeamAttorney Bruce E. Shemrock and paralegal Patricia Sequeira led the Aronfeld team in resolving Caraballo v. Stephen, an individual, and J.C.L. Maintenance Services, Inc., d/b/a/ U.S. Lawns of East Broward, a Florida Corporation for $625,000.00.  The family who was involved in a car accident August 12, 2008 in Fort Lauderdale shortly before trial.  Bruce and Patricia are currently preparing for trial against Marriott Hotel for a slip and fall that has left our client, a roofer, unable to work.  In addition, Muniz v. Gameworks is set for trial December 28, 2009.  In this case, we represent a young boy who broke his leg on the Turret Tower ride. Channel 4 Check out:
Attorney Lennon Kraus is currently preparing for trial for a slip and fall that occurred at Versailles restaurant resulting in our client breaking her hip.  The case is scheduled for trial on November 2, 2009.  We are also preparing for a complex medical malpractice case in Palm Beach County on behalf of our client who sustained a permanent nerve damage following a total knee replacement. 
Aronfeld in the News:  Marie Claire
Nip, tuck, fill, freeze-- the promise of eternal youth has never been so great. But in today's hurting economy, greedy doctors are cutting corners and taking advantage in shocking ways. To read more on this, go to the article link: 
Marie Claire Article  
New Times Cover StoryMiami New Times Cover Story
Miami man loses penis after penile implant surgery goes terribly wrong. E. Lennon Kraus leads the firm in seeking compensation for our client and his wife.
New Additions to Aronfeld Trial Lawyers:   FR- PGirls
Our Family continues to grow to the benefit of our clients.
Mayra is a graduate of the University of Miami, School of Law class of 1992.  Mayra speaks fluent Spanish and French and lives on Key Biscayne.  Sayra Sanchez was born and raised in Mexico City, Mexico.  She attends Florida International University and is obtaining her degree in legal studies.  Elizabeth Ramirez is an experienced paralegal and will be working with Attorney Lennon Kraus.  Carol Arostegui is the new face and voice of our office.  When you call, most likely it will be Carol who answers the phone.  She also serves as my Personal Assistant.

CDW LAWork on Chinese Drywall Continues.  Spencer Aronfeld was appointed to the Multidistrict Litigation Committe in the Eastern District of Louisana.  Our firm presently represents victims of Chinese Drywall across the State of Florida, including owners, tenants and neighbors.  If you think you have been exposed to Chinese Dry Wall, contact our office for a free and confidential inspection.

I did it this month and urge you to give the "Gift of Life." Be an organ and tissue donor and save or improve the lives of as many as 50 people. For more information on how to become a donor go to their click here.
Each month we include some important safety information for you and your family.
Aronfeld            AVAILABLE 24/7! 
Experienced representation in all areas of Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Defective Chinese Drywall and Wrongful Death.
Referral and Co-Counsel opportunities welcomed.
To find out more, please call us at:
Tel: 305-441-0440
Toll Free: 866-59-PILAW
Coral Gables, Florida 33134 USA
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Bldg Photo
Photos Courtesy of Kraus Photos.