A Message from Mind Body Therapies
Sunday's Walk for HAWC
Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know that I will be Walking for HAWC on Sunday, May 6, 2012.  This walkathon is scheduled for 11am at Old Town Hall in Salem, MA.

I will be walking with the ABT Yoga group to raise money for HAWC - which provides free services to victims of domestic violence and their children in 23 cities and towns in the North Shore area. 

If you have ever been in an abusive situation - in this life or a past life, please contribute to this cause and sponsor my 5 mile walk on Sunday.

If you would like to join me for the walk - please let me know. 978-777-9911

With Appreciation,  Laura
jo539.jngContributions are gratefully accepted

Make out your checks to HAWC
send to Laura Zohman
 Mind Body Therapies
P.O. Box 35
Topsfield, MA 01983

Or - Register and Contribute to the Walk for HAWC at
www.hawcdv.org at 978-744-8552