The New Wave Banner Spring 2012

Alberta Lake Management Society Newsletter

June 2012
Experimental Lakes Needs Your Help
Emily 2010
Critical Phosphorus Research: Lake 226 at the ELA

There are some scientific experiments that are so big, they cannot be done in a lab. That is why a small corner of Northwestern Ontario has been set aside for the scientists with those big ideas. It is called the experimental lakes area and, as you may already be aware, the Federal Government has cancelled funding for the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA). 


There is no other comparable facility in the world. The whole-ecosystem manipulation experiments conducted at the ELA have provided scientific knowledge for national and international environmental policy development. The key areas of influence include understanding/managing algal blooms, acid rain, climate change, aquaculture, mercury pollution, greenhouse gas production, hydroelectric reservoir development, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The abrupt closure means invaluable current water research projects and their future findings will be lost. This includes a one-of-a-kind climate change study and the only investigation in the world looking at what happens in a lake polluted by nanosilver, the increasingly popular antimicrobial agent found in everything from household cleaning sponges to socks and even children's teddy bears.


The scientific output of Canada's ELA has been impressive and the ELA plays a central role in ensuring the health of lakes and rivers in Canada and around the world. If the Government of Canada proceeds with this closure, it will mark a significant setback for scientific research globally and will impede the ability of scientists in both government and academia to understand the human impacts on aquatic environments and to formulate sound environmental policies that will protect all Canadians.


So what can you do? Here's a list and its important to act fast because these decisions are being finalized in the next few weeks:


> Learn more about the issue at and spread the information to your networks.


> Call, email or write:

  • Fisheries & Oceans Minister Keith Ashfield
  • Fisheries & Oceans Deputy Minister Claire Dansereau
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper
  • Your Member of Parliament
    • Best Strategy: Request a meeting with, write a letter to, or call your Member of Parliament because they will then have to briefed on the issue. Find out who is your MP Here.

> Print and get signatures, then send this Public Petition to the House of Commons to Save ELA (residents of Canada only, no age restriction).


> Sign the Online Petition. (Note: this petition does not replace the Public Petition as it cannot be presented to Parliament. We encourage Canadian citizens to sign both the Public Petition and online petition. Non-Canadians may sign the online petition to voice their support for the ELA.)

Alberta Water Quality Day is June 5

Across the province families, teachers, students, stewardship groups and regular folk are heading out with their AWQA kits to explore their watershed and test the water quality of their local waterbody. Results are already being uploaded into our database to be analysed and written up in a "snap-shot" report on Alberta's water quality. However, AWQA samplers are also using Twitter (#AWQA) to spread the word about their results.   


June 5 is World Environment Day and AWQA Day but AWQA Day events are being held throughout the summer, here are few for June: 

  • June 9, River Day, Edmonton River Valley
  • June 10, Bugology, John Janzen Nature Centre, Edmonton
  • June 23, Creek Fest, Fish Creek Park, Calgary

The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance is hosting several Lake Days and will be using their AWQA kits for water quality testing, the next one is June 9, at Buffalo Lake. Also, keep checking for more listings throughout the summer.


Prizes! All AWQA participants (both individuals and groups) that submit photos and upload data will be entered to win prizes! Thanks to our many great contest sponsors:

- The Fishing Hole

- Wildbird General Store

- Costco

- West Edmonton Mall

- City of Edmonton

- Optiks Print Studio and Custom Framing

- Nature Alberta 

LakeWatch is ready for another year!

Thanks to our partners, the Government of Alberta and the Lakeland Industrial Community Association, 20 more lakes will be sampled by our two new Lakewatch Technicians.


Lake Sunset
For a full list of Alberta lakes that are being monitored by Alberta Environment and Alberta Health in addition to ALMS in 2012 click on the image

2012 Lakewatch lakes are:

  • Island
  • Mayatan          
  • Chip
  • Battle
  • Cow
  • Jackfish
  • Dechaine
  • Hastings
  • Lac Saint Cyr
  • Crane
  • Moose
  • Muriel
  • Minnie
  • Marie
  • Skeleton North
  • Skeleton South
  • Laurier
  • Lac Sante


Emily 2010
Erin Rodger
Erin is a graduate of the University of Alberta's Conservation Biology program. Growing up in British Columbia, Erin became interested in lake management from all her time spent at the lake doing various activities; such as, boating, kayaking and wakeboarding. She recently spent a month volunteering herself in Ecuador on an Andean Condor conservation project. Erin is very excited to begin her summer of sampling at ALMS and looks forward to working with all the volunteers. When she is not working, Erin enjoys travelling and has been to many countries, such as: Ecuador, Peru, Italy and Greece. She is already planning her next trip in hopes of learning to surf. 


Randi Newton

Randi is a recent graduate of the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the University of Alberta. During her time at school she was lucky enough to work as a field assistant on a number of aquatic projects. In April, she arrived back in Canada after six months of travelling in New Zealand, Singapore and Southeast Asia. While the traveler's lifestyle is appealing, Randi is happy to be working this summer in her beautiful home province. In 2013 she hopes to go to grad school to study environmental policy or community planning. On days off she can be found hiking, camping, reading, taking care of her yard and tiny garden, visiting the farmer's market, and cooking.



World Environment Day Events, June 5

Storm Warning: Assuring Water & Climate Security in Alberta. The Way We Green Speaker Series, Edmoton City Hall, #1 Chirchill Square, City Room from 2:10 to 1:00pm (bring your lunch and a reusable mug) Green Stop


Environment Week, June 3 to 9

Find an Alberta Green Stop event near you! Click on image to go see a list of all Green Stops in Alberta - over 60 events!


Rivers to Oceans Week, June 8 to 14

Recognizes watershed connectedness and reminds us that taking care of our water is a shared responsibility. Information and events Link 



Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership (ALIDP) presents "Digging for Rainy Days" on June 14th at Olds College Campus. Register at 


Canadian Water Resources Association and Canadian Geophysical Union's conference, "Earth, Wind and Water - Elements of Life."  Banff, June 5th to 8th 


University of Alberta's Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) "Integrating Water Innovation" Forum. Camrose, August 9th and 10th go to to register, space is limited.    


Vitalize 2012, training and development conference for nonprofit and voluntary sector organizations. June 7 to 9 at the TELUS Convention Centre in Calgary.  vitalize website


Watershed Advisory Councils: Annual General Meetings. Also check your local WPAC's website for many events this summer!

Red Deer River Alliance, June 21 in Red Deer

Oldman Watershed Council, June 8 in Lethbridge

Bow River Watershed Alliance, June 13 in Calgary

Battle River Watershed Alliance, June 14 in Camrose


Workshop News
ALMS and Moose Lake Watershed Society present:
ALMS 2012 Workshop Logo  
Cold Lake, Alberta
September 28 & 29, 2012

Registration is Open!
Early Bird Rate ($85) until July 15th, 2012.

Visit for all the workshop details as they are updated.

Helping Heal Alberta's Watersheds
Contours 2012 Cover
ALMS President, Steph Neufeld, featured in Summer 2012 University of Alberta Contours Magazine. Click image to read article 
(page 17). 
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