Mark A Venincasa DDS

Top17330 Preston Road #116-D

Dallas, TX 75252-5619

(972) 250-2580

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November 2011Issue 1-11 
In This Issue
Being Thankful
Helping Patients to Save Money
Being Thankful
With this week being Thanksgiving, for me it calls to mind the need to be thankful for what I have.  This may seem simplistic and perhaps even unimportant.  However, please allow me to explain.
Many of us go through difficult times in our lives.  It is easy to focus on our difficulties.  It can be easy to think of ourselves as being victims.  A very good friend of mine told me a few years ago that our lives are basically 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we choose to react.  There is much wisdom in that.  Certainly there are times in my life when my reaction could have been better.  In fact, our reaction to difficulties can be life-changers.
Another wonderful friend told me something else that was life-changing.  He told me that every day when he wakes up, when he is still in bed, he calls to mind 10 things he is thankful for.  He told me he goes through this every day.  What this does for him is to focus on the many blessings he had in his life instead of on the difficulties.  This exercise enabled him to keep things in perspective as his day progressed.  I know this seems a bit simplistic and perhaps insignificant; however, when I started to do this when I was having difficulties in my life, it did totally change my perspective as my days progressed.
Our lives can be enhanced if we can have this habit of offering thanks on a daily basis.  We can be thankful all year round.
                        -Dr. V

This time of year certainly calls us to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.   We are so thankful for each and every one of you.  We value your trust and your loyalty.  Thank you for your kindly referring your friends, your coworkers, and your families.  Because of you we continue to have a growing practice.  With your continued loyalty we look forward to providing many more years of care for you and your loved ones.
Helping Patients to Save Money
sleep dentistry anxietyIn our latest addition to our website's blog we discuss the ways in which we can save our patients their valuable money.  There are multiple ways in which we do this.  
We do very much care for our patients.  We care so much that we work hard in so many areas to enhance the value that we can provide for our patients.  For more information on this please click here.
If you or someone you know would benefit from the personal care we provide we invite you to contact us.
About Us
sleep dentistry anxiety
We invite you to also find out more about who we are as a dental team and as individuals.  If you are indeed interested in finding out more about us please click here.
Mark Venincasa
Mark A Venincasa DDS
(972) 250-2580
For $150 
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