Cyndi's Secrets™ BEST BUST DVD (Upper Body Workout)
Whatever Your Bust Size You CAN Develop Amazing Shape, Definition and Beautiful Curves
� Uplifting Breast Exercises stengthen underlying chest
and back muscles
� Complete Warm-Up, Workout and Cooldown
� FREE Bra Fit Tip Booklet!
. Breast Wellness: Model demonstrate three methods of early cancer
detection simply explained
� Your Personal Home Trainer with a Feminine Touch
�approx. 50 min
YOUR BEST BUST (Sourcebooks - book)
Your Best Bust (Sourcebooks) A complete regimen of state-of-the-art exercises that strengthen the underlying chest muscles and reverse sagging. These exercises are easy to do, take only minutes a day and will give your bustline a youthful, uplifted appearance. Your Best Bust also describes the several bra styles and covers how to get bras that fit and important information on breast health. There's even a delightful segment on the history of the bra. (paperback book)
ERASE YOUER WAIST (Sourcebooks - book)
A complete regimen of exercises to tone and flatten the stomach in less than one-half hour per day. Erase Your Waist includes warm ups, a series of specific exercises and time to cool down. Easy to do, fast and fun, it's the kind of exercise routine a woman can squeeze into a busy schedule, and she'll see quick results. Jam packed with lots of tips on working with your body type, fashion and steps to a positive body image. (paperback book)
Never get bored with this fun effective program.
Lauded by FOX NEWS, FITNESS, Woman's World etc.
Now Just $17.95!!! Approx. $27.00 Value!!!
Portion of the Proceeds Will Be Donated to The American Cancer Society!
FREE offer while supplies lasts!
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Cyndi Targosz