This week Colwin and I attended a diving owners business seminar for an entire day - yip first thought is I am way to busy spend an entire day in a room full of my competitors. So had a good chuckle when Pieter Driessel (PADI Regional Manager) asked us nicely to leave our weapons outside - what is he smoking?
Anyway point of telling you this is that I actually found it exceptionally informative, educational okay I'll admit the fun really started with the cheese & wine generously sponsored by Kewe (good job girls). It seems there was a slight race between myself, Amanda, Janine & Sabrina to see who could empty those nice BIG wine glasses first! I lost when Colwin dragged me away whispering in my ear that I am very loud - can you believe that - me loud - never!
Aahhmm... back to the point. Pieter had an excellent presentation highlighting how absolutely miserable most people CHOOSE to make their lives - YES CHOOSE. We choose to open our arms to read the newspaper filled with blood and gore, pitch our ears to the radio stations preaching doom & gloom, open our eyes to the graphic display of hell on earth via 550 news channels...have I made my point yet... Yes we are surrounded by constant, glaring, in our face negatives...BUT we still have a choice.
Gonna, I can go on & on hey.
So I am going to call all the above the big IT in our lives and dont know about you but I want to take IT - wring its neck lots of time, then throw it on the floor, jump on it hard - like REAL hard ah yes like the nursery rhyme - "Gooi hom in die sloot - trap op sy kop dan is hy dood".
Sherbet I am poegaai - how bout you, but do you also have a smile on your face now?
Choose to be happy, choose to have fun, choose to spend time with your family instead of watching the news, choose to listen to your favourite CD instead of the politician on the radio. Turn the volume up as loud as you possibly can and sing, sing your heart out on the top of your lungs and dont worry about the guy in the car next to you - he is an IT!
I want Scubaversity and diving to be one of your choices. One of the choices that makes your life WOW, fantastic! Come just think about some of your diving sights the amazing, awe-inspiring, fantabulousness that you have had the privilege of experiencing! Dancing with Manta's, Going head-on-head with Tigers, tickling a nudibranch. It takes away all thoughts of the IT factor.
So if we have been missing the boat - sorry IT got IT's tentacles around me but I jumped on it so all is okay now - I put IT in IT's place - drowned it in the pool.
To you my friend, club member, person who receives my emails randomly, next time IT claws into you give us a visit, come chill with a coffee / jaggermeister (whatever floats your boat) and let IT go! Jump in the pool and blow it away with magic bubbles, or just visit the web site and look at some photo's guaranteed to instantly put a smile on your face.
Scubaversity has officially become an IT antidote!
Love you all - really I do see you at the social - I am SO in the mood.
P.S. If there are any spelling, grammar or date mistakes in this email - go tell it to IT, cause I really dont care that much, little but not that much at all...
011 958 2418 | |Cnr Peter & Chestnut sts Ruimsig, 1732