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In This Issue:
· Boston Symphony Orchestra Workshop
· UMASS Summer Study Abroad in Africa
· Teaching Drumming in Baltimore Schools
· Win Fair Trade Chocolate From Ghana
· Traditional Ghanaian Recipe for the Holidays

Boston Symphony Orchestra Workshop 

BSO logo

Join Founder Jeremy Cohen for the 5th Annual ThisWorldMusic drumming workshop at Boston Symphony Hall. Worth 10 Professional Development Points (PDPs) through the BSO: 


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UMASS Summer Study Abroad in Africa   

Africa image

July 27-Aug 19, 2012: Study music & dance in Ghana, West Africa! Earn 6 credits (undergrad. or grad.) from UMASS Amherst. Open to students and professionals from the US and Canada: 


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Teaching Drumming in Baltimore Schools Classroom drumming Baltimore

The Baltimore Sun recently profiled public school teacher and TWM Ghana program participant Diane Schaming. See how Diane is sharing what she learned in Ghana with her students: 


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Win Fair Trade Chocolate From Ghana! 

Cocoa farmer in Ghana

'Like' ThisWorldMusic on Facebook for a chance to win a year's supply of Fair Trade chocolate! Sourced in Ghana, Divine Chocolate is not only delicious, it is 45% owned by cocoa farmers:


Traditional Ghanaian Recipe for the HolidaysJollof Rice from Ghana

Spice up your holiday meal with a delicious traditional dish from Ghana! Check out this recipe for jollof rice, a popular West African rice dish believed to be the origin of Cajun jambalaya:


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Happy Holidays and, as always, keep it funky!


Jeremy Cohen
Founder/Director | ThisWorldMusic
Cambridge, MA | +1.617.833.5207


Imported African Instruments

Carved African drum



Sept 29-Nov 17
Boston, MA

Nov 9-12
Perc. Arts Society Int'l Conference
Indianapolis, IN

Nov 28-May 18
Unlocking the Light
Northampton, MA

December 15
ZUMIX Community Music School
East Boston, MA

Jan 2-14
UMass Winter Session in Ghana
Ghana, West Africa

February 4
Boston, MA

July (dates TBD)
Central CT State
New Britain, CT

July 16-20
Gordon College
Wenham, MA

July 27-Aug 19
UMass Summer Session in Ghana
Ghana, West Africa 
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