Food For Healthy Bones Newsletter...
...everything you eat becomes your bones, blood, organs, muscles, tissues, thoughts and feelings.
Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and Director -Institute for Integrative Nutrition
News From Irma Jennings Founder: Food for Healthy Bones
Osteoporosis Prevention Coach email:irmajennings@rcn.com phone: 917-405-5410
| October 2010
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Welcome to my Osteoporosis Prevention Newsletter; offering helpful tips to build, maintain and improve bone health -from teen years to senior years - through calcium and mineral rich unprocessed organic grains, animal and vegetable proteins, seasonal vegetables, seaweed/sea veggies, fruits, herbal tea infusions, weight bearing exercise and lifestyle choices.
Each month I offer one or two ideas to incorporate slowly for better bone health and overall health. Letting go of old habitual and repetitive eating habits, as our health becomes more of a centered focus, is so important.
Letting go of quick-and-easy microwaved meals is a big step.
Slowly replacing the artificial sweeteners (notice the word artificial, artificial=chemicals, and the pastel colors of the packages..ah such subtle marketing) Splenda/Sweet n' Low/Equal in our coffee/tea. Many of my friends say, "but Irma, I only use one Splenda a day!" Try replacing that one cup of coffee with nutritional bone-building herbal or green teas. If you need a transitional sweetener try raw honey, liquid stevia or organic agave.
And most importantly removing chemicals from our foods.
Tip: Read all labels: If you can't pronounce the ingredient, don't buy it and most importantly don't eat it. A food product should have between 1-5 ingredients.
Take a moment and see how much of your food is kept in plastic containers; how much water your drink from a plastic bottle.
Green Tip: Use glass storage containers and purchase drinking water in glass or carry your canteen with filtered with water.
And please if you use a microwave NEVER microwave your food in plastic as the plastic leaches into your food, causing life long problems.
I welcome your comments by responding to this newsletter.
Your Skelly (skeleton) thanks you for reading and sharing my newsletter.

Skelly and Irma  |
From My Bones To Yours,
Thanks to my talented buddy Robert for the new photo of me and Skelly.
Does Milk build strong
Short answer: NO Why? Because milk depletes calcium from your bones
Really???? Short answer: Yes
- Milk is high in calcium (300mg per glass),
protein and fat.
- Milk, coming from
an animal is animal protein.
- Animal protein is acid forming and as I've mentioned in previous
newsletters, acid leaches calcium from the bones...read more....
Personal Note: Found Love in Bali I
recently returned from my transformational month in Bali, Indonesia with
my friend and yours, Skelly, joining hands with Paul Pitchford's and 35 other practitioners from all over the world, as we participated in Paul's insightful 2-week intensive Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition.
Our day began with Paul's loving and inspirational guidance of Tai Jai relating to our studies of the 5 elements. Then into the classroom for the intensive, the kitchen for continued learning and ending our day with a closing meditation. His gifted team: Michael Fisher and Sharla Cooper together with Paul created magic in Bali, in the classroom, the kitchen and awakened my soul.
Then I was on my own to explore myself and the love that Bali has to offer. I effortlessly
flowed with the breeze of nature and the Balinese people - whose ready
smile lives just beneath their breath - leaving behind my stress in New
York City. The friends I made in Bali I hold dear to my heart.
And my bones....they so loved the peace and quiet.
Secretly, I
forgot what silence sounds like. There were no sirens, no ambulances,
no horns honking in the middle of the night. Just blessed silence.
Please view my Bali photos on my profile facebook page.
Bone Health ~ Your Health 4-week program
Did you know:
- People in countries that consume the most pasteurized dairy products suffer from the most bone fractures?
- Osteopenia and osteoporosis effect men and women
- Bone mass naturally declines around the ages of 30-35
- You can avoid being one of the increasing number of baby boomers who will develop osteoporosis
- Bones are living tissue and can grow back over time with proper nutrition and a stress reduced lifestyle
- Each class is an hour in duration.
 | Let me show you how to eat for your bones The following topics will be covered:
1. Whole organic foods and the acid/alkaline bone health balance2. Sugar: The evils of processed sugar and the nutrient rich natural sugars3. Fats: The importance of good fats4. Protein: Surprising sources of protein5. Food labeling: Understanding ingredients6. Veggies: The health benefits of eating in the seasons7. Grains: Ancient and nutritionally beneficial8. Sea Vegetables and their impact on bone health9. Bone healthy infusions and teasQuestions? 917-405-5410 email: irmaPlease inquire as to my next class. Or create your own group with a minimum of 5. |
Vita-Mix  |
Why do I recommend investing in a Vita-Mix?
Creating Nut Milks, effortless soups to name a few reasons. This is the only product that breaks open the cell walls to release maximum nutrition, more than you can get any other way.
- For a price saving, I purchased the reconditioned Vita-Mix which comes with the FULL 7-year warranty. The price is $379.00.
To place an order, please call 1-800-848-2649 ext. 2308. Speak to Sue Harpster and give her my affiliate code: 06-004962 for free shipping.
Questions? Email: Irma
Your bones will thank you!
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
In 2003 I was searching for a life and career change; looking to leave behind my 23-year career on Wall Street. I desired a life that I believed in, that would bring about healthy lifestyle changes for me, my family and friends, the people in my world and in the bigger world. I enrolled in IIN and never looked back. Through IIN I met Paul Pitchford. The school has graduated 10,000+ students who are changing our world for the better! Care to become part of this growing and life changing family? Happy to have a conversation with you about my experience and the schools' long distance learning program. Irma
Forwarding my newsletter to friends is easy.
Who reads my newsletters?
- Young people in their 20's and 30's who are health conscious and seek food knowledge.
- Clients who want to prevent osteoporosis,
- Clients who are challenged by osteopenia and osteoporosis.
- MD's, acupuncturists, yoga teachers, massage therapists, foodies, personal trainers, health counselors and lifestyle coaches.
- Many of my readers tell me they keep my newsletter in an email file to refer to again and again.
