Food For Healthy Bones Newsletter...
...everything you eat becomes your bones, blood, organs, muscles, tissues, thoughts and feelings.
Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and Director -Institute for Integrative Nutrition
News From Irma Jennings Bone Health Coach email:irmajennings@rcn.com phone: 917-405-5410
| May/June 2010
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
In 2003 I was searching for a life and career change and looking to leave behind my 23-year career on Wall Street. I desired a life that I believed in, that would bring about healthy lifestyle changes for me, my family and friends, the people in my world and in the bigger world. I enrolled in IIN and never looked back.
Happy to have a conversation with you about my experience and the schools' long distance learning program. Irma
Welcome to my monthly newsletter; offering ways of improving bone health through organic whole foods and lifestyles choices.
Robin Rose Bennett, founder of Wisewoman Healing Ways - Herbal Medicine and Earth Spirit Teachings, is a gifted herbalist, writer, and spiritual teacher, and a very special colleague. So thrilled to introduce Robin to my readers and grateful for her contributing article "Herbs for the Health of Your Bones".
Please enjoy her pearls of wisdom in her article below.
Your Skelly (skeleton) will thank you!
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Join our mailing lists (box to the left) for new upcoming programs. Your bones will truly appreciate you.

From My Bones To Yours,
Would you like to know more about me? Check out my website!
Herbs for the Health of your Bones
I am a woman, so of course I'm concerned about the health of my bones. Like everyone else I've been bombarded with warnings about osteoporosis being an inevitable outcome of getting older. Not only that, but since I was a small child I have suffered from bone loss in my mouth or what's now called juvenile periodontitis.
At 16 I was told I wouldn't have a tooth left in my mouth by the time I was 20. Fortunately that dire prediction didn't prove true, and though I have lost some teeth much later, and must pay good attention and tend to myself consistently, my mouth is healthy, in fact healthier than it has been in my whole life. read more
Robin's insightful gem of a book is a must read for truth seekers. Her whimsical and intelligent approach has given me much pleasure over the years and has truly expanded my universe!
"Mystery involves intuitive processes and intellectual ones. We tend to overemphasize and over-rely on our minds to the point where we disengage from our bodies and let our instincts and intuition atrophy.
Sometimes our common sense, our dreams, or our body wisdom is clearly telling us a different story, but we don't trust what we know because we don't how we know it"
To order: www.wisewomanhealingways.com
Bone Health ~ Your Health Private Session
Did you know:
- People in countries that consume the most pasteurized dairy products suffer from the most bone fractures?
- Osteopenia and osteoporosis effect men and women
- Bone mass naturally declines around the ages of 30-35
- You can avoid being one of the increasing number of baby boomers who will develop osteoporosis
- Bones are living tissue and can grow back over time with proper nutrition and a stress reduced lifestyle
 | Let me show you how to eat for your bones The following topics will be covered:
1. Whole organic foods and the acid/alkaline bone health balance2. Sugar: The evils of processed sugar and the nutrient rich natural sugars3. Fats: The importance of good fats4. Protein: Surprising sources of protein5. Food labeling: Understanding ingredients6. Veggies: The health benefits of eating in the seasons7. Grains: Ancient and nutritionally beneficial8. Sea Vegetables and their impact on bone health9. Bone healthy infusions and teasPrivate 1 1/2 hour session includes hand-outs and recipes. Sessions held on the telephone or in my downtown NYC office
Cost: $125.00Questions? 917-405-5410 email: irmajennings@rcn.com |
VitaMixer  |
Why do I recommend investing in a Vita-Mix?
It's quite simple. Phytonutrients
Believe it or not: There are 3,850 powerful,
disease-fighting phytonutrients that supplements simply can't give you .
. . but your Vita-Mix machine can! Supplements are a
fragmented food because manufacturers are only able to extract about 150
of these valuable phytonutrients from whole foods. More bad news about
supplements: They can foster an acid pH in your body and an acid pH
actually promotes disease. And we know acid is not good for our bones.
Now for the good news: Whole foods, full of fiber create an alkaline pH
and they're full of phytonutrients. For example, just one glass of
Vitamix Citrus-Carrot Cocktail contains more than 611 biochemically
complete phytonutrients.
Vita-Mix processing breaks open the cell walls
to release maximumnutrition from whole foods, more than you can get any
other way. Other blenders don't make this claim.
For a price saving, I purchased the reconditioned Vita-Mix which comes with the FULL 7-year warranty.
To place an order, please call 1-800-848-2649 ext. 2308. Speak to Sue Harpster and give her my affiliate code: 06-004962 for free shipping.
Your bones will thank you!
Questions? Email: irma
Soy Sauce Braised Collards with Five-Spice Powder

Sturdy collards are a good choice for this traditional Asian treatment. Five-spice powder is a blend of cinnamon, cloves, fennel, star anise, and Szechwan pepper-corns. This Chinese seasoning is available in the spice section of many supermarkets. Serves 4 to 6 as a Side Dish Ingredients: 1/4 cup of rice wine or sherry 3 Tablespoons of organic soy sauce 2 teaspoons sugar (maple syrup can substitute the sugar or you can try agave) 1/2 teaspoon five-spice powder2 1/2 pounds organic collard greens, tough stems discarded, washed shaken dry ro remove excess water, and coarsely chopped Rice vinegar 1. Bring rice wine, soy sauce, sugar or maple syrup, five-spice powder, and 1/4 cup water to a boil in a large casserole or Dutch oven. Add the damp greens. Cover, reduce the heat, and simmer, stirring once or twice, until the greens are very tender, about 15 minutes. 2. Remove the cover and simmer until the greens are no longer soupy, 3-4 minutes. Adjust the seasonings, adding rice vinegar to taste. Serve immediately Recipe from Vegetables Every Day by Jack Bishop
Collard greens (as all members of the cabbage family)
provide anti-cancer properties and offer an excellent source of
vitamins B6 and C, carotenes, chlorophyll, and manganese. One cup of
collards provide more than 70% of the RDA for vitamin C. Collards are a
great source of fiber and minerals; iron, copper and calcium in
addition they are a good source of vitamins B1, B2 and E. All perfect
vitamins and minerals for our bones!