Food For Healthy Bones Newsletter... 
...because everything you eat becomes your blood, bones, organs, muscles, tissues, thoughts and feelings. Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and Director -Institute for Integrative Nutrition
News From Irma Jennings Certified Nutrition Counselor email:irmajennings@verizon.net phone: 917-405-5410
February 2010
What immediately cames to mind when you viewed the above image of me and Skelly on our winter visualization?
Welcome to my monthly newsletter on bone health!
What does the first image have to do with bone health? When we reduce stress by creating stress busting moments: visualizing, meditating, pausing between activities, getting into nature, taking deep healing breaths throughout the day, letting go of the stresses of our lives (acid), allows the body to balance itself (aklaline). And that simple, but most important activity of your day, plays such a huge role and can't be emphasized enough.
And your Skelly (skeleton) will thank you!
Please share my newsletter by clicking the "forward to a friend" button below.

From My Bones To Yours,
Pearls from Skelly
A Burst of Sunshine - Lemons!
I was chatting it up with Skelly listening to the sage advice my friend has to share, (for those of you who are new to my newsletter, Skelly is our skeleton friend who lives in us all) and the healthy tip that popped up was LEMONS.
Bone health does best in a balanced environment. When we e at foods that contributes to acid in our blood stream; sugars, animal protein, white bread, pastas, artificial sugars such as Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, Sweet and Low, vs. alkaline vegetables and fruits out bones suffer. Why? Because our body wants to be in balance and it will work hard to be in the acid/akaline balance. When we eat acid based foods our body takes calcium from our bones to balance our body. I've listen to my holistic gynecologist, Dr. Helene Leonetti espouse for years the values of drinking warm water with the juice of a whole lemon. Then my naturopath Dr. Edie Resto, DC, ND, also recommended this elixir after my 5-day cleanse while visiting my sister in Ojai, CA.

One of my clients, Jenny Griffith, Holistic Nurse Practitioner, shared her morning ritual. Just after rising she makes her hot lemon water, using these 15 minutes to set her intentions for the day. This practice is good for everyone (unless you have ulcers). Why? read more
Note that a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing
to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For exa mple, lemons are very
acidic, however the end-products they produce after digestion and assimilation
are very alkaline so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body. Likewise, meat
will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves acidic residue in the
body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid-forming.
source: Natural Health School
Calcium Rich Green Drink
by Annemarie Colbin, Phd
Organic Ingredients:
2 large bunches of parsley, washed and coarse stems removed 1 carrot 1 small head of romaine lettuce, bottom cut off 1 stalk celery 6 cups filtered water 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (optional) 8 teaspoons organic flaxseed oil
1. Process the carrot, lettuce, parsley, and celery in batches in blender, filling it under half full and adding about 1 1/2 cup of water each time. Process each batch until smooth, then combine all of the batches in a large bowl and mix well. 2. Stir in the orange juice 3. Before each service, add 1 teaspoon of the organic oil to each 8 ounce portion. Drink 1 or 2 cups each day. Store in airtight container in the refrigerator, it will keep for 3 days. Drink needs to be stirred before consumption.
Makes about 8 cups.
Signature Tele-class Series:
Food for Healthy Bones Love dem bones!
A 4-week Personalized Renewable Group Coaching Tele-ClassIs this you?
- Concerned about bone health?
- Find yourself returning to unhealthy eating habits?
- A chronic snacker - often eating on the run?
- Confused about carbs? Good carbs/bad carbs/no carbs?
- Can't stop the sugar craving?
- Suffer from the 3:00pm energy dip?
You will:
- Learn the impact of acid forming foods on your bones
- Understand the chronic snacking cycle and moods
- Easily incorporate broader healthier food choices with each meal
- Learn which exercise build bones
- Receive weekly healthy bones and whole foods recipes
- Find tremendous support!
This 4-week group coaching tele-class series begins: Mondays: March 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 Time: 8:15-9:15PM EST Location: Your telephone Investment: $100.00 Limited to 4 participants
Guarantee your reservation!Please pay here now
Irma's client learn simple but profound ways to do a much
better job of feeding themselves and caring for themselves in an overarching
way. She approaches each client
with flexibility, kindness, concerns and a deep knowledge of alternative
methods to foster optimum health.
When I faced diagnosis of arthritis and osteopenia and felt unsure in
how to proceed, I found Irma's guidance to be of enormous help.
Milly Dawson, Journalist/Author
Maitland, Fl
Questions??? Irma 917-405-5410 |
Prefer a private session?
Do you have a tele-class scheduling conflict and prefer the one-on-one private, Bone Health Class? Topics covered are listed in the Basic Nutrition Lecture series below. - The session runs 1 1/2 hours.
- Includes hand-outs and recipes.
- Location: in my downtown office or the telephone.
Investment $125.00Questions: 917-405-5410 or irmajennings@verizon.net
Basic Nutrition Lecture Tele-Class Maximize Your Bone Health and Your Overall Health
Delivered Over 4 Weeks
Did you know:
- People in countries that consume the most pasteurized dairy products suffer from the most bone fractures?
- Osteopenia and osteoporosis effect men and women
- Bone mass naturally declines around the ages of 30-35
- How can you avoid being one of the increasing number of baby boomers who will develope osteoporosis
- Bones are living tissue and can grow back with proper nutrition and lifestyle
Let me show you how to eat for your bones.
We will cover the following topics:
- Bones: Building and maintaining healthy bones through whole foods
- Acid/Alkaline balance and bone health
- Sugars: The evils of processed sugars
 - Fats: The importance of good fats
- Protein: Surprising sources of protein
- Food Labels: How to read and understand labels
- Veggies: The health benefits of eating in the seasons
- Grains: Ancient and nutritionally beneficial
- Sea Vegetables and bone health
- Bone health teas
 Thursdays (note new day): March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2010Time: 7:00-8:00PM EST
Location: Your telephone - How convenient!
Investment: $100.00
REGISTER BY: February 28, 2010
Guarantee your reservation: Please pay here now!
Hand-outs and recipes will be emailed within 24 hours.
Questions: 917-405-5410 or irmajennings@verizon.net