Food For Healthy Bones Newsletter... ...because everything you eat becomes your blood, bones, organs, muscles, tissues, thoughts and feelings. Joshua Rosental, Founder and Director -Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Irma Jennings Certified Nutrition Counselor
News From Irma Jennings Certified Nutrition Counselor
December 2009
I am most pleased to recommend Irma Jennings. I recently participated in her nutritional tele-class and found the sessions informative, inspiring and helpful in moving me forward to make healthier choices. Irma is grounded in her knowledge of nutrition and people skills - presenting the information in understandable dialogue.
Diana Salter Griffin Asset Management
Welcome to my monthly newsletter on bone health! Last month I discussed: When we live outside of our desires, dreams, and values we are not living in our truth. With that decision comes that annoying sense of "gosh I hate my commute, my job, my boss, my partner, my "always on the run", my flabby belly, this economy, my (you fill in the blank), which causes stress. Stress plays havoc on our entire body, especially our bones. Stress and sugar are acidic and our bones don't do well in that condition.
During this holiday time of the year, please pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself a simple question "What really matters?" Consider letting go of your yesterdays and be in present in the todays. With that decision, magic appears!
And we all know the holidays are a sweet time of the year and who can
pass up those homemade butter cookies, especially baked by my friend Pat or my niece Becky? Not me! To offset my holiday
sweet tooth I load up on the green leafy veggies.
I welcome your comments on the Food For Healthy Bones blog. Please consider sharing my newsletter with friends and family so we can all grow in understanding the impact of healthy food choices. You'll find the link below "Forward to a Friend". Better yet, gift my free newsletter by clicking the link "Join our Mailing List" below. I never share or sell subscribers names.
May the richness of your holiday rituals warm your heart, soul and bones!
From My Bones To Yours,
Irma Jennings, AADP Certified Nutrition Counselor
Pearls From Skelly
My friend Skelly, whose insights have had a profound impact on my structure (as in bone structure), is so excited that the very thing we've discussed in my previous newsletter was written up in Jane Brody's NYTimes article "Exploring a Low-Acid Diet for Bone Health"
From the article: Studies by Dr. Bess Dawson-Hughes, at the Jean Mayer U.S.D.A. Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, and collaborators have demonstrated the acid-neutralizing ability of fruits and vegetables and the crucial role they can play in maintaining healthy bones.
The researchers note that fruits and vegetables are predominantly metabolized to alkaline bicarbonate, whereas proteins and cereal grains are metabolized to acids. The more protein people consume beyond the body's true needs, the more acidic their blood can become and the more alkaline compounds are needed to neutralize the acid.
Research and science supports, over and over again, the importance of eating a large variety of fruits and veggies. However, I am a meat eater. My animal protein portions are small - condiment size - and the variety of organic veggies gracefully fill my plate.
Talkin' about meat!
Dan and Susan Gibson -pictured below - their family Keith & Nicole and Jim & Ilene Stark from Grazin' Angus Acres Ghent, NY, sell their products at the Union Square Greenmarket. They love to educate you on their beef, marrow bones, chickens, chicken backs and feet (which I use for the richness of my chicken stock) and eggs. Their eggs have a brilliant orange/yellow yoke and are oh so yummy. I marinate the steak strips in Dijon mustard, olive oil and soy sauce for an hour or two before I quick pan fry them in a medium heat. Whenever I eat chicken or beef, it's Grazin' Angus Acres.
From GRAZIN' ANGUS ACRES website: Grazin is committed to raising the finest quality Grass-Fed and Finished Black Angus in a sustainable 2,000-acre eco-friendly environment. Our Black Angus enjoy the lush rolling hills of northern Columbia County, NY as they graze large pastures of high energy grasses. Grazin' is the first in the region ("the farm with the windmill") to harness the area's natural wind power for a large percentage of electrical needs. Grazin's grass-fed chickens provide the farm's fertilizing needs and pest control, in addition to the best eggs available. All of Grazin' beef are free of hormones, antibiotics and grains. Grazin' has earned the title "Animal Welfare Approved" (visit to further learn about the rigorous standards to which Grazin' is held) assuring customers that all animals are raised humanely on pasture or range and allowed to exhibit natural behavior with minimal environmental impact.
Please take a minute and listen to what Dan has to say about - Grazin' Angus Acres. Grazin' Angus Acres: (518) 392-3620. Email orders to be picked up at the Greenmarkets in Manhattan and Brooklyn: Ilene.stark@grazinangusacres.comMy body reacts well to Grazin's beef providing inner warmth as the cold months of the winter makes Skelly cold right down to the bone.
Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower
Brussel sprouts are another effortless way to get seasonal veggies into your meal. I wash and cut the sprouts in half and steam them until they almost soft. I then saute the sprouts on the stove top in olive oil and minced garlic. First add the olive oil and the garlic (never let the olive oil smoke - once it does, get rid of the oil and start again) then add the brussel sprouts. My son loves them cooked well until the outer leaves turn brown. Salt and pepper and Voila!
Baked cauliflower provides a natural sweetness. Cut the cauliflower in half and check out the inner beauty of this veggie. Break off the rosettes from the internal stem and wash. In a baking dish, add the cauliflower, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 minced garlic cloves and fresh herbs such as rosemary, oregano, tarragon, thyme, salt and pepper. Toss everything and bake in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until desired texture takes place. I tend to cook them longer. When the edges of the cauliflower turn brown the sweetness comes through.
Basic Nutritional Tele-Class to Maximize Your Health
Delivered Over 4 Weeks
Is this you?
Mono-eating:consuming the same foods over and over again? - Eating on the run?
- Tired of yo-yo dieting?
- Confused by carbohydrates:good carbs/ bad carbs/ no carbs?
- Wanting to cook quick and healthy meals?
- Wanting to upgrade your take-outs?
- Struggling with sleep, stress and feeling overwhelmed?
During this 4 week tele-class you will learn:
- Bones: Building and maintaining healthy bones
- Food/Mood Connection: what you eat effects how you feel
- Sugars: The evils of processed sugars
- Fats: The importance of good fats
- Protein: Surprising sources of protein
- Food Labels: How to read and understand labels
- Veggies: The health benefits of eating in the seasons
- Grains: Ancient and nutritionally beneficial
Mondays: 2010 Dates: January 11,18,25 February 1, 2010 Time: 7:00-8:00PM EST
Location: Your telephone - How convenient! Cost: $100.00 for the 4 weeks (that's $25.00 a class)
Guarantee your reservation: Please pay here now!
All sessions will be recorded. Recordings, hand-outs and recipes will be emailed within 24 hours.
Questions: 917-405-5410 or Irma
4-Week Group Coaching Tele-Class to Maximize Your Health Open to All!
Personalized program in a supportive group setting
In this group nutrition program, a supportive relationship
is developed within the group as we collectively hold you accountable to the positive healthy changes you desire. Whether they be deconstructing your cravings, finding an exercise program that supports your needs, increasing your food awareness through continued mindful eating, broadening your food choices or shedding extra emotional weight.
Positive changes through a slow integration as the whole body is fed. Each member will set their own individual goals depending on their health concerns and wellness goals.
This 4-week renewable program begins: Monday Mondays: 2010 Dates: January 11,18,25 February 1, 2010 Time: 8:15-9:15PM EST
Location: Your telephone - How convenient! Cost: $100.00 for the 4 weeks (that's $25.00 a class) Limited to 6 participants
Questions: 917-405-5410 email: Irma
Guarantee your reservation: Please pay here now: