Innovation Corner |
The Nebraska Departments of Labor, Economic Development and Education collaborated to provide educators, economic developers, students and their parents, community leaders and career seekers information on the states' high skill, high wage and high demand (H3)occupations. Go to for just-in-time labor market information and projections! |
Creating value for Nebraska's career education system |
Welcome to the autumnal season! The trees are turning, the fields are being harvested and the evenings are getting cooler. Partnerships for Innovation has been actively working with the Nebraska Department of Education on the reVISION process. If you are not familiar with it, please visit the NDE reVISION webpage. It is an excellent opportunity for school improvement, aligning with postsecondary programs and economic and workforce development initiatives locally and regionally.
If you have not registered for a CTE Curriculum Fall Workshop, please do so. It is a wonderful opportunity to get an update from the NDE curriculum field supervisors. Lunch is provided by the Partnerships for Innovation. To see a complete list of workshops click here. To register please click here.
Lastly, the NE Learns website is live! If you are looking for H3 (high skill, high wage and high demand) occupation projections, Career Readiness Learning Modules (aligned to the Career Readiness Standards) or Professional Development training for teaching in the classroom (great for college faculty, AE/GED/ESL instructors, and paraprofessionals) visit the NE Learns website today! I would be delighted to assist with the navigation of the online tools if you might need any assistance.
Statewide Career Academy Meeting
Approximately 40 individuals, secondary and postsecondary, from across the state participated in the Fall Statewide Career Academy Meeting September 26. Many resources and best practice were shared among the members.
Pathways to Prosperity
Harvard Study
Nebraska Page (stay tuned for more!)
Obama Administration's 2013 Career Academy Budget
Washington State's Legislation for Career Education
Community College Research Center
Impact of CTE Dual Credit Courses Study
Kelly Christensen, faculty at Central Community College, is working on his dissertation. His topic is the effectiveness of Career Academies, focusing on rural Nebraska. If you can assist him with his doctoral work, his email address is
Lastly, the Partnerships for Innovation chose not to provide scholarships for the National Career Academy Coalition Conference and the National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Conference this year as we wait for the outcomes of LB870 Career Academy Rule from the Department of Education and Nebraska Legislature. Stay tuned for scholarship support for next year's conferences.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Nebraska's Career Academy Programs and Career & Technical Education! |
Nebraska Career Connections Training
Nebraska Career Connections, powered by Kuder will be at the Nebraska School Counselor's Conference in October. Theresa Steinlage will be delivering two trainings: Overview of the System and Curriculum Manager.
If you have any questions about online training or customer service, please contact our vendor, Kuder, Inc at 877.999.6227.
For questions about stickers, t-shirts or general comments and questions please contact Erika Volker. Partnerships for Innovation is committed to providing you the support and service you need to implement Nebraska Career Connections. |
About Us
Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) is a collaboration of Nebraska secondary and postsecondary partners focused on building a better statewide system of Career and Technical Education to improve student learning and better meet economic development priorities. PFI will do this by introducing innovation in CTE delivery systems to include Career Academies, professional development and programs of study with coordinated curriculum between secondary and postsecondary.
If you would like assistance on implementing these initiatives in your community, please contact us.
Erika Volker, Director Partnerships for Innovation
402.305.9480 |