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Creating value for Nebraska's Career Education system

Partnerships for Innovation Newsletter
April 2012


Spring is always an exciting time of year. The flowers are blooming, students are participating in Career Student Organization competitions, families are looking forward to graduations and students are looking to the future, albeit more education or employment. 


Partnerships for Innovation has been working with school districts and ESU's on planning career education programs for the future. We have been discussing aligning current programs and courses with economic and labor market needs, using data to make decisions and aligning opportunities with local postsecondary institutions.  I would be delighted to work with your school or consortium in the future, just let me know!  



Nebraska Career Connections has posted downloadable resources available to schools on the PFI website. Please check those out to assist in the communication efforts of career education and awareness.


Nebraska Career Education Conference registration is now open. We hope you will attend the Conference, June 6 - 8 in Kearney! 


Thank you very much for your support of the Partnerships for Innovation.  As you have questions, comments or concerns, please know that our 'door' is always open and we are here to serve and meet your needs!




NDOL: Game & Parks Commission Summer Employment Opportunities, Youth and Adults! 

The Nebraska Department of Labor and Game and Parks Commission have partnered to offer summer employment opportunities for at-risk youth ages 16 - 20.  They also need adults, 21 years of age or older who have a bachelor's degree to manage and mentor these youth across the state. If you like to work outside during the summer, or know of youth who do, this might be the opportunity you are looking for!  This is available statewide. Please click below for more information posted on the PFI website.


Crew Members: $7.35/hour, transportation, lunch and protective gear provided, more than 100 positions statewide

Requirements: At-Risk Youth, ages 16 - 20


Crew Leaders: $14.89/hour, lunch and equipment provided    

Requirements: Adults, 21 years of age or older, valid Nebraska drivers licsense bachelor's degree


Contact Persons:

Lincoln - Troy Larson                         402-471-2438

Omaha - Peggy Kotschwar                 402-595-3007

Norfolk - Darlus McWilliams                402-370-4400

Grand Island - Liane Philmalee           308-385-6300

North Platte, Lexington, McCook, Valentine & Ogallala

                    Nikole Huber                 308-535-8341

Scottsbluff -  Mary Hinojosa                308-632-1416


To apply

* Please note, this is not a PFI funded or supported activity, this communication is for information purposes only.

ACT Conference:

Focus on Career Academies

April 12 in Lincoln at the Country Inn and Suites, Partnerships for Innovation will be co-presenting with Southeast Community College and the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education at the ACT Conference. We will be reviewing the findings from the Dual Credit and Career Academy Legislative Study.  Based on the agenda it looks like they are focusing on Career Academies. It's not too late to attend!  To learn more click here.

NCE Conference: Registration Open Now!

Join hundreds of career educators from across Nebraska and plan to attend the2012 Nebraska Career Education Conference to be held Tuesday, June 5 through Thursday, June 7 at the new Younes Conference Center at the Holiday Inn, Kearney, Nebraska.

Featured Keynote Speakers:

Todd Whitaker, "What Great Teachers Do Differently"
Dan Thurmon, "Get Off Balanced On Purpose"

Conference Registration Fees:
Preconference only: $80.00 (includes workshop and lunch)
Conference only: $160.00 (includes two lunches and materials)
Preconference and Conference: $190.00 (a $50 savings)
(Late fee after May 3: $25.00)

Pre-service NCE teachers may be provided complimentary registrations (excluding professional organization meals and activities).


The NCE Conference is sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska Career Education and in cooperation with the Association for Career and Technical Education of Nebraska.

State Model Programs of Study Updated

The CTE State Model Programs of Study have been updated on the Partnerships for Innovation website. The Program of Study Sequence outlines the courses in a visually appealing format. The Courses and Standards are the content taught in each Program of Study. For questions, please call or email Erika Volker at 402-305-9480.


In This Issue
NDOL: Game & Parks
ACT Conference
NCE Conference
Standards website updated
NCC materials available for download
Innovation Corner

Join Our Mailing List Materials available on PFI website 
Nebraska Career Connections has developed some materials for schools to use which are not related to the Kuder, Inc system. Those resources are now posted on the PFI website, under Nebraska Career Connections. Check it out!
Find us on Facebook 
Currently PFI has 17 "friends" on Facebook. Would you please help us get that up to a respectable number? Click on this tab, or go to the website and "Like" Partnerships for Innovation. Thanks for your help!