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Creating value for Nebraska's Career Education system

Partnerships for Innovation Newsletter
March 2012



I was recently asked to speak to a group of community college faculty on Employability Skills and provide them the tools to teach those in their classrooms. We've heard these skills called many things: 21st Century Skills; Soft Skills; Essential Skills.... the list goes on.  


Without a framework, I was lost.  How does one provide a resource to professional educators when there are so many options out there?  From which angle do I approach this?  In November 2009 the Nebraska Department of Education convened a group of business and industry partners and educators to quantify these skills. Since, they have evolved to what are now known as the Nebraska Standards for Career Ready Practice which were adopted by the State Board of Education in 2011. They will be modified (slightly) to speak more to community college and job seeking adults, but the expectations and outcomes are the same for a high school graduate as a college graduate.


I shared the Standards with the participants and they agreed these skills are what students need to succeed in the workplace, but also in the classroom. To mix up the presentation, I found good video clips which emphasize the importance of a skill.  Please note, some of the content is for mature audiences and should be previewed before showing to a younger audience.  If you have an opportunity for me to speak to a group of educators or if you'd like assistance with facilitating a discussion, I would be delighted to serve in any way I can.


One last reminder, the Standards Writing Workshop application deadline is March 15. If you have an interest in assisting us write standards this summer for: Engineering; Information Technology and Arts, A/V & Communication; Hospitality & Tourism; or Human Services please complete the application. Dates of each writing workshop can be found here. Accepted participants will be notified by April 15 for summer planning purposes.



Judges Needed:DECA's State

Leadership Conference

Nebraska DECA is in need of several people to read 3 or 4 written projects (projects range from business plans to business operations to strategic plans), score them and then meet with students for an onsite interview.  The time commitment other than reading the projects would be on Friday, March 16 from 11 AM to 3:30 PM in Lincoln, NE.  If you are interested in additional information, please contact and  they will provide you with all the information needed to make a decision.

NCE Conference: Save the Dates

Join hundreds of career educators from across Nebraska and plan to attend the2012 Nebraska Career Education Conference to be held Tuesday, June 5 through Thursday, June 7 at the new Younes Conference Center at the Holiday Inn, Kearney, Nebraska.

Featured Keynote Speakers:

Todd Whitaker, "What Great Teachers Do Differently"
Dan Thurmon, "Get Off Balanced On Purpose"

Conference Registration Fees:
Preconference only: $80.00 (includes workshop and lunch)
Conference only: $160.00 (includes two lunches and materials)
Preconference and Conference: $190.00 (a $50 savings)
(Late fee after May 3: $25.00)

Pre-service NCE teachers may be provided complimentary registrations (excluding professional organization meals and activities).

Registration opens April 2. For more detailed information, please visit our website


The NCE Conference is sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska Career Education and in cooperation with the Association for Career and Technical Education of Nebraska

In This Issue
DECA Judges Needed
NCE Conference
Innovation Corner
Obama Administration proposes funds to support Career Academies

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