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Partnerships for Innovation Newsletter
August 2011
Welcome back to the start of a new school year!  Many of you have been back for several weeks now. I hope you have settled back into a routine.  The Partnerships for Innovation was hard at work this summer.  You'll note in the newsletter the Health Science Summer Institute was another great success; the Business, Marketing, Finance, and Law, Public Safety and Corrections Standards Revision Processes were very productive and PFI has more professional development opportunities for you this year.  


PFI presented a video as an annual year in review at the Nebraska Career Education Conference this June.  Check it out on You Tube.


PFI hopes that we are providing the resources and tools needed for you to be successful. If you have any insights or suggestions they are always welcome.


Good luck to another successful year!

NACEP and NCAC Conference Stipend Available 

PFI is pleased to offer two amazing learning opportunities again this year for faculty and staff at community colleges, high schools/districts and Educational Service Units to attend either the National Career Academy Coalition or the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships conferences.  Please visit the linked sites for more information on the conferences.


PFI will reimburse the organization/school in the amount of $1,500.00 to cover some of the registration and transportation costs associated with attending the conference.  PFI does not need any receipts or invoices. If you are interested in attending, please complete the application attached and forward it to Erika by September 15, 2011. Please feel free to forward this opportunity to colleagues.


Please note: You or your organization/school is responsible for coordinating all logistics to include conference registration, travel, substitute teacher, meals, lodging etc. Partnerships for Innovation will ONLY reimburse the organization or school upon proof of participant attendance. The application is intended to secure funding from PFI.  The completed application will not guarantee funding nor will it register participants for the conference, which must be completed through the conference websites.  Participants will be notified by email September 19 if their organization/school has received the $1,500.00 stipend.

Standards Revision: Business, Marketing, Finance and Law, Public Safety & Corrections

This summer more than 70 amazing secondary and postsecondary faculty identified value-add courses for high school students to capstone a high school program of study experience. The value-add courses could have been available for college credit (pending instructor credentials), a state/national industry-based certification or work place learning experience. Designing with the End in Mind, the faculty built the preceding courses which lead up to the value-add course; ensuring stronger connectivity between secondary and postsecondary programs.


For a complete listing of the Programs of Study (sequence of three or more semester-based courses) and the Course Standards, please visit the PFI web site.

Thanks to those who committed a week of their summer to the process.

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In This Issue
NACEP & NCAC Conference Stipends
Standards Revision Update
Innovation Corner

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Innovation Corner
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources & Skilled and Technical Sciences courses have been cross walked with the Nebraska State Academic Standards and National Common Core. Check it out!  
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