Well, here we are; Fall 2011 semester! Thank you for your hard work and patience as we make the beginning of school as smooth as possible for our new and returning students.
Bruce at In-Service
I had a great time at the joint in-service meeting. If you missed the meeting, or would like to see the presentation again, click here. I believe it's very important that we work together, strategically, to achieve our most important goals for this year. We've identified several overarching goal areas as part of our strategic plans. These are:
Implement best practices;
Improve student access and success;
Develop and efficiently use resources;
Review governance and organizational structure;
Promote professional development;
Value and promote diversity; and
Enhance the image and reputation of the district and colleges.
SBCCD will be the best community college district in the state. I believe that working together, we can achieve anything.
Chancellor's Cabinet includes the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Services, the Human Resources Consultant Jack Miyamoto, the president of SBVC and CHC, and the president of KVCR. The Cabinet meets every two weeks and discusses topics of district-wide importance. We met on August 17 and discussed the following topics.
Security of Personal Information - Cabinet saw a presentation by District Staff of proposed processes to maintain security over personal information. This information was developed as a follow-up by the data security subcommittee of District Assembly and will be presented at the District Assembly meeting on September 6th.
Chancellor Open Forum - The Chancellor and his staff will hold an open forum at SBVC on November 16th, time and location to be announced. A date for CHC is forthcoming.
Accreditation Update - Each college will make a ten minute presentation to the Board of Trustees on the accreditation mid-term reports at the September 15, 2011 meeting.
Classified Staff Recognition Week - Cabinet will talk to Classified Senates at each campus to determine if better coordination across the district can occur for activities during Classified Employee Recognition Week.
New Employee Orientation - Cabinet saw a presentation by District staff of an expanded and updated new employee orientation process. Cabinet was appreciative of the new process. A mentoring component was also introduced and staff was asked to coordinate with the staff development coordinators at the campuses.
Compliance Hotline
The San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) is committed to providing an ethical place to work and go to school. In furtherance of that commitment, we have selected Lighthouse Services to provide a means for confidential reporting of activities that may involve violations of the SBCCD ethics policy or federal or state laws.
The SBCCD Mission is to promote the discovery and application of knowledge, the acquisition of skills, and the development of intellect and character in a manner that prepares students to contribute effectively and ethically as citizens of a rapidly changing and increasingly technological world. In furtherance of that Mission, we maintain the highest ethical standards in our dealings with our students, faculty and staff, and those with whom we come in contact.
Using this site to report concerns is an anonymous and confidential process. Lighthouse is not a 911 or Emergency Service, however. Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
To Make a Report
You may submit a report either by telephone or online.
To file a report by telephone, call 1-800-403-0436 (English) or 1-800-216-1288 (Spanish), toll-free.