EDo News & Views
Rob Dickson
Lara Simon
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EDo Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors
Randi McGinn
McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya and Love, P.A.
Vice President
David Mahlman
Mahlman Studio Architects
Doug Majewski
Design Group
Marc Bertram
Hotel Parq Central
Daniel Blackwood
The Evolution Group
John Chavez NM Angels Investors
Lauren Greene
The Grove Café & Market
Art Hayman
Highland Pharmacy
Pat Keene
Artichoke Café
Terry Keene
Artichoke Café
Bevin Owens
Compass Companies
Devon Van Hecke
Broadway Skin & Body Retreat
Michael Wewerka
Holy Cow
Huning Highland Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors
President Amberley Pyles Vice President Karla Thornton Secretary Bonnie Anderson Treasurer Joaquin Garofalo Ryan Bromberg Ann Carson David Donaldson Phoenix Forrester Moises Gonzalez Steve Grant Kathy Grassel Liam Hoch Lee Spittler |
Special Collections Library Re-Opens
After over two years of renovation work, the 1923 Special Collections Library is back in operation. Equally importantly, it is now a lending library after many decades of not being one. Any book in the library system may be reserved at cabq.gov/library, and delivered right to Special Collections for your pick-up. Books may also be returned there. Many people deserve kudos for making the project happen - City Councilor Isaac Benton, Mayor Richard Berry, Library Director Dean Smith, Cherry/See/Reames Architects, Henderson Construction, State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino and State Representative Rick Miera, and private contributions from the Babski and Thomason Estates. Thank you! It's a beautiful place and worthy of regular visits. Please use it often and with pride. Stay tuned for a possible Neighborhood Cultural Event Series at the library's Botts Hall in the future. If you would like to volunteer to help make this series a reality, please contact us here EDo@EDoAbq.com.
Rapid Ride Stops in EDo Now Operating!
An important neighborhood goal has been realized.The Rapid Ride now stops adjacent to the Central & Edith intersection in both directions, providing higher quality bus service to and from EDo and Huning Highlands. ABQ Ride informs us that it's "use it or lose it" on a one year trial basis. Early observations by your ENV staff indicate it's a very popular choice! So please, do your part and give it a try. You may find it a more convenient way to move around your city. If ridership targets are met, Rapid Ride Shelters will be installed permanently per ABQ Ride.
Central Avenue Complete Street Master Plan Coming Soon

The City Council has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consulting team to produce a Master Plan for Central from 1st Street Downtown on the west, to Girard Street on the east. This 2-mile section of our "Main Street" includes the 1/2 mile in EDo and Huning Highlands. The goals of the RFP could have come right out of the 2004 EDo Master Plan: 1. Improve safety and multi-modal transportation options. 2. Increase options for pedestrians and transit users. 3. Support future development with a high-quality public realm (i.e., a great street). 4. Create a sense of place that improves quality of life. We have been assured that the winning consulting team will use the EDo Master Plan as the starting point for their work on our 1/2 mile of Central. In addition, our concerns and positive suggestions regarding the railroad underpass pedestrian walks will be fully considered, we are told. Details will follow in a future issue; we hope many of you will actively participate in this exciting process. Here's what the EDo Master Plan says about Central Avenue - click here.
The Ultimate Urban "Game Changer" - Whole Foods Market
There is much discussion of bringing a grocery store to Downtown. This Editor has personally witnessed the catalytic impact of Whole Foods Market in Downtown Austin, Arlington VA (Clarendon) and Washington DC (14th Street). There are dozens more examples. It is absolutely amazing to see the area transformations they engender. Here's the latest example moving forward - Midtown Detroit. Yes, Detroit. http://www.salon.com/2012/05/05/whole_foods_is_coming_time_to_buy/singleton/ We asked Mayor Berry - can you get them to come Downtown? We suggested to him the best site is the First Baptist Church parking lot at Broadway/Tijeras/MLK, just north of Central. We think Whole Foods will think that too. Why? 1. Large tract size. 2. Better transportation access from all points of the compass. 3. More quality residential adjacent. 4. No psychological barrier of railroad tracks coming from the east. 5. Existing buildings on the First Baptist Church that could be converted to high quality rental housing. The City would have to initiate a private-public effort by acquiring the First Baptist Church site, as the City did with historic Albuquerque High, to great result. The City would have to provide financial incentives to Whole Foods to locate a new store at this site, which other cities prove will be abundantly repaid. This is our top neighborhood priority - we don't need another abandoned property sitting there for decades! If we're going to put a grocery store Downtown, why not shop for the best? It's about more than groceries - it's about a great Downtown!
Plan El Paso
On March 6, 2012, the El Paso City Council unanimously adopted Plan El Paso, described by the City as "a comprehensive, transit-oriented plan that will help link neighborhoods to one another and to greater economic opportunity." Victor Dover, founder of Dover Kohl, one of the nation's leading urban design firms, led the plan effort. He described it as "sweeping, ambitious, citizen-driven - a love letter to the future." From a broad study of citizen needs and values emerged a strong consensus for living in walkable neighborhoods. A majority of respondents urged replacing strip malls and ugly arterials with beautiful streets and apartments above stores and businesses, in walking distance to streets of single-family homes. The plan has already won the EPA's National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. More and more people want this walkable lifestyle, and yet most City codes - including Albuquerque's - do not allow for it to be built. El Paso has changed their codes to allow the market to respond. More information at http://www.planelpaso.org/ The Salt Lake City region did much the same thing a decade ago with Envision Utah. More information at http://envisionutah.org/ Mayor Berry and City Council, are you listening to the market? We need your leadership!
Rattlesnake Lawyer Strikes Again!
EDo's own attorney and author Jon Miller has a new legal thriller out - "Lawyer Geisha Pink." Congratulations! The book is available locally at Book Works, 4022 Rio Grande NW, and I'll bet Jon will autograph it for purchasers!
Support Your Local Farmer
It brings a special joy to see the Skarsgard Farms van in Bulldog Plaza each week, delivering tasty, healthy, locally-grown food to their customers at The Lofts, including your ENV staff. Eat better and support your local economy by becoming a member and trying their wares. You will taste the better quality! More Information