

March 2012 

In This Issue
Strong Towns
Rapid Ride Stop in EDo?
Best Restaurants
Redistricting Update
Library to Open Soon
Local Food - Delivered!

EDo News & Views 


Rob Dickson


Lara Simon

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EDo Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors


Randi McGinn

McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya and Love, P.A.


Vice President

David Mahlman

Mahlman Studio Architects



Doug Majewski

Design Group



Marc Bertram

Hotel Parq Central


Daniel Blackwood

The Evolution Group


John Chavez
NM Angels Investors 


Lauren Greene

The Grove Café & Market


Art Hayman

Highland Pharmacy


Pat Keene

Artichoke Café


Terry Keene

Artichoke Café


Bevin Owens

Compass Companies


Devon Van Hecke

Broadway Skin & Body Retreat


Michael Wewerka

Holy Cow 

Huning Highland Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors


Amberley Pyles


Vice President

Karla Thornton



Bonnie Anderson



Joaquin Garofalo


Ryan Bromberg

Ann Carson

David Donaldson

Phoenix Forrester

Moises Gonzalez

Steve Grant

Kathy Grassel

Liam Hoch

Lee Spittler

March 27th at 1:30 PM - How Can Albuquerque Become a "Strong Town"?
Strong Towns

Charles Marohn, founder of Strong Towns and author of "Curbside Chat" is one of America's most practical and grounded thinkers about financially sound cities and great walkable urbanism.  
     He will be speaking to our Mayor, City Council, and County Commission on Tuesday, March 27th from 1:30-2:30 PM in the Council Chambers, basement of City Hall Downtown. Admission is free. Please attend.
     His fundamental premises:
*  The current growth path cities are pursuing is not financially sustainable.
*  The future for most cities will not resemble the recent past.
*  The main determinant of future prosperity for cities will be local leaders' ability to transform their communities.
     Should be interesting, and a good way to let our elected officials know that we care about our future!  
     Strong Towns are composed of strong neighborhoods, which are diverse, mixed-use, and have all the mobility options!  Yes, think EDo & Huning Highlands, and what we are trying to become.  
     Here's a recent post from Charles that will give you a preview:
Rapid Ride Stops in EDo
ABQ Ride

If you are a resident, business owner, customer, or visitor in or to EDo, please take a quick moment to complete the ABQ Ride Survey here.
     A 5-minute walking radius from the intersection of Central & Edith takes in all the residents and all the businesses of EDo & Huning Highlands, making us the perfect "pedestrian shed" for Rapid Riders.     
     Thanks for providing input to ABQ Ride!
EDo's Restaurants and Hotel - Quite Simply the Best

"Local IQ" city-wide readers have named Artichoke Cafe as best lunch spot, most romantic restaurant, best happy hour, and best place to be seen.  Holy Cow was named best new restaurant.  Farina Pizzeria was awarded best pizza.
     "New Mexico Magazine," in their current article "The 25 Best Things about Albuquerque" gave great praise to the rooftop bar Apothecary Lounge at Hotel Parq Central, and to The Grove Cafe.  
     A well-deserved congratulations to all of these fine neighborhood businesses, and thanks for supporting them, and all our others!
Redistricting Update
ABQ 1940

The City Council recently voted 5-4 (along party lines) for a redistricting plan for our 9 City Council districts that would move District 3 - the most historic part of our City - to the West Side.  Current District 3 will be absorbed into Districts 2 (North Valley) and 6 (Nob Hill). Many residents of EDo and Huning Highlands testified before City Council urging them to keep District 3 intact, as was done after the 2000 Census.
     This matter is now in the hands of Mayor Berry. He has the ability to veto the Council's action ("Map L") and ask them to pass a plan that would keep District 3 intact ("Map V-1"). 
     Please let Mayor Berry hear from you at or 768-3000.  
     For more information on the EDo Neighborhood Association testimony and correspondence, click here
The Renovated Special Collections Library - Coming Soon!

The construction fence is down, and our fine City Library Staff is moving ahead to re-open the Special Collections Library at 423 Central NE.  
     While the work took longer than expected, Head Librarian Dean Smit tells us that favorable budget news early in the project allowed the City to do more renovation than they had hoped!
     Mr. Smith estimates it will take a couple of months to re-organize the building for regular services, with a hoped-for "grand opening" in May or June.  In his words - "the changes to the building are truly outstanding - both visually and practically." 
     We can't wait to see it!
Skarsgard Farms - A Great Way to Think Locally AND Act Locally!

Skarsgard Farms

Many residents of EDo are enjoying delicious food grown right here in Bernalillo County by Monte Skarsgard, one of America's best small organic farmers, and a native of our valley.  Jump on the tractor and you'll be doing your taste buds and your healthy lifestyle a favor, while supporting OUR economy - not some giant company far away where you know no one.   
     You can even go watch your food growing at either of his 2 farms here.
     It's one-stop web-based shopping at, offering a wide variety of tasty, healthy treats sourced locally and regionally. And they deliver right to your door!  Your publisher and editor are long-time devotees, and highly recommend you join us.  Thanks for giving it a try!