Fall Special Prices Reduced $1,000 Every Week Until Sold!*
Live the EDo Lifestyle Drive Less, Do More
Bank Financing Available For Qualified Buyers. Ask Us!
Lease An Office for $500/Mo.

Retail and office space available in EDo ... call Ben Perich or Jeremy Nelson at Grubb Ellis at 505-883-7676 or click here for more information. |
Rob DicksonQualifying Broker(505) 301-7997

Lara Simon Associate Broker (505) 710-6672
* Seller reserves the right to discontinue promotion at any time. $1,000 per week price reduction applies only to residential properties for sale listed above.
Wanted: EDo Retail Entrepreneurs
The primary goal of your 13-member EDo Neighborhood Board for 2011 is to fill our storefronts on Central and Broadway with neighborhood retailers. They want, as you do, to make EDo a place where life's daily and weekly needs can be met on foot. These retailers would serve us, and they would also attract visitors from all over town, who could "park once and walk" in EDo. These retailers will not be corporate. They will be Albuquerque entrepreneurs, and they will come from us and our efforts. Who do you know who might be interested? Here are the primary retail categories we seek: small grocery with cafe, boutique pharmacy focusing on health-wellness-beauty, shipping/mail store, books, hardware & garden, ice cream-yogurt, fitness center, pub with outdoor dining, pet supplies, and gifts (like Beep's in Nob Hill). These retailers would support and enhance our existing EDo merchants and restaurants, who bring so much good to our neighborhood. Thanks to them, and we want their ideas too. Please let us hear from you! |
Central Avenue Road Diet?
We are pleased to announce that the City's transportation team will soon implement a "road diet" for West Central Avenue from 8th Street Downtown, west through Old Town and across the Rio Grande to 47th Street. The project will take the outside lanes of this 5 lane roadway (2 lanes in each direction, plus center turn lane) and stripe them for on-street parking plus a 5- to 6-foot painted bike lane. This will be a 1-year demonstration project, which will included detailed monitoring. The goal of moving to a 3-lane road is to reduce vehicle speeds, and put a parked car between the pedestrian and the moving traffic. This "road calming" environment is vital for successful neighborhood retail and dining establishments. The EDo Neighborhood Board has already spoken with City Councilor Isaac Benton about bringing this Central Avenue road diet to EDo, which would include wider sidewalks and more attractive bus stops with shelters. We have a 61-page summary of the plan, which is unfortunately not on the City's website. If you would like a copy, please e-mail us and we will send it to you (large file). |
Hotel Parq Central is Open!
Give yourself a special treat - walk through the renovated lobby of EDo's newest addition, a redevelopment of the former 1926 Memorial Hospital. David Oberstein, Marc Bertram, and their team have done an amazing job. Take the elevator to the 4th floor, and take in Albuquerque's best view at The Apothecary Rooftop Bar. Nice food menu too. EDo and Huning Highlands never looked so good! |
Landscaping Improvements to I-25 Frontage Road
Here in EDo, we call it Locust Avenue. Thanks to Councilor Isaac Benton, Mayor Richard Berry, Hotel Parq Central, and all others who brought this much needed upgrade to our neighborhood. As the landscaping matures, it's going to look better and better.
Next Issue ...
Albuquerque Press Club One of EDo and Huning Highlands' best kept secrets, as is Highland Park. Next issue, we'll bring you up to date on what's doing. |