Own A Loft for Under $180,000

Gym Loft 212 752 Sq. Ft. $151,000
City Market 302 882 Sq. Ft. $179,000
Old Main 308 818 Sq. Ft. $179,500
Call 247-DWELL (3935), or click here for more information. |
Lease A Loft for Under $800/Mo.
A select few lofts and courtyard homes available to lease starting at $740/month ... call 247-DWELL (3935), or click here for more information. |
Lease An Office for $550/Mo.

Retail and office space available in EDo ... call 247-DWELL (3935) or click here for more information. |
Rob Dickson Qualifying Broker (505) 301-7997
 Tim McGivern Associate Broker (505) 220-2387
 Lara Simon Associate Broker (505) 710-6672
Hotel Parq Central Update
Developer and Owner Dave
Oberstein reports that interior demolition and abatement will be
complete next month on this 1926 former hospital at Central and Elm. Then they'll begin building the interior improvements, working toward a
Fall 2010 opening for this 74-room boutique hotel. The hotel will
offer a gourmet continental breakfast and will have a rooftop bar with
some food selections. They will be part of the Historic Hotels of
America and Preferred Boutique Hotels reservations systems. What great
news for EDo!
Underpass Improvements Underway
You may have noticed the construction at the Central railroad bridge entering Downtown from EDo. We spoke to Diane Sholtis with the City of Albuquerque, who informed us that exciting improvements are underway and will be completed by Friday, September 25th. It is the City's goal to vastly improve the pedestrian connection between Downtown and EDo. Thank you, we hope it works! The bridge and pedestrian walks are being painted. Artistic glass is being installed between the driving lanes and the pedestrian walks, which should help reduce the noise levels for pedestrians. And new LED lighting should be much brighter than current conditions. EDo News & Views asked about maintenance of these areas, after the improvements are complete. It is the City's understanding that the Alvarado Transportation Center will be handling keeping things clean and maintained. We will check in with ATC next issue.
EDo Neighborhood Association Social Next Week
Come join your neighbors and others for the Annual EDo Neighborhood Association social & meeting on Wednesday, September 16th from 6:00-7:30 PM in the beautiful courtyard at The Lofts at Albuquerque High.
The emphasis is on social with refreshments provided along with food from EDo's great restaurants. And did we mention the raffle for some really nice door prizes? See you there!
EDo's Glowing New Retailer
One of the goals of the 2003 EDo Master Plan, with its 25-year time horizon, was to bring most or all of life's daily needs within walking distance of EDo residents, workers, and visitors. Let's welcome Glowing, a maternity and baby boutique, to EDo at 600 Central SE. We caught up with co-owner Faith Begay-Holtrop recently for a few questions. While we were in the store for 15 minutes, she took a phone order from Europe for a local gift, chatted with her retail neighbor from Two Time Couture, and had two walk-ins -- one for a baby shower gift, and one seeking a few things for her son's coming baby. Tell us about your business We specialize in comfortable but stylish maternity and baby clothing, gifts, strollers and furniture. We offer products that can't be found at the chains. We're a 5-year-old business, under new ownership. We moved to EDo 5/1/09 after being Downtown at Gold & 4th. Why EDo? EDo provides us with more visibility, easier access and better parking. The retailers here at 600 Central -- Two Time Couture, Waves, and The Grove especially -- bring tenants to our building and to EDo that work in our favor. We are getting more traffic here in EDo and we feel very good about the move. You have a Co-Owner, right? Sara Cook and I have known each other since middle school, and we are basically natives of Albuquerque. Both of us are mothers with two children, and both of us left traditional jobs to run our own business. We love it! What else would you like to see in EDo? 1) A small grocery store. 2) More retailers that would work in our favor, and us in their's, and would bring in more visitors from Santa Fe and elsewhere.
ENV Endorses Isaac Benton for Re-Election
EDo News & Views endorses Isaac Benton for re-election to a 2nd term as City Councilor for District 3, which includes EDo, Downtown, South Broadway, Barelas, Martineztown, and the other close-in neighborhoods. His opponent is County Commissioner Alan Armijo. We believe Councilor Benton has been a leader for our neighborhoods, and for our City as a whole. He has recently been serving as the Council President, elected by his peers. We thank Commissioner Armijo for his many years of excellent public service to our City and County and thank him for running. We urge you to vote for the candidate of your choice on Tuesday, October 6th. This endorsement is specific to the staff of EDo News & Views and is not intended to represent the opinions of the EDo Neighborhood, The Lofts at Albuquerque High, or BelVedere.
ENV Endorses Richard Romero for Mayor
 Richard is a Downtown resident, served in the Air National Guard, is a former principal of new Albuquerque High, and a 12-year member of the State Senate representing Downtown. He served as President Pro Tem of the Senate from 2001-4. He has proven collaborative leadership skills. On local, state and national levels, Richard will best represent the values and the warmth of the people of Albuquerque. We thank Martin Chavez for his public service to our City, but having served three of the last four terms as Mayor, we think Mr. Chavez needs to honor the City Charter two-term limit. Democracy is not well served, in our view, by institutionalizing the office of Mayor. We also thank Richard Berry for his willingness to run for public office. We encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday, October 6th. This endorsement is specific to the staff of EDo News & Views and is not intended to represent the opinions of the EDo Neighborhood, The Lofts at Albuquerque High, or BelVedere.