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December   2010
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Julie Ann Headshot
In today's economy and market, buying a new home might not be feasible. Consider re-decorating, remodeling, or re-designing with your existing furnishings and artwork to get a new look in your current home. Together with Metropolitan Interiors we can help you with that transformation. Truly creative solutions allow you to spend less and receive a lot more! One feng shui concept states that if you change your space with intention, you can also change your life to support you and your family in your goals and endeavors.

Be sure to read about Mary Kenna's den makeover in which we partnered with her to create an intimate space in her existing home to relax.

I have also listed my 10 top feng shui ideas that have made a big impact in my own life that I want to share with you. Think about these ideas as new year resolutions as we turn the corner into 2011, as well as space clearing your home. I have recommended a mother and daughter team that space clears homes together. Please be sure to read about them!

Warmest Regards,
Julie Ann

An Intimate and Relaxing Space
Mary Kenna's Cozy Room
Mary Kenna first called Julie Ann looking for a mirror to accentuate her bedroom.  As they got to talking, Mary expressed her desire to transform her den into a cozy space to "kick back and relax!" In Mary's own words, "I had so much fun working with Julie Ann, I just wanted to keep on going.  Before I knew it, I was having her re-do the whole den!"

Anyone can go buy a sofa or a chair for their home, but it takes a special eye to see the full potential of any given space. Working with an interior designer like Julie Ann, can turn the ordinary into extraordinary.  Julie Ann's intuitive creativity and foresight can transform any space into a showcase, or in Mary's case, an intimate, cozy den.  Her expertise and resources enable her to utilize an array of materials and fabrics, bringing warmth and charm to any room in the home.

Take for instance, something as basic as a window treatment. The use of shapes and materials for a custom-made valance set the tone for Mary's den. Imagine rich, beautiful fabric dangling with whimsical gems. Now THAT'S a window treatment!  In the same room, faux finish walls exude warmth and movement.  Finally, adding accessories of beauty and personal meaning nearly completed the room. One last touch: an energetic Feng Shui statement to call in romance into the life of her client, Mary. Julie Ann accomplishes this by placing pairs of objects such as pairs of birds.  "It's important that my clients can look at the final outcome and say, 'this is really me!' " stated Julie Ann.

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Ten of My Favorite Feng Shui Ideas
That will impact your space!
  1. Keep everything in good repair.
  1. The front door should be a different color than anything else on the house.
  1. Keep things you love and use. Let go of the rest.
  1. It is better to buy 1 great thing than 3 mediocre things.
  1. Does the art you have in your space reflect who you are today? What is your art telling you?
  1. Be aware of poison arrows, which are sharp angles and may cause negative effects.
  1. Balance the elements; fire, water, metal, wood and earth.
  1. Design not only for spaces to look good, but to feel good as well, creating balance and harmony.
  1. Learn to use your space to support your life and affirm what you desire to manifest in your life. Your space reflects your life.
  1. The center of your space should feel healthy, happy, uplifting and harmonious for greater health and feeling centered.
Clearing Spaces
Clearing and Healing
Are you looking to move out some stagnant energy? Do you and/or your space feel dirty, slimy, thick, heavy, and tiresome? These are some of the words that people use to describe how their space feels before a clearing. Afterwards they feel energized, brighter, lighter and clean. We understand and would like to help. A mother/daughter team, Marcia & Julie work together or individually as needed to meet you energy shifting needs. 

Marcia specializes in Energy Balancing, using Space Clearing techniques and Crystals. A very energy sensitive person from youth, she intuitively brings forth that which needs to be addressed and removed. Known for her directness and getting to core issues with a sense of humor, spirit guides present images and comments to help clients see areas needing to move.

Julie is certified in Reiki and is an extremely body electric sensitive.  Gifted since birth, she is a hands on healer and intuitive.  She has studied under Echo Bodine, and has a very calm, strong energy.  During each healing session, Julie focuses on clearing out stagnant energy and bringing the highest good for each individual.

Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.  -William Morris
Julie Ann Segal
(952) 920-2827
Mary Kenna's Cozy Room
Top 10 Feng Shui Ideas
Mother-Daughter Space Clearing Team
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