I am so excited, we have recently moved our studio into the Hirshfields Design Center across from the International Market Square!
This is such a great location, placing us smack in the middle of the heart of Minneapolis design. With the IMS across the street, and access to the beautiful Hirshfields showroom, we can offer convenience to our clients like never before. Hirshfields offers a great array of furniture, accessories and wall coverings with exceptional service.
We have also had a great response to our September Special, offering up to 3 hours of design service for a flat appointment fee of $165! This is a $300 savings and the service includes design, color and feng shui consultation, selecting new art and accessories, redesign, organizing services and much much more! It's not too late to book your appointment, contact me at 952-920-2827 for more information!
We also made our first attempt at a video presentation for this months newsletter, and are so excited to offer you tips of the trade in this interactive manner!
Finally, for information on taking an active stance in the health of your office or home, please read this great article, Building Biology, by Oram Miller.
Warmest Regards, Julie Ann
The Difference a Mirror can Make
Video Presentation
You would be amazed what you can get with a simple purchase of a mirror! Adding mirrors to your home can not only improve the visual and decorative asthetic, but is also a common practice in Feng Shui to put intention in your life.

Please enjoy our first ever video presentation! We are excited to offer you our decorating tips and advice in a whole new manner! We look forward to working on these presentations, and improving the artistic quality. Have any feedback? We are all ears! |
Referral Program
Exciting rewards for our dedicated clients
We are so appreciative when our clients are so WOW'd by their new space, that they show it off to their family and friends. As a thank you to our dedicated clients, we are now offering a referral program!
Send us your referral! If your referral hires Metropolitan Interiors to design a space or a room, we will send you a $50 Visa Gift Card! (Your referral must sign a working agreement with Metropolitan Interiors before rewards will be awarded).
Building Biology
Electric Fields in your home
Can't sleep at night? Feeling tired? The problem may be EMFs, or electro-magnetic fields, in your home or office.
EMFs are little known but ever present influences in the built environment, quietly robbing us of a good night's sleep and sapping our vitality. In this and in upcoming articles, we will discuss what they are, where they exist, how they affect you and what you can do about them.
Electro-magnetic fields come in three varieties: magnetic and electric fields from house wiring and radio frequencies.
Magnetic fields are the kind most people think of when they hear the words, "EMFs." They come from outside overhead power lines, "point sources" such as transformers and electric motors, so-called "wiring errors," and the most common of all, electric current on your water pipes and grounding system.
Electric fields are present in virtually every bedroom and all other rooms in the house. They affect you most when you are sleeping. Electric field exposure extends six to eight feet from unshielded electric circuits in walls and from power cords in the room, causing the ions and electrons in your cells to move towards and away from the circuits and cords 60 times a second. This causes a subtle agitation that prevents deep sleep and normal nighttime melatonin production. You wake up tired.
Radio frequencies from cell phones, cordless phones and wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) cause cumulative effects on memory, cell communication and cell health. They can cause cancer. Distance is your friend and the more you know, which we will discuss in a later article, the more you will choose hardwired options over wireless.
For more information, contact Oram Miller, BBEI at www.createhealthyhomes.com.
Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris
Julie Ann Segal (952) 920-2827 julie@metrointeriors.com www.metrointeriors.com
During the month of September, I am offering up to 3 hours of design service in your home, office or at my studio for a flat fee of $165 per appointment.
This is a $300 savings! Respond Quickly! Appointments are filling up fast!
Contact Julie Ann for more information or to schedule an appointment at 952-920-2827 or julie@metrointeriors.com
Decorating the "Fun" Shui Way - Laying out the Bagua in your home
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 1:00pm - 3:00pm Location: Metropolitan Interiors New Studio
to explore balancing Feng Shui elements through the use of current home
furnishings and color, and how to apply these principles and products
to your own environment.
the baqua of your home, learn what is needed to adjust the energy of
your home, guidance with wall colors and furniture arrangement. Bring
a copy of your floor plan for a full, hands on learning experience!
Cost $75 Space is limited, so reserve your space today. (952) 920.2827 or julie@metrointeriors.com
If your referral hires us to design a space or a room we will send you a $50 Visa Gift Card!
Laguna Bed Bamboo Timber with a Coffee wood finish

Asian Cabinet A crackled green finish with Asian hardware

For more information, contact Julie Ann!