New Website!
I am so excited to announce the launch of our new website! Take a look, this new streamline design beautifully displays Metropolitan Interiors Portfolio, Events, Showroom and Feng Shui Tips! |
March Madness Trunk Show & Wine Tasting
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 4:00pm-8:00pm 233 West 15th Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 (Across from Loring Park) Come view the most innovative home furnishing and finishes carpet & rugs - artwork sheers - blinds |
New Class!
Decorating the "Fun" Shui Way - using the 5 elements in decorating your home
Sunday May 3, 2009 1:00pm - 3:00pm Location: Metropolitan Interiors
Learn how to incorporate the 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal & water using accessories to decorate your home
If you are interested in decorating your home with the 5 elements, this workshop will give you the tools and knowledge to get started. By balancing the elements in your home, you can achieve a harmonious living space.
Cost $60 Space is limited, so reserve your space today. (952) 920.2827 or julie@metrointeriors.com
Letter from Julie Ann
With our present day economy, everyone is tightening up their belts. We are taking fewer vacations, entertainment is turning into movie rentals and board games, and most of all we are dining in.
You are spending more time in your home now than ever! You want it to be nurturing and comfortable, as it is a personal escape away from the rest of the world. Your home reflects your life. If you change your home with intention, you can change your life.
This newsletter is dedicated to making your home a more comfortable and nurturing space, more environmentally friendly, and saving money. Metropolitan Interiors can help you with this journey, I am not only an interior designer, but a certified feng shui practitioner. It is my mission to make the environment you spend the most of your time in as comfortable and calming as possible.
I am also so excited to announce that we launched a new website! Please take a look at www.metrointeriors.com! |
Creating a Happy and Nurturing home |
A comfortable and organized home can be your personal escape from the rest of the world as well as have a calming effect on you, your family and guests. Creating and maintaining a nurturing space isn't difficult, even with small children, animals and the hustle and bustle of a busy week. Here are a few ideas you can do to soften your homes energy and turn it into a safe and comfortable haven that you will be proud to share.
One way to fill your home with calming energy is to imbue it with an ambiance that nurtures all five senses. Soft lighting and accenting with soothing colors like blue, purple, and green against taupe or sand colored walls can make a space feel warm and inviting, while pleasant aromas such as lavender, vanilla , and citrus can positively affect moods. Peaceful sounds such as running water or gentle chimes can uplift and clear the space, while clearing clutter and making the most of open space can ease inner turmoil and dispel negative feelings.
The physical objects in your home as well as your home itself can retain the energy of previous owners. You can give your household's energy a lift and protection by visualizing white light surrounding your home, symbolically sweeping out residual energy, or smudging your home with a cleansing sage.
The changes you make to your home can be as unique as you are, but what you do in your space is not as important as being clear in your intention to set up your household as a soothing and refreshing place to be. Make your home a place of comfort and you will feel nurtured and cared for whenever you are there.
Environmentally Friendly Home |
These days, you can't turn around without hearing about climate change. It's a big issue that can feel overwhelming - but it's possible for each of us to have a positive effect right in our own homes, by making simple changes. So what do you need to do to make your home green and healthy? Paint is leading the expansion of the green building movement; manufacturers now produce paints with fewer dangerous and smog-producing compounds. Benjamin Moore Aura offers the most advanced way to bring "green" color to your life with the next generation of paint that simplifies your efforts. Their breakthrough paint technology, called Color LockŪ, is the only one of its kind in the industry, bringing you discernibly richer, truer color, paired with incomparable performance. Their products have been certified under the GREENGUARD Standard for Low Emitting Products and the GREENGUARD for Children & Schools product certification programs.
Rather than letting that old sofa or chair take up space in a landfill and using more of our resources for a replacement, try having your furniture refurbished. A new finish can give a new look to those old case goods in your home, or for an eclectic room, try hand painting your furniture. If you are going to buy new, consider products that are made from sustainable materials such as bamboo, rattan, abaca and lampacanay. Please read about our featured vendor, David Francis, to find out more about their environmentally friendly furniture.
The way you light your home makes a big impact on how you feel, and it also makes a big impact on your environment. Consider these simple lighting tips for a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Replacing a 100-watt incandescent bulb with a 32-watt compact fluorescent light bulb can save you $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb and lasts 10 times longer. If every household in the US replace one light bulb, it would prevent enough pollution to equal removing one million cars from the road.
- Light isn't all about the bulbs. Having eco-friendly lamps and light fixtures is also essential. When looking for new lighting watch for lamps make with natural, recycled or reused materials. Also focus on selecting fixtures with high energy efficiency ratings.
- As efficient as your lighting might be, it doesn't make sense to have lights on when no one is around. Turn out lights in rooms or parts of the house that are not being used.
Featured Vendor: David Francis |
Make a statement in your home with David Francis Furniture. David Francis holds high standards of quality and design. Craftsmanship is second-to-none and their all-COM line is finished to our clients' specifications using one of their 22 finishes or custom-match capabilities.
Preserving our environment for our children and our grandchildren has become a part of everyday life. David Francis is a pioneer in using sustainable materials such as bamboo, rattan, abaca and lampacanay. Additionally, they use only plantation-grown hardwoods, meaning no wood species are utilized from endangered rainforests.
David Francis's cushions contain plant-based renewable raw materials, replacing significant amounts of petroleum-based materials. Their cushion backs are manufactured using recycled materials. Both also contain organic, halogen-free fire retardants.
The company is committed to continual research and education on how they can be good environmental stewards.
With David Francis, you can live without compromise. Contact Julie Ann to place your order, or for more information on David Francis furniture.