It's tornado season
Warm, dry spring likely for the Southeast
The current climate outlook from the Southeast Climate Consortium shows that with much colder than normal ocean waters now in place in the tropical Pacific Ocean, it is nearly certain that La Niņa will persist well into the spring season, bringing a greatly increased chance of a warm and dry spring to the Southeast. |
Earth Day 2012
Please join us in celebrating Earth Day 2012! Earth Day is held each year on April 22, and many related events occur throughout the spring. Attend the festivities at FSU Campus Earth Day on March 21 (10a-2p at Oglesby Union Green), turn off your lights on March 31 at 8:30p for Earth Hour, or visit EarthDay.org for a list of events going on in your town. |
New climate modeling data for the Southeast
Researchers throughout Florida have been expressing a need for high-resolution regional climate data for quite a while. In response, COAPS scientists Vasu Misra and Lydia Stefanova have recently created the COAPS Regional Downscaling Dataset for the Southeast United States. This is a uniquely detailed and comprehensive resource containing historical and projected surface temperature, precipitatation, and other information produced by sophisticated computer models. The data will help researchers better understand how natural and human systems may respond to future climate scenarios. |
Alumnus profile: Nick Heath
Nick Heath, who completed undergraduate work with COAPS scientist Dr. Mark Bourassa, was recently featured in the FSU College of Arts and Sciences Spectrum Magazine. Click here to read the article. |
 Faculty honors
We are pleased to announce that two members of the COAPS academic faculty, Dr. Vasu Misra (left) and Dr. Philip Sura (right), are being promoted to associate professors of meteorology (effective fall 2012). Dr. Sura has also been elected to serve on the Florida State University Faculty Senate. |
COAPS authors are in bold.
Misra, V., J-P Michael, R. Boyles, E. Chassignet, M. Griffin, and J.J. O'Brien, 2012: Reconciling the spatial distribution of the surface temperature trends in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Climate, in press, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00170.1.
Morey, S., and D. Dukhovskoy, 2012: Analysis methods for characterizing salinity variability from multivariate time series applied to the Apalachicola Bay estuary. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., in press, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00136.1.
Shin, D. W., and G. A. Baigorria, 2012: Potential influence of land development patterns on regional climate: a summer case study in central Florida. Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0118-4. |
The Florida State University Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) is a center of excellence performing interdisciplinary research in ocean-atmosphere-land-ice interactions to increase our understanding of the physical, social, and economic consequences of climate variability. COAPS scientists and students come from a wide range of disciplines, including meteorology, physical oceanography, statistics, and the computer and information sciences.

The natural world explained in 1-minute segments by scientists from FSU. Airing Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:04am on 88.9 WFSU-FM.
Recent segments by COAPS scientists:
What is a LEED home? (by Dr. Mark Powell)
How do climate variations affect Florida's manatees? (by Dr. Lydia Stefanova)
Wind power: what's in it for Florida? (by Dr. Mark Powell) |