February 8, 2012 Issue 

Join Our Mailing List

We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation.  Submit them to stjohnstampa@gmail.com.

: Evangelism is sharing the Good News of God in Christ by word and example, inviting others to become part of the Christian community, and welcoming all people into a loving Christian fellowship...

"Evangelize to someone in your family this week." 


St. John's Episcopal Church, South Tampa

Scheduled Events
Wed, Feb 8
Thu, Feb 9
Fri, Feb 10
Mon, Feb 13
Tue, Feb 14
Sun, Mar 11

Faith Caf� News

Faith CafeWe had many fine volunteers helping with the St. John's Fridays in December and January: Nicholas Nitch and Mary Jane Schenck as volunteer coordinators for the day; Patrick Whittlesey, Beth Arthur, Mark Powers, and Michael Matthews as drivers; Kari Powers, Maria Howey, Lesley Hanlon, Sally Wiley, Miriam Faircloth, David Kenyon, Daniel Otero, and Kathleen Moore as servers and kitchen crew.


The big news is that the STEM (South Tampa Ecumenical Ministries) Board has moved forward with the purchase of a lot near Cypress and Himes where we plan to build a new Faith Caf�. The move is required because the current building will no longer be available to us. After nearly a year of searching, it seemed impossible to find a lot with a building that could be zoned for our use. Not many people want a food distribution center for the homeless in their neighborhood, no big surprise.


So the best solution after much work and prayer was the purchase of the lot. Now comes the even bigger task --fundraising for the building. Thus far two generous donors and some matching funds have made the purchase of the land possible and $100,000 toward the building. Estimates are that we need $250,000 more. We hope to get "gifts in-kind" of labor and materials, many have already done pro bono work on this project, but there is a tremendous need for donations.  Think prayerfully whether you can contribute or know someone who could donate something to the construction or outfitting of the building.


Monday through Saturday, over 100 people are being offered a hot lunch and are treated with dignity. This wonderful almost ten-year long ministry can't continue without a place to serve the meals. Spread the Word.

Contributions are being coordinated through Mary Jane Schenck (mjschenck@ut.edu or 837-9428) and Hugh Cruse (hugh.cruse@gmail.com or 758-7606).

Lenten Dinner Series - February 29, March 7, 14 and 28 


"What Lent Really Means to Us"

The Lenten Dinner Series will begin on Wednesday, February 29, with a group discussion facilitated by Paul Game about what Lent really means to each of us, how we change our behavior and why, and the historical foundation for this practice.   


"Who is Forgiveness For?  What do We Get When We Give it?"

The three-part series, facilitated by Arthur Taylor, will begin on March 7,  as we approach Lent, the season for Christians to mourn the sins of the past and, in doing so, regain the hope for future salvation and wholeness. Forgiveness, like many Christian values, fits perfectly into our Lenten season. But how does it fit into our own lives, our relationships, and our personal sense of right and wrong? Please join together around these challenging questions, in a three-part series about what the American theologian Reinhold Neibuhr calls "the final form of love." A home-cooked meal will be provided each evening and child care will be available.

Journey to Adulthood Informational Meeting 2/19/2012

Come one, come all, to an informational meeting regarding Rite 13, J2A (Journey to Adulthood).  The meeting will be during the Parish Breakfast in the Garth/courtyard.  Grab your food and join us.
Adult Confirmation Classes Continue this Sunday at 10:15 AM

Join us for adult confirmation classes this Sunday. Classes continue through Sunday, March 25.  These classes will offer an opportunity for adults to learn or relearn something of the history, worship and traditions of the Anglican Communion and its American branch, the Episcopal Church. 

You will be presented to the Bishop for confirmation or reception during the service to be held here in St. John's Church at 9:00 AM on the fifth Sunday of Easter, May 6, 2012.

St. John's School Places First at the Regional Latin Forum for the 8th Year in a Row! 


On Saturday, February 4th, almost 100 St. John's Form IX and Form X students participated in the Regional Latin Forum.  Accompanied by Latin teachers  D.J. Holt and Rob Conn, along with several parent chaperones, the students continued the St. John's tradition of excellent performances at various Latin Fora. 

The students swept many of the academic testing categories as well as those of the creative projects.  At the end of the day, St. John's earned the top ranking in the academic, creative and Olympika divisions. Therefore, for the eighth year in a row, St. John's took the first place honors at the Regional Latin Forum.

New High School Youth Bible Study This Sunday

Youth GroupSunday, February 12 at 7:45 PM - 8:45 PM at the Youth House by St. John's Middle School. Bible Study will be done in the Lectio Divina format, meaning it's more about conversation than a lecture. Please join if you're interested in learning more about your faith and your God in a casual, small group setting.  Peace - Stef 

Please Bring Your Palm Sunday Crosses to the Church Office 


In preparation for Ash Wednesday we are collecting palm crosses in the church office.  Please bring yours by when you have the chance.


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is February 21 at 6:00 PM


Join us in the Parish Hall for our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. The price is $5.00 per person or $10 for a family. The F.A.T.H.E.R.S. and other volunteers of all ages will be working hard to cook and serve for you.  Red beans and rice will be on the menu as well.  This is a fun way to kick off the Lenten season.  


St. John's Middle School Youth Mission Trip to Daytona Beach 


Youth GroupSt. John's Middle School Youth Mission trip is June 17 - 22.  We will be traveling to Daytona Beach and will be working within the community. Projects range from home repair to teaching vacation bible school to locals. The goal of the trip is to reach out to those in need while learning to be Christ-like and disciple-focused. We will also find time to picnic with those that we help and take trips within Daytona Beach for fun and fellowship. If you are interested, please sign up with Mother Taylor.

Youth Group 

There are TWO incredible trips open for high school youth this summer:


1)      Sharp Top Cove: St. John's Youth will join Young Life once again for a week long camp that will change your life! Seriously, if it's not life changing-it will at least be the most FUN you've ever had. The trip will be July 22nd-29th and we are going to Sharp Top Cove in Georgia!!! Cost and specific details have not been released by Young Life yet but we have been invited to go along with them and I thought you would want to have the dates. Please email me and let me know you want to come so that I can reserve your spots... did you hear that, Alex Lutton and Savannah Walker? You must email me and let me know you want to go!!


2)      Mission Trip to Orlando Florida: We will be working with Impact Ministries on this half week mission. The website for this group is:  www.impactflorida.org. The dates for this trip are July 11-14th  and the cost is $195. To reserve your spot I need you to email me by February 20th. Please do not miss out on this opportunity to serve and learn more and more about what it's like to be disciples of Christ!


SO... summer is shaping up to be BIG FUN!! Don't miss out by forgetting to email me and reserve your spot!!! - Stef





Three ladies from St. John's will visit Kamaiba, our sister school in Uganda, in February. Leland Baldwin, Sally Thompson and Peggy Curlin are leaving Feb. 20 and need our help with donating supplies to the Kamaiba students. Please bring any of the following items to any school campus office or the church office by Feb. 15:

  • Crayola crayons (this brand holds up best in the heat)
  • large index cards
  • post-it notes
  • frisbees
  • pencils
  • inflatable balls (deflated)
  • silly putty
  • travel-size shampoos, lotions, soaps
  • notes and pictures (for our sister school friends)


We look forward to making our sister school connections even stronger through this exciting visit! 

100 Reasons to Love St. John's, Continued
  • When things go wrong, you can always find a sanctuary at St. John's.
  • What I love about St.  John's is the church itself.  We are truly blessed by our physical infrastructure.  When I sit in the church building, gaze up at the woodwork of the roof beams, sun streaming through the huge stained glass windows, listening to the choir echo the call of angels, it truly brings me closer to God.
  • The best parts to love about St. John's are the people and the community.  We have a great group of parishioners at St. John's, and our own unique place in the culture and fabric of Tampa.
  • I love the Circle ministry.  Every few months, we get together with our friends and take time to relax and enjoy each other's company.  This fellowship is what makes St. John's a real community.
  • I love Randy Hehr.  He is such a warm, caring and good person.  Once he came to our house and blessed our new baby.  It makes me smile every time I see Father Randy.
Submit a sentence or two about why you love St. John's and we will feature your entry in the Scroll. We hope to create a list of 100 reasons to love St. John's.  We are also hoping parishioners will share their memories and old photos so that we may share them with the congregation. Send submissions to  stjohnstampa@gmail.com.

Mark Your Calendar Now for Vacation Bible School

Save the dates for VBS, June 18 - 21.

Please join us for a special fun filled week, and a great family party Thursday night on June 21.

Contact Leland for details or to confirm your child's participation at lelandtbaldwin@aol.com

Please Turn in Your Pledge Card So That We May Accurately Budget for 2012 
 St. John's Centennial
Please take a few moments to consider prayerfully your pledge to St. John's Church for 2012. Your promise to support our parish financially will help St. John's continue to provide a strong and vibrant spiritual home for our community of believers and  to pursue our mission of ministering to those in spiritual and physical need. Please remember that parishioner giving accounts for 100% of our parish's budget! Annual pledges are critical to our ability to cover the expenses of our daily operations and minister to those both within and beyond our parish. It really does take every member to ensure that we continue to grow and nurture St. John's parish, just as prior generations have done for us! All we ask is that you give what you can. 
Please contact parish administrator, Debbie Huelsman, by phone: 813.259.1570 or by e-mail: dhuelsman@stjohnstampa.org to give your 2012 Every Member pledge to St. John's Parish.   Our goal is to receive all  pledges now, in order to ensure that the Finance Committee can include it in the 2012 yearly budget for St. John's Parish.

If you would like to be included in next week's Scroll please email all content to Lionel Lowry at stjohnstampa@gmail.com .


Wednesday, February 8
12:15 PM -
12:45 PM
The Holy Eucharist Rite II (Chapel)
6:30 PM -
8:00 PM

Wednesday Covered Dish Dinner and Program  



The Wednesday Night Potluck Bible Study Group will have a guest speaker,. The Rev. Andrew Heyes, rector of St. Clements, Tampa. 


Heyes, a Brit, after attending seminary at Oxford, England became  the rector of a parish in the Manchester, England region when the riots of 2001, based on religious issues, broke out within the area. The Rev. Heyes will share his personal experiences and insights associated with the heated confrontation centered on tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims within the community.


Rev. Heyes was interviewed by the media on this subject last year, during the controversies associated with an Ocala, Florida pastor who intended to burn the Koran publicly.


Q & A will follow the presentation.


Thursday, February 9
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM
The Holy Eucharist Rite II & Healing (Chapel)
12:15 PM -
12:30 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)

Friday, February 10
12:15 PM -
12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)

Sunday, February 12
7:45 AM -
8:30 AM

The Holy Eucharist. Rite I (Church)  

9:00 AM -
10:00 AM

The Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Church)
Children's Chapel (Parish Hall)
10:15 AM

Sunday SchoolSunday School     

0-2 year olds - Nursery w/  

3-4 year olds - Room 123

5-6 year olds - Room 124

2nd-3rd grade - Room 128

4th -5th grade - Room 126
     aka "THE 45 CLUB"

6th, 7th & 8th grade -
     downstairs Discovery House

9th,10th, 11th & 12th -
     upstairs Discovery House


Adult Education


The Round Table  - Meets in the Library 


F.A.T.H.E.R.S.  -
The Headmaster's Office

Bring an article, video, headline, etc. that you would like to share with the group for a couple of minutes.  We are going to try to have everyone contribute and see how that works for the next few months.  Please take five minutes of your week to reflect on how you can "stir one another up to do good works" or at least insert a bit of levity into everyone's week.   For example, you could bring an article on family budgeting, a funny YouTube video, relate a topic you hear on the news, etc.  Anything is fair game.  Your participation is appreciated. 


The Parents' Ministry - Meets in the Lowry Room

This week's topic: Changing our Children's Attitude in Gratitude.     

Adult Confirmation Classes  - Meets in the Parish Hall



10:30 AM-
11:30 AM

The Caregiver Support Groupcare giver support 

We meet on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Contact Susan Boyd at  seboyd@verizon.net or MC Jenkins at  BucsJenkins@aol.com  if you have questions.


11:15 AM -
12:15 PM
The Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Church)
5:00 PM -
6:30 PM

Conversations about Healing


St. John's presents a new series of discussions with professionals exploring healing from different perspectives:

Healing in the Community
Parish Hall
The Very Rev. Ed Henley, Rector, St. Mark's, Tampa,
and Dean of the Tampa Deanery 

Funding for this program is provided by Pauline Dean in loving memory of her husband, Buddy Dean.
5:30 PM -
7:30 PM

Youth GroupMiddle School Youth Group
will meet at the Youth House

Please join us for food, fellowship, and fun!

7:45 PM -
8:45 PM
BibleHigh School Youth Bible Study

Located at the Youth House by St. John's Middle School.

Monday, February 13
12:15 PM -
12:45 PM

Noonday Prayer (Chapel)  

Tuesday, February 14
6:45 AM-
8:00 AM

Contemporary Women's Bible Study   

BibleOur study of the Gospel of John  will continue through March 20.  On March 27 we will begin a study of Isaiah.  

CWBS meets on Tuesdays from 6:45 to 8:00 AM in the John Peterson Adult Education Room at the St. John's Middle School campus, 240 Plant Ave.  All women of St. John's (and their friends) are invited to join this dynamic group for prayer, lively discussion, faith and fellowship.  After a light breakfast, scripture and selected topics of interest are explored in new and creative ways.  Members take turns serving as discussion facilitator.

11:45 AM -
1:00 PM

Women's Mid Day Bible Study  

BibleOn Tuesday, February 14, the Women's Mid Day Bible Study will meet  in the John Peterson Adult Education Room at the Middle School campus (240 Plant Ave.) to continue our study, "God Calls Us Then and Now:  Meeting Women in Scripture."  The Rev. Mary Anne Dorner, who served as associate rector with Father Hehr when he was rector of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Dunedin and was subsequently vicar of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Naples, will be our guest facilitator. We will be studying the life of the prophet Deborah as recorded in Judges: 4 and 5.


Please consider joining us.  Newcomers are always welcome.  If you would like to participate in an optional sandwich and salad lunch at a cost of $5.00, please email Joan McKay at mckayjhm@aol.com. Parking is available in front of the school and under the Crosstown Expressway in a dedicated school lot accessible from Plant Ave.  If you have question or would like more information, contact Sally Wiley at 813.253.3906.




12:15 PM -
12:45 PM

Noonday Prayer (Chapel)  

Friday, February 17
7:00 PM

F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Couple's Karaoke Party 

Please RSVP for our Couple's Karaoke Party at Wings Gone Wild. The cost is $20 per couple.  We had a great time last year.  This is a good opportunity for your spouse to bond with the group.  Feel free to sing or just watch - this is high-brow entertainment at its best.  There will be a shared cost. Contact Lionel at lionel@firsthook.com.   


Sunday, March 11
3:00 PM

The 7th Annual Mission Possible Talent Show  

This event is full of fun, laughter, dancing, singing, piano, and much more.
All proceeds from this event support mission work of St John's Parish and Day School. 

If you are interested in being in the 7th Annual Talent Show or helping with it please email lelandtbaldwin@aol.com.
 Mother Taylor and I look forward to another super event, but we cannot do it alone, we need a great deal of help.  Thank you in advance. - Leland