We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation. Submit them to stjohnstampa@gmail.com. __________________
Evangelism: Evangelism is sharing the Good News of God in Christ by word and example, inviting others to become part of the Christian community, and welcoming all people into a loving Christian fellowship...
"Challenge yourself to share your faith with one person this week."

We Welcome Baby Caroline Cox
Caroline Painter Cox was born on November 20, 2011 to David and Cindy Cox (Cynthia Young). Caroline is named after her maternal great-grandmother, Caroline Lowe Pate (Mrs. Frank C. Pate) and her grandmother, Sue Painter Cox. She weighed 6 pounds and was 18 3/4" in length.
Grandparents Claudia & Bill Young and Sue & Don Cox are St. John's members.
Adult Confirmation Classes Begin this Sunday at 10:15 AM Adult confirmation classes begin this Sunday, February 5 and continue through Sunday, March 25. These six classes will offer an opportunity for adults to learn or relearn something of the history, worship and traditions of the Anglican Communion and its American branch, the Episcopal Church.
You will be presented to the Bishop for confirmation on reception during the service to be held here in St. John's Church at 9:00 AM on the fifth Sunday of Easter, May 6, 2012.
New High School Youth Bible Study This Sunday (Day Change) Sunday, February 5 at 7:45 PM - 8:45 PM at the Youth House by St. John's Middle School. Bible Study will be done in the Lectio Divina format, meaning it's more about conversation than a lecture. Please join if you're interested in learning more about your faith and your God in a casual, small group setting. Peace - Stef
Conversations about Healing
 St. John's presents a new series of discussions with professionals exploring healing from different perspectives. Healing in the Community
Sunday, February 12
Parish Hall, 5:00 to 6:30 PM The Very Rev. Ed Henley, Rector, St. Mark's, Tampa,
and Dean of the Tampa Deanery Funding for this program is provided by Pauline Dean in loving memory of her husband, Buddy Dean.
 Please Bring Your Palm Sunday Crosses to the Church Office
In preparation for Ash Wednesday we are collecting palm crosses in the church office. Please bring yours by when you have the chance.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is February 21 at 6:00 PM
Join us in the Parish Hall for our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. The price is $5.00 per person or $10 for a family. The F.A.T.H.E.R.S. and the Youth Groups will be working hard to cook and serve for you. Red beans and rice will be on the menu as well. This is a fun way to kick off the Lenten season.
The Miracle Continues - A Day of Inspiration
Saturday, February 25, 2012 at Dayspring.
Join the women of the Diocese of Southwest Florida for a Day of Inspiration, Music and Fellowship
Featuring Fran McKendree, world renowned musician, Katerina Whitley, author and enactor of Women of the Bible, and Chaplain, The Rev. Gigi Conner.
Space is limited, register early. Advance registration required.
Registration deadline is February 6. Registration forms can be found in the Parish Office.
No Outreach/Friends of Uganda Meeting in February
At the January monthly Outreach-FOU meeting, we decided to cancel the February 27 meeting since Peggy Curlin, Leland Baldwin and Sally Thompson will be visiting Bishop Masereka & Mama Stella in Kasese, Uganda. We will have reports from the Bishop Masereka Christian Foundation and Kamaiba Primary School (St. John's sister school) at the March 26th meeting. Instead, our Budget Subcommittee, chaired by Carol Ihrig, will be convening a meeting and discussing next year's budget allocations. Please contact her if you wish to provide input or have any recommendations. Carol's email is carolihrig@verizon.net , her phone, 813-831-3245.
St. John's Parishioner Honored:
French honor Bay area veterans who helped free their nation
 | St. John's parishioner, Nelson Spoto, recently received the "Chevalier dans l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur." |
By KEITH MORELLI | The Tampa Tribune
Published: December 9, 2011
Nelson Spoto was an 18-year-old kid in 1944, fresh out of Hillsborough High School and in the U.S. Navy. Three-and-a-half months after his graduation, he was on the USS Raven, a minesweeper clearing the way for the D-Day invasion.
That was a lifetime ago.
But on Thursday at MacDill Air Force Base, Spoto and 13 other U.S. veterans who fought alongside French forces in World War II were remembered. They received insignias of Chevalier dans l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur , the "Knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honor," the highest French award given to military or civilian recipients.
continued |
St. John's Middle School Youth Mission Trip to Daytona Beach
St. John's Middle School Youth Mission trip is June 17 - 22. We will be traveling to Daytona Beach and will be working within the community. Projects range from home repair to teaching vacation bible school to locals. The goal of the trip is to reach out to those in need while learning to be Christ-like and disciple-focused. We will also find time to picnic with those that we help and take trips within Daytona Beach for fun and fellowship. If you are interested, please sign up with Mother Taylor.
Three ladies from St. John's will visit Kamaiba, our sister school in Uganda, in February. Leland Baldwin, Sally Thompson and Peggy Curlin are leaving Feb. 20 and need our help with donating supplies to the Kamaiba students. Please bring any of the following items to any school campus office or the church office by Feb. 15:
- Crayola crayons (this brand holds up best in the heat)
- large index cards
- post-it notes
- frisbees
- pencils
- inflatable balls (deflated)
- silly putty
- travel-size shampoos, lotions, soaps
- notes and pictures (for our sister school friends)
We look forward to making our sister school connections even stronger through this exciting visit!
F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Couple's Karaoke Party, February 17 Please RSVP for our Couple's Karaoke Party on February 17 at 7:00 PM at Wings Gone Wild so that we may plan our budget. We had a great time last year. This is a good opportunity for your spouse to bond with the group. Feel free to sing or just watch - this is high-brow entertainment at its best. There will be a shared cost. Contact Lionel at lionel@firsthook.com.
Mark Your Calendar Now for Vacation Bible School
Save the dates for VBS, June 18 - 21. Please join us for a special fun filled week, and a great family party Thursday night on June 21.
Contact Leland for details or to confirm your child's participation at lelandtbaldwin@aol.com .
Please Turn in Your Pledge Card So That We May Accurately Budget for 2012
 Please take a few moments to consider prayerfully your pledge to St. John's Church for 2012. Your promise to support our parish financially will help St. John's continue to provide a strong and vibrant spiritual home for our community of believers and to pursue our mission of ministering to those in spiritual and physical need. Please remember that parishioner giving accounts for 100% of our parish's budget! Annual pledges are critical to our ability to cover the expenses of our daily operations and minister to those both within and beyond our parish. It really does take every member to ensure that we continue to grow and nurture St. John's parish, just as prior generations have done for us! All we ask is that you give what you can.
Please contact parish administrator, Debbie Huelsman, by phone: 813.259.1570 or by e-mail: dhuelsman@stjohnstampa.org to give your 2012 Every Member pledge to St. John's Parish. Our goal is to receive all pledges now, in order to ensure that the Finance Committee can include it in the 2012 yearly budget for St. John's Parish.
100 Reasons to Love St. John's
Submit a sentence or two about why you love St. John's and we will feature your entry in the Scroll. We hope to create a list of 100 reasons to love St. John's. We are also hoping parishioners will share their memories and old photos so that we may share them with the congregation. Send submissions to stjohnstampa@gmail.com.
If you would like to be included in next week's Scroll please email all content to Lionel Lowry at stjohnstampa@gmail.com .

| Wednesday, February 1
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
| The Holy Eucharist Rite II (Chapel) |
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday Covered Dish Dinner and Program
I'm Praying, Is God Listening?
Six sessions on our relationship with God.
Philip Yancey probes the very heartbeat-the most fundamental, challenging, perplexing, and deeply rewarding aspect-of our relationship with God: prayer. What is prayer? Does it change God's mind or ours-or both?
Please join the Wednesday Night Potluck Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall.

| Thursday, February 2
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | The Holy Eucharist Rite II & Healing (Chapel) |
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
7:00 PM
F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Evening Out
Please join us at Irish 31
Hyde Park Village
1611 W. Swann Avenue
We are getting together in the evening on the first Thursday of every month at Irish 31. We look forward to seeing you there. F.A.T.H.E.R.S. 2012 schedule >
* Fathers Accountable to Healthy Enduring Relationships & Spirituality

| Friday, February 3
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Saturday, February 4
6:00 PM
You are cordially invited to attend an Island Masquerade Ball Celebrating and Honoring Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass to benefit Cornerstone Kids, Inc. Westin Harbour Island 725 South Harbour Island Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33602
Formal Attire Masquerade Masks Suggested 6:00 PM - Cocktails 7:00 PM - Dinner 8:00 PM - Dancing
For donations and more information visit http://www.cornerstonekidsinc.org/ball.htm

| Sunday, February 5
7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
The Holy Eucharist. Rite I (Church)
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Church) Children's Chapel (Parish Hall)
10:15 AM
Sunday School
0-2 year olds - Nursery w/ babysitters
3-4 year olds - Room 123
5-6 year olds - Room 124
2nd-3rd grade - Room 128
4th -5th grade - Room 126 aka "THE 45 CLUB"
6th, 7th & 8th grade - downstairs Discovery House
9th,10th, 11th & 12th - upstairs Discovery House
Adult Education
The Round Table - Meets in the Library
F.A.T.H.E.R.S. - The Headmaster's Office
Bring an article, video, headline, etc. that you would like to share with the group for a couple of minutes. We are going to try to have everyone contribute and see how that works for the next few months. Please take five minutes of your week to reflect on how you can "stir one another up to do good works" or at least insert a bit of levity into everyone's week. For example, you could bring an article on family budgeting, a funny YouTube video, relate a topic you hear on the news, etc. Anything is fair game. Your participation is appreciated. The Parents' Ministry - Meets in the Lowry Room The Forum - Meets in the Parish Hall
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
The Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Church)
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Middle School Youth Group will meet at the Youth House
Please join us for food, fellowship, and fun!
7:45 PM - 8:45 PM
High School Youth Bible Study Located at the Youth House by St. John's Middle School.
 | Monday, February 6
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Tuesday, February 7
6:45 AM- 8:00 AM
Contemporary Women's Bible Study
Our study of the Gospel of John will continue through March 20. On March 27 we will begin a study of Isaiah.
CWBS meets on Tuesdays from 6:45 to 8:00 AM in the John Peterson Adult Education Room at the St. John's Middle School campus, 240 Plant Ave. All women of St. John's (and their friends) are invited to join this dynamic group for prayer, lively discussion, faith and fellowship. After a light breakfast, scripture and selected topics of interest are explored in new and creative ways. Members take turns serving as discussion facilitator.
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
The Entrepreneurs' Group
This group is by application only and restricted to current or emerging entrepreneurs. It is not open to suppliers or just interested parties. Interested parties may be invited to speak to the group.
There are educational components, combined with peer review and support. Please contact Walt Hardenstine at whardenstine@executiveforums.com.
 | Sunday, March 11
3:00 PM
The 7th Annual Mission Possible Talent Show
This event is full of fun, laughter, dancing, singing, piano, and much more. All proceeds from this event support mission work of St John's Parish and Day School.
If you are interested in being in the 7th Annual Talent Show or helping with it please email lelandtbaldwin@aol.com.
Mother Taylor and I look forward to another super event, but we cannot do it alone, we need a great deal of help. Thank you in advance. - Leland