Scheduled Events
Wed, Dec 14
Thu, Dec 15
Fri, Dec 16
Sun, Dec 18
Mon, Dec 19
Tue, Dec 20
Sun, Dec 24
Sun, Dec 25
Sun, Jan 1
Sun, Jan 6

Welcome Hailey! The Newborn Ministry welcomes Hailey Alexander Belfatti, born September 2, 2011, to Ralph and Roddy Belfatti. Hailey was 7 pounds, 6 ounces and joins big sister Addison.
The Evangelist - Correction: The Christmas Lessons and Carols service is scheduled for Sunday, January 1 at 10:00 AM.
Parish Breakfast and Sandwich Sunday, This Sunday
Join us for breakfast in the Parish Hall this Sunday at 10:15 AM. Breakfast will be prepared, in part, by our youth groups. This is a great time to enjoy fellowship and a tasty meal.
Sandwich Sunday will occur at the same time as the breakfast. You are invited to help prepare food for Faith Café.
Attention Parish Wood Workers - Manger Cradle Needed
The church is in need of a new functioning manger style cradle for our annual Christmas pageant. The cradle should be able to safely accomodate a real baby. If you are able to help please contact Lee Lowry at
Our Vestry Slate is Complete for the Upcoming Election The candidates are: - Thad Bereday
- Hugh Cruse
- Frank Hancock
- Steve Leal
- Kristi Salzer
- Bill Sansone
- Eric Williams
- India Witte
More information will be forthcoming in future editions of the Scroll. If you are an active, confirmed member of St. John's Church, you are eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Early voting will take place on January 8 and 15. The final vote will occur during the Annual Meeting on January 22.
100 Reasons to Love St. John's Continued
I love the fellowship and support among the women in the Contemporary Women's Bible Study group. These perks on top of the in-depth study of the Bible make getting up early and driving across town worthwhile.
I love the beautiful choral rendition of the chosen psalm each Sunday morning.-Pat Matthews
Submit a sentence or two about why you love St. John's and we will feature your entry in the Scroll. We hope to create a list of 100 reasons to love St. John's. We are also hoping parishioners will share their memories and old photos so that we may share them with the congregation. Send submissions to .
Please send in your 2012 Pledge Cards
If you have sent in your pledge cards, thank you! This enables the church to plan its budget for 2012. If you have not yet, please set aside some time to do so. We even have an online pledge card (link). If you need a 2012 pledge card you may 1) call the parish offices at (813.259.1570) to have one mailed to you 2) find one in the church pew during Sunday services, or 3) pick one up in the parish offices. If you have any questions regarding the Every Member Canvass, you may contact our parish administrator, Debbi Huelsman, at or you may call the parish offices. Thank you!
Annual Christmas Concert this Sunday at 5:00 PM
 Do mark your calendars for Sunday, December 18th at 5:00 p.m. when St. John's Combined Choirs will present their Annual Christmas Concert. Always a popular occasion, this informal concert will feature seasonal carols for choir and congregation,
and will include such favourites as Harold Darke's "In the Bleak Mid-winter", "A Maiden Most Gentle" of Andrew Carter, and "Sir Christemas" of William Mathias. A reception, to which all are warmly invited, will follow in the Parish Hall.
Communications Director for the School and Church Wanted
St. John's Parish and School are looking to hire a communications director. The ideal candidate will demonstrate initiative and will be able to work both independently and as part of a team. Experience in independent schools or the non-profit sector is preferred, as is comfort working within a community of faith. Excellent writing and editing skills, attention to detail, and the ability to communicate with multiple constituencies are essential. Strong planning skills, an ability to balance competing priorities, and a talent for staying calm on deadline are also beneficial. Excellent computer skills are required. Web design and graphic design expertise are preferred, as well as basic photographic skills. A Bachelor's Degree and 3-5 years professional experience in public relations, communications, or an equivalent combination of education and experience required. Please submit resumes to
E-mail Auction bid for St. John's Choir
During our November auction, several people were out of town and were unable to make the auction. They asked if they could bid through e-mail.
We are offering two items through e-mail bid auction closing midnight Sunday, December 18, 2011:
- Send bid to
- One bid per person
- The highest bid wins
- If we have two of the same bids, the earlier bid wins
 Item #1 "A Young Girl's Dream" start bid at $250.00 The painting portrays a young woman coming to America from post-war Germany with high hopes and dreams of a new life. Acrylic painted by St. Petersburg artist Anne Von Rosenstiel
Framed - size: 30" x 38"
Donated by: St. John's Book Club, value: $1,000.00
Item #2 "A Basket of a Day of Service" starting bid $100.00
St. John's Parents' Ministry collectively are offering our dynamic team of expert time managers, couriers, short order, and home maintenance experts for one (1) day at your home, or you can gift these services to someone who could use a day off. Example: yard work, house cleaning, cooking, errands, dog walking, or whatever else you need help with! Donated by: St. John's Parents' Ministry which consists of a group of parents who meet on Sunday to offer support, insight and humor in raising our children in a Christian environment. We understand the greatest gifts are acts of service. Value: Priceless
Angel Tree - the biggest and best yet!
Our Angel Tree outreach was a tremendous success again! We broke record numbers thanks to the efforts of many people.
It started weeks ago with persistent and caring phone calls from JoAnna Hall and her team - Pat Matthews, Mary Beth Carrastro, Kris Anguili, Charlene Whittlesey, Heddy Brown and Yvonne Santiago.
Dozens of generous parishioners filled the hallway with gifts for 150 children - over 300 gifts were purchased, wrapped and delivered on time!!
Yvonne Santiago spent hours and hours sorting out the 300+ gifts and bagged them (better than Santa himself) for the families to take home. Her attention to detail made sure that nothing was missing or no one forgotten.
After being told by Publix, Sweetbay, WalMart, and Sams that they did not have turkeys available and were not making food donations this year I was ready to forgo the holiday meal as part of the gift to the families. Mary Beth and Paul Carrastro would not take no for an answer! They, along with donations from generous parishioners rounded up the food the day before the party!
Huck Nicola was a real angel this year!! Not only did he donate beautiful decorations to the Church, he spent hours Friday night setting up the Parish Hall for the party. It was spectacular!!
As the guests arrived on Saturday morning we all said our prayers that the rain would hold off - and it did!! Dawn Merritt and Pat Matthews greeted our guests with wonderful enthusiasm - making everyone feel so welcome and comfortable. Pamela Price hosted the families in the garth with crafts galore for the children to make - ornaments, Christmas cards for the inmates. They enjoyed hot chocolate and the best ham biscuits you've ever had - made by Dave Kenyon, of course! Keith Lindquist photographed the families with St. Nicholas (Danny Otero) and had the pictures ready for them to take home at the end of the party.
Lee Lowry rounded up all of our children for another beautiful pageant. Charlotte Graham was a lovely Mary and Kevin Page was spectacular on the organ!
Dave Kenyon and his elves worked Friday night until the wee hours of the morning and were back again at 6 a.m. to make sandwiches, desserts and the best sugar cookies you have ever had!! Dave said we served over 900 cuban sandwiches!! They did such an amazing job!
The Youth Group pitched in and worked with the children making crafts and playing basketball on the deck. They served all of the drinks and food and made the day especially fun for the children.
Leland Baldwin and Stephanie Taylor showed up everyone on the dance floor!! We had great music, games and dancing to DJ Patsy Stills!
During the entire party Mary Jane Schenck answered the endless phone calls! It is the behind the scenes work like this that is so very appreciated and usually goes unnoticed by most.
Our Dads helped transport many families to and from the party - as far away as Ruskin - who otherwise would not have been able to attend.
John Giordano and Steve Cheeseman had volunteered to deliver gifts to the families that could not attend the party. While they patiently waited for instructions they pitched in helping out in the kitchen!! They were successful in reaching the families which isn't always the case.
The Carastros and Yvonne Santiago made sure everyone got their goodies as they left the party having had a wonderful time - again!!
My heartfelt thanks to all that made this such a memorable Angel Tree!
-Ginny VanOsdol
Chistopher A. Cole will be ordained this Saturday to the Sacred Order of Deacons
Our summer seminiarian intern, Chris Cole, is being ordained this Saturday to the Sacred Order of Deacons at 11:00 AM at Trinity Cathedral in Asheville, North Carolina. Next year at this time he will be ordained into priesthood. Our thoughts and prayers are with him during this special milestone.
St. John's Choir CDs and Burgert Brothers Calendars Make Great Christmas Gifts (available in the church office.)
"Magnificat," St. John's Choir's latest CD, has been released. It is a recording of this year's Benefit Concert that has been edited for CD, and features settings of the Magnificat of different musical genres, interspersed with organ solos played by Simon Morley and Simon Jacobs, who accompanied the concert. We are particularly grateful to Eric Stoll who, as well as singing in the performance, acted as recording engineer and producer, and has done an outstanding job. Thanks are due also to Sharon Stoll, who obtained copyright permission from publishers and performing rights. The CD is available through the Parish Office, 259.1570, and is priced at $15. CDs are also available for purchase at

The 2012 Burgert Brothers Calendar
has been printed and St. John's Church (1926) is the featured photograph for the month of April. Donate $15 to the St. John's Centennial Celebration fund and receive this annual Tampa treasure.
If you would like to be included in next week's Scroll please email all content to Lionel Lowry at .

| Wednesday, December 14
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
| The Holy Eucharist Rite II (Chapel) |
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday Covered Dish Dinner and Program followed by a DVD Presentation
Introducing a new DVD Presentation and discussion:
The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem, a video, will be shown during group sessions beginning Wednesday, December 14, 2011. The video will lead the attendees over the course of five sessions to examine the geographical, cultural, and historical setting of the events that resulted in the birth of the Christ Child and, ultimately, to help participants see themselves in the story.
The focal Scripture texts will be Luke and Matthew's accounts of the Annunciation, Mary's visit with Elizabeth, Joseph's dream of an angel, the walk to Bethlehem, and the visits of the shepherds
and, later, the magi. Session 1 focuses on Mary and the Annunciation. Session 2 on Joseph. Session 3 considers Mary's visit with Elizabeth. Session 4 looks at the actual journey to Bethlehem. Session 5 takes us to the manger and to the shepherds' fields.

| Thursday, December 15
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | The Holy Eucharist Rite II & Healing (Chapel) |
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)

| Friday, December 16
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
7:30 PM
Community Carol Sing-A-Long
Come to a Community Carol Sing-A-Long at 7:30 PM on Friday, December 16. We will gather in front of the atrium entrance to St Mark's on Cain Road and sing under the stars, accompanied by instrumentalists. The choir is inviting all of our neighbors from surrounding communities, their families and friends, and the congregation to make this a joyful evening of Christmas Carol singing. We will have song sheets, cookies and hot chocolate. Follow the luminarias to parking and singing, and share the spirit of Christmas with our community.
 | Sunday, December 18
7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Church)
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Church) Children's Chapel (Parish Hall)
10:45 AM- 11:05 AM
| C hildren's Christmas Eve Pageant Rehearsal
Rehearsals for this beloved annual tradition continue in the church following the Parish Breakfast.
10:45 AM
| Please Join us for The Orleanians 20s/30s Next Event:
After the Parish Breakfast at 10:15, simply waltz a block over to the Sansone home for our final event of 2011. We will have a bounce house for the kids to thoroughly exhaust themselves so all parents can get a proper nap out of them in the afternoon - you're welcome in advance. Snacks and drinks for kids and adults will be provided.
Contact Dax Nelson (494-0125 or or Crystal Madani (310-9478 or ) for more information. Please indicate on your RSVP how many kids, if any, are included in your reply.
In the spirit of giving, we thought it would be nice to add two elements of community service and giving to the event. First, a few folks have inquired about helping with the cost of the party (bounce house, snacks, drinks). The Sansone family would like to cover the costs as a holiday gift from their family. However, if you would still like to give, please feel free to make a donation and all money collected will be donated to Metropolitan Ministries to assist them with any last-minute needs that they may have. Second, and this involves any children that are coming, we would like the children to bring a gently used toy (or many if you want to unload your house in preparation for the avalanche that they may be receiving on Christmas morning) to donate to the children at Metropolitan Ministries' daycare and Head Start programs. |
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Church)
5:00 PM
Annual Christmas Concert
 | Monday, December 19
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Tuesday, December 20
Contemporary Women's Bible Study is not meeting.
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve
4:00 PM
| Children's Christmas Eve Pageant The Holy Eucharist
6:00 PM
| The Holy Eucharist
10:30 PM / 11:00 PM
| 10:30 PM Music Begins
11:00 PM The Holy Eucharist
 | Sunday, December 25, Christmas
10:00 AM
| Christmas Service
The Holy Eucharist |
 | Sunday, January 1
7:45 AM
The Holy Eucharist
10:00 AM
Christmas Lessons & Carols
 | Friday, January 6
7:00 PM | Circle Cocktail Party
At the home of Sarah & Duncan Evans, co-hosted by Rick & Tweed Eckhard
Contact Betsy Graham at with questions or to make sure you are on our mailing list. Evite will go out soon.