Christmas Pageant rehearsals began last Sunday. See the pictures below:
We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation. Submit them to stjohnstampa@gmail.com. __________________
Evangelism: Evangelism is sharing the Good News of God in Christ by word and example, inviting others to become part of the Christian community, and welcoming all people into a loving Christian fellowship...
Create a blog sharing your story and your faith.

Reminder - Please turn in your pledge cards today.
Please remember that we are trying to have all of our pledges in by the end of this month so that our Vestry can have the month of December to prepare a parish budget for next year.
We Still Need Your Help with Angel Tree
Volunteers are needed on Saturday, December 10.
We still have gift tags that have not been selected. Please think about sponsoring a child. Contact Ginny 259-0100 or email
Why I Love St. John's
"I love St. John's because:
We have such a marvelous choirmaster and organist, Simon Morley.
I know I can go to our clergy and they will do whatever they can to help me.
I feel such love and acceptance."
- Miriam Faircloth
Submit a sentence or two about why you love St. John's and we will feature your entry in the Scroll. We hope to create a list of 100 reasons to love St. John's. We are also hoping parishioners will share their memories and old photos so that we may share them with the congregation. Send submissions to stjohnstampa@gmail.com .
A Service of Advent Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 4 at 5:00 p.m.
 Do join us this Sunday, December 4 at 5:00 p.m. for the annual service of Advent Lessons and Carols. This service is one of the most popular of the year, and will feature music by Herbert Howells, Sir William McKie, Benjamin Britten and Ralph Vaughan Williams, together with seasonal carols for choir and congregation. A reception, to which all are warmly invited, follows in the Parish Hall.
Communications Director for the School and Church Wanted
St. John's Parish and School are looking to hire a communications director. The ideal candidate will demonstrate initiative and will be able to work both independently and as part of a team. Experience in independent schools or the non-profit sector is preferred, as is comfort working within a community of faith. Excellent writing and editing skills, attention to detail, and the ability to communicate with multiple constituencies are essential. Strong planning skills, an ability to balance competing priorities, and a talent for staying calm on deadline are also beneficial. Excellent computer skills are required. Web design and graphic design expertise are preferred, as well as basic photographic skills. A Bachelor's Degree and 3-5 years professional experience in public relations, communications, or an equivalent combination of education and experience required. Please submit resumes to stjohnstampa@gmail.com.
Children's Christmas Eve Pageant Rehearsals Continue
Rehearsals for this beloved annual tradition take place on Sunday mornings at 10:15 AM. On Saturday morning, December 10, we will practice and do a performance for our Angel Tree friends, and the big event is 4:00 PM on Christmas Eve, with a rehearsal immediately preceding. If your child is interested in participating, please email LeeLowry@msn.com.
St. John's Choir CDs and Burgert Brothers Calendars Make Great Christmas Gifts (available in the church office.)
"Magnificat," St. John's Choir's latest CD, has been released. It is a recording of this year's Benefit Concert that has been edited for CD, and features settings of the Magnificat of different musical genres, interspersed with organ solos played by Simon Morley and Simon Jacobs, who accompanied the concert. We are particularly grateful to Eric Stoll who, as well as singing in the performance, acted as recording engineer and producer, and has done an outstanding job. Thanks are due also to Sharon Stoll, who obtained copyright permission from publishers and performing rights. The CD is available through the Parish Office, 259.1570, and is priced at $15. CDs are also available for purchase at www.shop.stollandson.com.

The 2012 Burgert Brothers Calendar
has been printed and St. John's Church (1926) is the featured photograph for the month of April. Donate $15 to the St. John's Centennial Celebration fund and receive this annual Tampa treasure.
If you would like to be included in next week's Scroll please email all content to Lionel Lowry at stjohnstampa@gmail.com .

| Wednesday, November 30
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
| The Holy Eucharist Rite II (Chapel) |
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday Covered Dish Dinner and Program followed by a DVD Presentation "Not a Fan" with discussion following. Presenting "Not a Fan," a new small group DVD study from City on a Hill Productions, which contains the following description:
Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus issued a compelling and challenging invitation to Follow Him. He's not interested in mere fans. He doesn't want enthusiastic admirers. He wants Completely Committed Followers. Based on the engaging approach of Kyle Idleman, this one-of-a-kind small group study examines what it means to deny one's self and truly follow Jesus.
This unconventional small group experience is a cinematic journey through a series of six mini-movies providing a unique perspective to help shape today's believer into a first century Christ-follower. Follow the journey of Eric Nelson, a man leading a compartmentalized triple life as a pleasure-seeking rebel, a cutthroat corporate executive, and a nominal Christian. When confronted with a near death experience, Eric embarks on a spiritual journey that transforms his commitment to Jesus Christ and tests the faith of his friends and family.

| Thursday, December 1
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | The Holy Eucharist Rite II & Healing (Chapel) |
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
| St. John's Men's Thursday Interactive Bible Study in the John Peterson Room on the Middle School Campus, 240 Plant Ave. (The parking is now in the school's parking area across Plant St. under the crosstown.)
Newcomers are always welcome in this group so please invite a friend to join us.
Sandwiches will be provided for $5.00 per person.
Please e-mail mkconstcorp.com or phone Marie @ 831-4696 if you and a friend plan to attend, and let us know if you would like to participate in lunch so we order the correct number of sandwiches.
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)

| Friday, December 2
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
7:00 PM
At the home of Ron & Mary Hulse
4912 Lyford Cay Road
Bring an hors d'oeuvre and the beverage of your choosing. Please RSVP to Mary Hulse at 813.286.1121 by November 30.
 | Sunday, December 4
7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Church)
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Church) Children's Chapel (Parish Hall)
10:15 AM | Sunday School
0-2 year olds - Nursery w/ babysitters
3-4 year olds - Room 123 5-6 year olds - Room 124 2nd-3rd grade - Room 128 4th -5th grade - Room 126 aka "THE 45 CLUB" 6th, 7th & 8th grade - downstairs Discovery house 9th,10th, 11th & 12th - upstairs Discovery House Pageant Rehearsal - Church Adult Education The Round Table - Meets in the Library F.A.T.H.E.R.S. - Meets in the Headmaster's Office
The Parents' Ministry - Meets in the Lowry Room
The Forum - Meets in the Parish Hall
The Forum: Outreach Committee members will be introducing the parish to the ministries supported by St. John's under the Outreach and Evangelism Commission. Sunday's topic is Prison Ministries, specifically Angel Tree and Kairos. Please join us to hear from fellow parishioners, find out what we do and what you can do to continue to support us.
Kairos Prison Ministry International includes a body of ministries worldwide addressing the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women and children, and their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Angel Tree connects incarcerated parents with children through the delivery of gifts at Christmas.
10:15 AM- 11:05 AM
| C hildren's Christmas Eve Pageant
Rehearsals for this beloved annual tradition continue.
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
| The Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Church)
5:00 PM
| A Service of Advent Lessons and Carols
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
| The Middle School Youth Group will meet at 5pm this Sunday for the lessons and carols service. Dinner and games will follow. Pick up will be in front of the church at 7pm.
 | Monday, December 5
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Tuesday, December 6
6:45 AM - 8:00 AM
Contemporary Women's Bible Study

The fall session of the Contemporary Women's Bible Study (CWBS) began on Tuesday, September 27th with the Gospel of John, and will run through the middle of March when we will begin a study of the book of Isaiah. Although we will be using the Interpretation Bible Studies series, we will be reading all of the chapters, not just those covered in the study guides.
All women of St. John's (and their friends) are invited to join this dynamic group for prayer, lively discussion, faith and fellowship. After a light breakfast, scripture and selected topics of interest are explored in new and creative ways, led by rotating facilitators. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, appreciate the big picture or delight in detail, this fresh approach to Bible study offers interesting and inspiring insights for everyone as we ponder its meaning for our lives.
If you are new to CWBS and do not have an entry code for the Middle School, contact Kathleen Moore at 813.221.6253 or kathleenmarymoore@gmail.com. We will need to make arrangements for someone to meet you and show you how to get into the building.
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Thursday, December 8
7:00 PM
| F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Couples Christmas Dinner
Dads, you and your spouse are invited to join us for dinner at the restaurant Cheap! in SoHo to celebrate the Christmas season.
If you would like to be a part of the dinner please email Lionel Lowry at lionel@firsthook.com .
(Fathers Accountable To Healthy Enduring Relationships & Spirituality.) |
 | Saturday, December 10
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
| Angel Tree Party and Christmas Pageant
We will serve a light breakfast as guests arrive and have their photo taken with St. Nick. Children will make Christmas ornaments and cards for their families.
At 11:00 we will present our Christmas pageant followed by lunch and DJ party in the Parish Hall. Before they leave, each family will receive their gifts and a Christmas dinner to take home for the holiday.
 | Friday, December 16
7:30 PM
Community Carol Sing-A-Long
Come to a Community Carol Sing-A-Long at 7:30 PM on Friday, December 16. We will gather in front of the atrium entrance to St Mark's on Cain Road and sing under the stars, accompanied by instrumentalists. The choir is inviting all of our neighbors from surrounding communities, their families and friends, and the congregation to make this a joyful evening of Christmas Carol singing. We will have song sheets, cookies and hot chocolate. Follow the luminarias to parking and singing, and share the spirit of Christmas with our community.
 | Sunday, December 18
10:45 AM
| Please Join us for The Orleanians 20's/30's Next Event: December 18th! After the Parish Breakfast at 10:15, simply waltz a block over to the Sansone home for our final event of 2011. We will have a bounce house for the kids to thoroughly exhaust themselves so all parents can get a proper nap out of them in the afternoon - you're welcome in advance. Snacks and drinks for kids and adults will be provided.
Contact Dax Nelson (494-0125 or dnelson@daxnelsonlaw.com) or Crystal Madani (310-9478 or crystal-madani@hotmail.com ) for more information. Please indicate on your RSVP how many kids, if any, are included in your reply.