Weekly E-News and Events from the Southeastern Iowa Synod

Southeastern Iowa Synod Weekly E-News 

November 24, 2011  

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In This Issue 

 Thanksgiving Blessings

Learning Opportunities

Synod Calendar

November 24 and 25

Synod Center for Ministry
Observance of Thanksgiving  


December 10

Synod Council Meeting
9 am
Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA   


December 13
Conference Deans' Meeting
10 am
Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA 


December 15
Commission for
Global Mission

10 am
Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA 


December 16 

9 am
Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA   

December 26 and 27

Synod Center for Ministry
Observance of Christmas

 The Little Lutheran   

The Little Lutheran is a monthly (with combined May/June and July/August issues) 24-page picture book, intended for children 6

and younger.  In the December 2011 issue, kids can learn about Advent and Christmas through an advent calendar, nativity activity, and stories about the Christ child.  To learn more or to subscribe, visit: www.thelittlelutheran.org 
Quick Links
   Thanksgiving Blessings 

Easter Message 2011


Thank the Lord for all of the many ways that God works through people in
every time and place. Give thanks for the privilege of being the hands and
feet of God's mission down the street and across the world.
ELCA Prayer Ventures

The Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry staff wishes you a blessed Thanksgiving.

Learning Opportunities for All

Easter Message 2011

Wartburg Theological Seminary seeks to equip the baptized people of God for mission. Whether you serve God through your work as a teacher, social worker, homemaker, computer programmer, factory worker, youth minister, pastor, or other, you are called to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ in daily life. Check out the following learning opportunities:


Exploring Seminary: January 2 - February 10, 2012  

For all those interested in learning more about seminary study and discerning a call to public ministry. Read More 


 Financial Workshop for Clergy: February 3 or March 23, 2012 

 A workshop designed forfor rostered leaders, spouses and church treasurers to help with financial questions concerning lergy compensation, deductions, and expenses. Read More  

Youth Family Certification School: January 8 - 15, 2012 

The Certification School is for adult leaders, volunteers, clergy, parents, youth and seminary students who have a passion for forming vibrant faith among young people  Read More 



The ELCA Board of Pensions is becoming Portico Benefit Services       

 Lutheran Summer Music

We're changing our name to be clear about who we are and what we do as a separately incorporated ministry of the ELCA. We're not a board, and we don't offer a pension.

We are this church's provider of health, retirement, disability and survivor benefits and related services. We design unique benefits that invite you to live a whole, healthy life - better able to serve, for the sake of the world. Read More 



Preserve and Share Your Congregation's History 
Living Lutheran


 Lutheran Summer Music

Congregational histories take many forms, from websites to bulletin inserts to bound volumes. For those ELCA congregations struggling to compile the names and dates that mark their history, the ELCA Archives may be able to help.


Read More    


Editor's Note:  The archives for congregations in the Southeastern Iowa Synod are housed at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.